Pump Inflation /Deflation Technique
Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:02 am
From Dr. Kramer
Inflation: grip the device and control it with one hand, to stabilize it, while the other tries to inflate the bulb. Draw it down to the bottom or lowest point that the pump can go to, because it'll help you control it and get a good grip on that bulb, better than if it floats higher in the scrotum. Then, to inflate- it requires one pretty firm and quick squeeze, or "pop" to get it going, and out of the dormant state that it's in now. Maybe try squeezing slightly hard for the first pump, or quickly, and completely- to get it going. Subsequent squeezes are easier, but that first pop is hard to get sometimes. You can pump it as hard and as many times as it'll allow to get it rigid. I'll review with you.
Deflation: you'll need to really pinch that deflate button above the pump bulb, but remember it could turn or twist in any direction, so it's hard to tell until I examine you which orientation the pump is in, and where exactly that deflate button is. Feel around see if you can locate it with you fingers. It is a raised bump, it's always above the pump. It's easier to feel that bump, like a little pellet sticking out, if you draw down and pull down on the pump, because that button is always up, or above it. If you can, often you need to really squeeze that button all the way in and hold it for 5 seconds, sometimes while squeezing the penis initially to know if you've gotten the button or not. It's really more of a "pinch" that a squeeze- it takes real equal and opposite force on both sides of that pump, while pinching that deflate button, to get it all the way in. You'll feel a little hum or buzz as you get the button, because you'll feel fluid cycling back from cylinder to reservoir.
Inflation: grip the device and control it with one hand, to stabilize it, while the other tries to inflate the bulb. Draw it down to the bottom or lowest point that the pump can go to, because it'll help you control it and get a good grip on that bulb, better than if it floats higher in the scrotum. Then, to inflate- it requires one pretty firm and quick squeeze, or "pop" to get it going, and out of the dormant state that it's in now. Maybe try squeezing slightly hard for the first pump, or quickly, and completely- to get it going. Subsequent squeezes are easier, but that first pop is hard to get sometimes. You can pump it as hard and as many times as it'll allow to get it rigid. I'll review with you.
Deflation: you'll need to really pinch that deflate button above the pump bulb, but remember it could turn or twist in any direction, so it's hard to tell until I examine you which orientation the pump is in, and where exactly that deflate button is. Feel around see if you can locate it with you fingers. It is a raised bump, it's always above the pump. It's easier to feel that bump, like a little pellet sticking out, if you draw down and pull down on the pump, because that button is always up, or above it. If you can, often you need to really squeeze that button all the way in and hold it for 5 seconds, sometimes while squeezing the penis initially to know if you've gotten the button or not. It's really more of a "pinch" that a squeeze- it takes real equal and opposite force on both sides of that pump, while pinching that deflate button, to get it all the way in. You'll feel a little hum or buzz as you get the button, because you'll feel fluid cycling back from cylinder to reservoir.