I was told that "the most difficult and unpredictable " part of the implant operation involves placing the pump in the proper place in the scrotum. The peno-scrotal approach allows for better control of how and where the pump will "lie" in the scrotum; and , I am told, it also allows for more effective hiding and placing of the tubes (sometimes , I am told, the tubes can be felt during lovemaking in infrapubic installs.)
I just did a quick search on this and there is a paper discussing this topic. the key excerpt is:
".. The advantages of the penoscrotal access reported in this paper are:
– The penoscrotal approach provides an excellent exposure.
– It affords proximal crural exposure if necessary.
– Avoids dorsal nerve injury.
– Permits direct visualization of pump placement.
The disadvantage highlighted for the penoscrotal approach is that the reservoir is blindly placed into the retropubic space, which can be a problem in patients with a history of major pelvic surgery (mainly radical cystectomy). Furthermore this document reinforces the idea that revision surgery is associated with decreased outcomes and may be more challenging with the infrapubic approach.
The ISSM Consensus in Chapter 18 (8), dedicated to penile implants reports that there is no clear advantage of one type of access or other, and the choice depends on the surgeon's preference and that the literature data showed that the incidence of infection is similar between the penoscrotal and infrapubic access. ...."
There is also a statement that:
"...A very interesting study comparing penile prosthesis implant surgery before and after Expert Training with Standardized Operative Technique for residents demonstrated that after the training, penoscrotal access increased from 52.2% to 97.8% ..."
To contradict the above, there apparently was a survey of 42 patients that concluded that both groups were happy, and there was no statistical difference: "....Candela & Hellstrom presented retrospective study comparing satisfaction of the patients submitted to implantation of 3 volume inflatable penile prosthesis with penoscrotal and infrapubic access through a questionnaire sent to 86 patients. Analysis of the 42 questionnaires returned demonstrated no statistical differences in the replies of the two groups in either the factual or perceptual data (9)....."
Gromatzky C. Opinion: Why I prefer the penoscrotal access. International Brazilian Journal of Urology : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology. 2015;41(3):410-411. doi:10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2015.03.04