strongagain wrote:You got operated yesterday, how are you, went everything well? Many people here would like to hear from you. All the best, please keep us informed.
Dr Shaw says the surgery went perfectly. Early reports say 18cm x 12mm LGX with 3cm Rear Tip. I uncertain if the 3 cm rear tip is the standard rear tip or 3cm Rear Tip Extenders.
100 ml/cc reservoir in my right side. I could tell it was there without feeling for it.
I am home in bed with ice between my legs with a scrotum the size of an orange, I am told. I cannot see it.
Postop inflation at 75% reduced to between 50% and 60% 24 hour later. Doctor deflated me the same visit as removing the catheter.
Foley catheter removal burned a little, as does urination, which is inproving.
WiFi at the hospital was nil, as as cell service, so I was cut off from all but land line telephone.
Right after surgery, the tip of myu penis felt like it had been stung by a bee. Several hours later it felt like it was caught in a vice. A nurse quipped "I can't relate." I replied, "Have you ever had a mamogram?" (She was far to young to have experienced it herself, but I am confident she has heard the tales of waomen having their bosoms squished in the mammogram vice.)
The crushing feeling was a little less after Dr. Shaw deflated me to under 60%. 75% was apparently a little too much. I am trying to strike a balance between wimpy and stoic to achieve the optimal outcome.
Thanks for all good wishes. Sincerely
Losr Sheep