VegasED wrote:I have had very limited success at times long ago with a floppy penis but I would definitely call it "stuffing" and it was not very satisfying for my wife or me. I would have to have a certain amount of firmness for me to be able to finish, it would be extremely difficult with a floppy one, especially in the past 3 years. VegasED
Agreed. You can penetrate if there is sufficient lubrication, but you won't be able to finish nor she'll be able to enjoy a flobby cock. A couple of advices to you brother since your surgery is coming up:
- Please stop watching porn brother. This will destroy/distort your neurotransmitter paths. Check PEID (porn induced erectile dysfunction), there are so many credible resources in the internet on that topic.
- Focus on maximizing the size of your dick before the surgery by using VED and/or injection.
- Keep in mind that women (and yourself) will enjoy a hard dick, so focus on the future brother
. Once you get your implant, a flobby deck with be a distant fading memory.
All the best. You and your partner are going to enjoy the implant.