oldbeek wrote:.HomeTeam wrote:Larry10625 wrote:
Have you been cycling twice a day for 30 minutes? Are you using the VED and the implant at the same time for 30 minutes? Have you been gently tugging your testicles down? Try a nice tub of hot water... it is relaxing and effective. You had one of the best implant surgeons so give it some more time. I didn't start noticing real changes in size for 6 months.
Thanks Larry! Honestly, I've been cycling only once a day for about 30 minutes but then I get frustrated because it looks smaller than I remember so I just stop. But you guys and DougA really encourage me so, I'll continue on. Question: Is your glans getting fully engorged?
My glans engorge easier after a year. I had RP with all nerves removed. They engorge easily when aroused by wife or just sitting in hot tub does the job.
Use the VED, you won't believe the difference.