My pump works again.

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Re: My pump works again.

Postby oneperson » Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:54 am

Other thing I have notice since the pump works again, is that, before the failure, I needed 20-25 good pumps to fill the cylinders to the point of pain. After a while, 5 minutes or so, the pain reduced and I was able to give 2 or 3 pumps more. Then, pain returned. The dick measured 9,9 cm long at the point of max pain, after those 2 or 3 aditional pumps.

Now, I get the same, but instead of 20-25 good pumps, with 15 or 16 not so good pumps. Now, pump is harder to press, and it is not so easy get a full pump, so I stop pressing before the walls touch. And despite the not so full pumps, I get the same results with less than before.

Maybe the pump was not working correctly before, and the jam and unjam have repaired? I don't know, it is very strange.

When I was in queue for surgery, I didn't know this forum, but I read here and there that pump is hard at the begining, difficult to press, and with time it softens and pumping becomes easier. When I was activated, I realized that only 1 of each 5 pumps was difficult to me, the rest was very easy and soft. Now, it is not very hard or very difficult to press, but definlitely much more difficult and hard than before the failure, and seeing the results of each pump, also much more efficient.
Implanted September 12nd 2019. Coloplast Titan OTR 20 cm + 1 cm RTE. Dr Cruz (Spain). Liver transplanted. Born in 1967. ED since 24 in different degrees. Pills stopped working in March 2019. Injections caused much pain.

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