Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

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Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby savagepresto » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:13 am

Hi Guys, I have been paralyzed from the waist down since 1989. I have been very successful in dealing with ED since then. Viagra used to work great, but I switched to 14 units of trimix years ago when I got married. These erections were okay, but I never realized the full potential of the injections. I have been divorced for two years now and now back on the romantic scene. I have been dating the extra hot Kindergarten Teacher of my Twins for a while now (on the down low) but have been emotionally crushed as I can't maintain an erection for the job :o ! Viagra 100 no longer works, Cialis 20 does not work, nor does my fresh trimix. I have been increasing my dosage and was as high as 45 units yesterday. It is weird but the injections work from time to time with the best dose being 27 units. The more I increase the dose the less it seems to work. I plump it up to find the CC, withdraw the plunger to see blood, then slowly inject. I work the med in and provide plent of stimulation but only reach about 70% of my known hardness. I know I really rolled the dice but yesterday when I had her over, I injected 45 units and after an hour of only 50% hardness out of desperation, I injected 25 more units into the other side. I still failed and my self esteem is in the gutter! I have an appointment next week with my under experienced Uro, but I am hoping to gain from your experiences and knowledge before I even go in.
Thank you for any suggestions or advice.

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby tankerman777 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:35 pm

Ok I have a few idea's, are you injecting toward the base of your penis and are you injecting at the 1 oclock or 11 oclock position? and I would not plump before you inject if it dos'nt work as that can cause the meds to rush out with the blood try injection when your penis is in the flocid state, if you inject at the 1 or 11 oclock positions at 90 degrees you are less likley to miss the cc and less likeley to go through and out the other side, be carful not to inject to much as you might be just missing the cc about 75% and when you get the meds to enter the cc 100% you might find yourself in the ER looking for one of those pretty nurses to relieve the boner LOL I really hope to info is helpful to you please keep us up dated on your progress take care.
I am 49 years old have suffered from ED all my life. I have used pills and injections, I have had enough of all of that. I went and got an implant AMS700CX 9/4/13 so far I have no regrets. I LOVE THIS THING IT IS GREAT NO MORE ED WHOOHOO!!!!!.

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby savagepresto » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:39 pm

Thank you for the ideas. I am injecting toward the base of the penis and around the 10 or 11 o'clock position. So, the 90 degree part, I am pretty sure it is 90. I withdraw a little blood first, to make sure as I have read that is a higher percentage shot. I think that you are on to something with the plump or erect penis losing the med when the blood exits. Something else I have been doing is injecting, massage the meds in but not over stimulating, then waiting about 15-30 minutes before applying stimulation. I find that I get my normal (pre injection) erection but if I stop stimulating, then it goes down. This must be when I am losing everything. What do you guys do in regard to a timeline from the time you first inject for success?
I suppose I had the idea that the meds somehow bind to the blood in the CC and prevents it from exiting the CC. I have read that some guys recommend using a band at the base to keep the blood in the penis. I am curious how this would allow for the med to be distributed from one side of the penis, down into the pelvis area and to the other side?

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby antelope » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:19 pm

I have learned to inject, then apply manual stimulation (stroking using lube) for 10-15 minutes before proceeding. The manual stimulation almost never fails to give me a blue veiner. I've also found that virtually any other stimulation during the manual part is helpful.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby dtwarren1942 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:19 pm

I take 10 mg of Cials on a daily basis, primarily to aid in getting and maintaining an erection on non Trimix days. I also use 50 mg of Viagra on non Trimix days and occasionally I have also injected my normal dose of Trimix when the Viagra was not getting any results. I have not experienced any unusual side effects on the few occasions I was working on Cialis, Viagra, and Trimix at the same time. Not recommending it but you may want to try using Trimix and your Viagra at the same time to see what happens. Just a thought.
Age 82
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby JimStars » Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:15 am


Way to try try try (and try and try) to do right by that KG Teacher. We are rooting for you for success.

You did a nice thorough job of describing what worked and what doesn't work now. Unfortunately it looks like you've used all the tricks in your bag.

I am wondering if there's a problem with blood flow? Just sayin' because Trimix, Viagra and Cialis have all let you down. ED is a bellweather indicator for high blood pressure and heart or circulation issues. And for Trimix especially, you only need good flow. For Viagra and Cialis you need the nerves working and good flow. Maybe get a wrist BP Monitor and check it. And check especially while imagining getting ready to do your KG gal. See if the heart rate is zooming (adrenaline) or BP is rising a lot (restricted flow). Fun stuff.

On the Trimix shots protocols, my view is, the simpler the better since Trimix can be complicated enough just getting the shot in there. A little plumping is OK but not with a pump -- that just adds complexity. After injecting I never massage, I simply make a ring/constriction around the base using two or three fingers (while also holding the alcohol patch over the injection spot) to try to hold in the blood flow (and the Juice). Then I just kind of waggle the shaft like a baseball bat. Pretty soon it looks just like a nice bat and I am ready to hit one out of the park.

Keep it simple, yes?

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby savagepresto » Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:55 pm

Thanks everyone, my anxiety level is through the roof about my sixth attempt tonight. So far it has been two night attempts, and two morning attempts, and an afternoon attempt. I think I know the answer to my problem and it was indeed a simple mistake. Following injection I wasn't providing stimulation until the meds had already been leaving my penis. So tonight I am going to inject then waggle /stimulate right away to keep the meds in. If a full erection is achieved can I expect it to stay hard without stimulation until the juice wears off? Or is continued attention needed?

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby tankerman777 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:20 pm

Hi, make sure you feel for the cc before you inject thats what I do it really helps me inject in the cc and with me the erection last about two hours with just very little stimulation and for me it is better to not plump up the penis before injection,,,,,,, and just relax and be calm,,, and like I said before inject between 1030&1100 on one side and 130&200 on the other that way you are les likely to pass thrugh the cc and more likely to inject right where you need to be I really hope you are extremely succesful tonight as I have been in your shoes before and the tri mix has brought JR back into the game full speed ahead no pun. Again just relax and let the meds do there thing ,,, let us know what happenes and again ggggoooooooodddddddd :D
I am 49 years old have suffered from ED all my life. I have used pills and injections, I have had enough of all of that. I went and got an implant AMS700CX 9/4/13 so far I have no regrets. I LOVE THIS THING IT IS GREAT NO MORE ED WHOOHOO!!!!!.

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby JimStars » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:29 am


So tonight I am going to inject then waggle /stimulate right away to keep the meds in. If a full erection is achieved can I expect it to stay hard without stimulation until the juice wears off? Or is continued attention needed?

About the 'stay hard without stimulation', well, that what's up with that? Isn't KGTeacher going to be providing continuous stim the whole time? Also, there's no reason why you can't test out your(my!) waggle theory ahead of time and see how it goes. But if successful it might also just mean your anxiety level (adrenaline) was way lowered and it did not kill the erection. I know from experience that if I am highway driving, or mowing the lawn, kayaking or hiking it'll knock down even the hardest Trimix Big E sooner than normal simply because heart rate goes up and adrenline kicks in.

So keep calm, breath normal and get that Zen state of mind ...

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Need help bangin my Kids' Kindergarten Teacher

Postby savagepresto » Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:15 pm

Yippeee Yahooo! Sound the trunpets and light the fireworks, I was successful!!! After a practice round on Friday night I went to her place on Saturday evening with a pre filled syringe on ice in my little pouch. After a couple beers to knock the edge off, we decided to head to bed. I simply slipped into the restroom, removed my juice so it could come to room temp while I pissed and brushed my teeth. I then plumped a slight bit in order to find the cc then injected accordingly about an inch to an inch an a half on the right side, and about 11:00. I must say that it took sticking the needle in five times before I was able to pull a little blood into the syringe. Immediately following the injection I applied pressure and waggled for only a couple minutes before heading straight to the bed and getting busy. While in bed I was kissing on her etc. but my right hand never left my member. Before I knew it I was ready to rock and stayed ready to rock for 2 1/2 hours. She is pretty much a hot nympho and she had finally had enough. She had no idea that I had a little extra support and she probably would'nt care considering the supernatural performance. Thank you all so much for helping me problem solve my embarrassing moments.

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