Agfa13- My journal, 3-piece, then 1-piece, back to 3-piece.

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Waynetho » Tue Feb 18, 2020 10:58 pm

Crtrader wrote:We’re you cut in the before and then uncut after the implant? Amazing!

@Crtrader, I think he had a semi in the before picture. He has mentioned many times in the past that he's uncut and has a very sensitive tip.
64yo, married 43 yrs. Urolift (x4) 8/12/19. AMS 700CX 15cm (no RTE) penoscrotal 10/28/19, Frisco, TX. PD 1995/ED 2011. Cialis helped but hinged. (1995)L:6/G:5.5+, (2019)Pre-op L:5/G:4.5, (2/2020)L:6.0/G:5.0

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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Agfa13 » Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:38 pm

Barry, the Tactra does stick out, even now. I have noticed that, as before, my foreskin just feels better when over my dick head. This only sticks out when standing up. I am uncut, but sometimes I like to pull the foreskin back, as my picture shows:) The sticking out is a sticking point for me (no pun) because the amount I stick out with is just enough that any clothing I wear rubs up against my dickhead, and eventually, rolls back my foreskin.
Hope all went well with your surgery, Crtrader.

I have figured this Tactra out. I cannot wear tighty whiteys at this point. I have to wear boxer briefs. My dick hangs to the left. If I move it to the right, just bugs me. The 'cupping' of the Tightey Whiteys pulls down on my dick and makes it uncomfortable. The boxer briefs let it hang.
Come March 2nd, I get my 3rd very expensive toy implanted:). My friend, who took care of me way back when I started this journey, knows at least I will be walking around mostly nude the 1st couple of days. Looking back on my AMS implant, the sensitivity will be a bear, not to mention the perineum area. I could not sit down properly, had to sit on the edge of the seat, on the edge of my ass! I will be lying on my back, mostly, for the 1st 2 days, with my dick pointing to my belly button. If I remember correctly, the instructions wanted me to have me dick pointing to my belly button for at least 2 days, then afterwards just let it hang:).
I have lots of notes I will be re-reading after the implant.


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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Crtrader » Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:59 pm

Thanks AG. BTW- I apologize for my stupid comment- I meant no disrespect.

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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Agfa13 » Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:10 pm

No apologies necessary:)! We are all different in one way or another. My brain sometimes goes faster than my typing, and what I end up writing does not make sense, but I just move on. So many posts, hurts my brain, lol. Besides, you are doing your thing to help others out and I appreciate it....hey, didn't you just have surgery this AM?

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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Agfa13 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 6:52 pm

I whacked off a little while ago, and I noticed that lately, approx. 2 weeks, that my orgasms are not as strong, and by that I mean the orgasm feeling itself. On top of this, I have also noticed that I cum after I orgasm, not during, like most guys do. Can anyone shed some light?
I bring this up here because I have surgery March 2, and don't know if I should bring this up to Dr's attention (which one), or should I just wait it out until after the new dust settles with 3-piece implant.

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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Agfa13 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:20 pm happened again. I usually feel this way when I try to edge, and call it a lousy orgasm when I finally do orgasm. Crap! I lost inches, now I am losing feeling. This whole process is really becoming a downer.

Moving on...what should I ask Dr. Sklar about this surgery? What can I get away with to not piss him off before surgery? The only thing I can think of is 'what is the game plan'? What is to be implanted? Size?
Ag, 58, Maryland
Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail :lol: :D

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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Waynetho » Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:33 pm

Agfa13 wrote:Moving on...what should I ask Dr. Sklar about this surgery? What can I get away with to not piss him off before surgery? The only thing I can think of is 'what is the game plan'? What is to be implanted? Size?

As I mentioned the other day on our call, I would recommend discussing with Dr. Sklar that if for some reason the stretch is longer than the current 4" once the Tactra comes out (might only be short due to adhesion to the implant), to install the Titan as originally planned but if you stay near 4" for the stretch, you should get an LGX to give you the hope of possibly stretching what you've got to something longer.
64yo, married 43 yrs. Urolift (x4) 8/12/19. AMS 700CX 15cm (no RTE) penoscrotal 10/28/19, Frisco, TX. PD 1995/ED 2011. Cialis helped but hinged. (1995)L:6/G:5.5+, (2019)Pre-op L:5/G:4.5, (2/2020)L:6.0/G:5.0

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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Agfa13 » Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:09 pm

Well, it happened again ('meh' climax) and I emailed Dr. Sklar about it, just in case he needed this information before my surgery next week (and it was bugging the crap out of me).
I also emailed him to tell him that I hope the 3 months of infection were a dream and that I have my length and girth back, but if not, to put in an AMS LGX so I can at least get some length to my 4" dick!

I have been feeling these pains in my dick and they really hurt. They last a couple of seconds, and its usually when I am just sitting around. Don't know if its because I have handled my dick, or its part of the settling process. Either way, I will keep track of these pains because I don't think I should be feeling them after all this time.

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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Waynetho » Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:49 pm

Agfa13, I get them too (pains) and I call them twinges. They occur out of the blue and usually last only a second or two, not more than 20-30 seconds. Sometimes I'll get the same pain several times in the same place and sometimes the pain moves around a little (here for a few seconds, gone for a while, over there in a minute or two).
64yo, married 43 yrs. Urolift (x4) 8/12/19. AMS 700CX 15cm (no RTE) penoscrotal 10/28/19, Frisco, TX. PD 1995/ED 2011. Cialis helped but hinged. (1995)L:6/G:5.5+, (2019)Pre-op L:5/G:4.5, (2/2020)L:6.0/G:5.0

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Re: Agfa13- My Journal, malleable implant for now

Postby Agfa13 » Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:58 pm

Cool, so its not just me...and here I thought I was special, lol. Will keep that in mind when I get switched out.


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