Waynetho wrote:To be clear, I'm not talking about clear-cutting the forest but setting up a nice area from the base to the circumcision scar without hair. The hair literally grows right up to the scar (i.e., up to the skin that would have been inside the foreskin if I had one). I was circumcised as an infant (2-3 days old). The skin from my glans to the scar is clear of hair but past the scar there is hair, which gets thicker as it gets closer to the base. I can shave my pubes with no problem and don't mind the occasional ingrown hair but when I get ingrown hairs and white blisters on the top of my dick though, that $#!t's gotta go.
OK, just down the shaft, huh? I have lots of hair down my shaft, some hairs grow long too.
I've had those ingrown hairs on my body, thankfully none on my shaft like you.
My thought is even after the laser removal will some of those now unseen ingrown hairs pop up afterwards?