A disappointing setback

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Re: A disappointing setback

Postby OregonStrong » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:45 am

Charlie2019 wrote:
OregonStrong wrote:
Larryb8x8 wrote:Wrong wrong wrong you have testicular implants they will do anything for you. play your I card say you want to complete transexual change and I guarantee they'll be paying for your implant. Nothing against transsexual people but insurance people will jump right now because of the situation in America

I know you're being funny, but I am not going to be a dishonest person and lie about conditions to get things approved, even if others do it all the time, just would never feel right about myself doing something like that. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we can come up with some type of workaround. I do have a flexible spending account through work, but that is only going to get me up to $2700 total (max yearly contribution I can have by law), and I've already spent it for the year on other medical expenses, so would have to wait until next year to be able to use it again, but that barely eats into the total cost of this procedure.

I wonder if you could purchase a rider for your works insurance?

This is an old thread, and I obviously already had the surgery done about 7 weeks ago with Dr. Kramer, but my insurance company ended up completely useless in the whole process, paid 100% out of pocket.
50 yrs old. E.D. issues started around age 35, combo venous leak/testicular failure. Bilateral testicular implants for severely atrophic testes. Implanted 6/11/20 Dr. Kramer LGX 21cm + 1.


Re: A disappointing setback

Postby Charlie2019 » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:19 am

OregonStrong wrote:
Charlie2019 wrote:
OregonStrong wrote:
I know you're being funny, but I am not going to be a dishonest person and lie about conditions to get things approved, even if others do it all the time, just would never feel right about myself doing something like that. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we can come up with some type of workaround. I do have a flexible spending account through work, but that is only going to get me up to $2700 total (max yearly contribution I can have by law), and I've already spent it for the year on other medical expenses, so would have to wait until next year to be able to use it again, but that barely eats into the total cost of this procedure.

I wonder if you could purchase a rider for your works insurance?

This is an old thread, and I obviously already had the surgery done about 7 weeks ago with Dr. Kramer, but my insurance company ended up completely useless in the whole process, paid 100% out of pocket.

That's too bad my friend. I fucking HATE insurance companies. They are nothing more than legal extortion. Thank god I'm Canadian. It not only cost me nothing but I was able to write off the hotel rooms for appointments and surgery, parking, mileage and meals taken on the road. :)

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