Unless something has changed recently, medicare DOES NOT cover Trimix or other injectable medications for ED. Mind you, they cover the pills, VED's and implants. I have fought with them about the injectables and they say the Trimix and other injectables "are not medically necessary"! Go figure! You start out with the pills then progress to the pumps. Once they are no longer working, under medicare, the next step would be an implant with a hefty copay. Why medicare will not allow the injections between the pump and implant is a mystery to me. Seems like the injectables would be a lot cheaper over time than the implants.
You will read here on this forum a large range of costs for trimix and other injectables. Other than greed by those who sell the injectables I don't understand why the cost is so high. Using myself as an example, I am a veteran and as such, I get my trimix through a compounding pharmacy in Los Angeles. I give them my RX and they process it through Express Scripts which is the contracted pharmacy for Tricare, a military insurance program. I get 10ml of trimix for $33.00 and I pay an additional $10 for overnight delivery for a total of $43.00. If I can get my injectable for that price and they are still making a profit, there is no excuse for other providers to charge such high prices other than the fact that they know men with ED need the item and they want to get rich off the medical issue.
Trimix covered by Medicare?
- flyingduck2019
- Posts: 410
- Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2019 3:15 pm
- Location: Hemet, California
Re: Trimix covered by Medicare?
Phil, 75, married 54 years, ED started about 9 years ago. After viagra and cialis and pumping have found Trimix. Use 10 units injected with a partial erection. 31g-5/16" or 31g 1/2"needle. 10-1-30 Wife likes it too
- limpbiscuit
- Posts: 59
- Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:45 pm
- Location: Washington State
Re: Trimix covered by Medicare?
Up to this point my tadalafil 4 mg daily has not been covered by Medicare. I'm not expecting that the tri-mix and supplies will be either.
prostate cancer diagnosed 2015, brachytherapy 2017 to good result, heart attack 2018, recovered, taking a butt-load of cardiac meds. married 50 years, father and grandfather,
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