Txagq8 wrote:Baseball fan: just noticed in your signature block you’re in Texas. What part? BTW if I remember correctly the doc in Austin who did mine has a reasonably decent cash price for folks with insurance problems. He isn’t high volume Eid or Kramer but he does 2 or 3 a week for last 8 years or so thus he probably knows what he is doing.
Gt: strangely enough I’m a ‘56 model also. Turn 65 next month so its Medicare time. My supplemental covers implants. So revisions will be no out of pocket. Getting old may suck but not totally.
I'm guessing that you have Tricare. My Legacy insurance is from the other side of the same employer but thru Aetna. Btw, I'd be inclined to say that your surgeon qualifies as a high volume guy. I think the forum generally starts high volume at 100 to 150 a year. At 2+ a week I think he makes the cut.
I would suggest that one of the younger guys start a new thread. Title it whatever he wants but so we can focus on some ideas on helping them swing the implant costs. $25k for someone under 30 is a pretty steep wall to be looking at. Maybe some advice on how to maneuver thru the surgeon selection process. Maybe a few other topics that they are interested in.
I'm thinking that perhaps we might be quick to dismiss some of their fears. Not saying that a scared guy will listen to some geezer logic. But if the words don't get said then we didn't do right by them. It's up to them to act on it.
So which you guys wants to step up & start the topic?