IPP erection vs Natural erection
I guess I must be weird. There have been many opinions on Franktalk on how much better natural erections are over those with IPP. I now have an IPP. If I could go back in the time of my youth, with my current knowledge, and had a choice , natural or IPP ( and IPPs would last indefinately, no revisions necessary), I would prefer the IPP. Here is my reasoning:
1. The pleasurable sensations are exactly the same
2. Orgasm is exactly the same
3. Ejaculation is the same
4. For my younger self the IPP offers no fear of embarrassing, unintended , and inappropriate erections . I kept my hands in my pocket more than I wanted
5. No fear of early climax. It is a matter of courtesy to have the female climax first. This was difficult to do in my earlier years. Hell, this was very hard to do and interfered with my enjoyment of the encounter somewhat. It also added no small amount of fear and performance anxiety. Now with the IPP, my wife can take as much time as necessary to climax. Female dominate position allowing bot vaginal and clitoral stimulation is a big help
6. According to Kinsey Institute “ on average, women said they reach orgasm 31-40% of the time ...with intercourse.
7. The IPP offers 100 percent reliability. I can always be of service. I could be unconscious and still satisfy
8. The IPP makes my “package seem bigger”
9. The IPP made me a “shower” I was a grower
10. Ask me what my “Super Power” is ….
11. Many times I have read men saying “My partner likes to know that she is attractive enough to cause the erection. Men are horny they have been known to get aroused by and have sex with sheep. Realistically, for a healthy sex deprived male it doesn't take much to cause an erection. Hell in a healthy male they get multiple nightly erection. I don't want to offend anyone: giving a healthy horny male an erection is not a big accomplishment
12. An IPP and a vasectomy should be some of the makings for a woman's dream lover
Big Minus for Implant is the fact that they wear out and need to be replaced. I was impotent and old it didn't take much brain power to choose an implant. Choosing a surgeon was the biggest issue.
I send this to encourage some debate. This is only my opinion. I honor all opinions on Franktalk.
IPP erections versus Natural erections
IPP erections versus Natural erections
Gene308 married 43 years AMS 700 CX 21cm+2cm Implanted 10/04/2018 Dr James Hotaling (surgeon) and Mariah McCafferty, (Surgical Nurse and AMS rep) , University of Utah
Re: IPP erections versus Natural erections
Great Gene! However, I think you left out one positive result and that is how an implant affects a man psychologically. I know my confidence, self esteem and self image improved dramatically. IPP makes you feel like a real stud. Steve
20 years of severe Peyronie's plaque, 90 curve, hinging and ED. Cost me 1.5" L and 1" G.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.
Re: IPP erections versus Natural erections
Great point SteveSW. I forgot how miserable I was before the implant
Gene308 married 43 years AMS 700 CX 21cm+2cm Implanted 10/04/2018 Dr James Hotaling (surgeon) and Mariah McCafferty, (Surgical Nurse and AMS rep) , University of Utah
Re: IPP erections versus Natural erections
Gene308, I've wondered about the same thing. Seems like the same tissue gets rubbed the same way so the results should be very similar.
I have said before concerning ED that any cancer or maybe peyronies could change the picture. I wonder if that can explain the different opinions?
I have said before concerning ED that any cancer or maybe peyronies could change the picture. I wonder if that can explain the different opinions?
69yo, HBP @ 40, high triglycerides @ 45. Phimosis @ 57. Type 2 @ 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months.
Re: IPP erections versus Natural erections
It sure could explain it Gt1956
Gene308 married 43 years AMS 700 CX 21cm+2cm Implanted 10/04/2018 Dr James Hotaling (surgeon) and Mariah McCafferty, (Surgical Nurse and AMS rep) , University of Utah
Re: IPP erections versus Natural erections
I don't know if this is typical of Peyronie's or not, but the resulting ED and lack of natural erections over the years gradually lessened the sensitivity of my penis and made reaching orgasm through penetration, when/if the drugs worked impossible. It takes aggressive use of a stroker or fancy vibrator to get me off. Manual masturbation will not get me off. So yes, Peyronie's certainly changed my picture.
20 years of severe Peyronie's plaque, 90 curve, hinging and ED. Cost me 1.5" L and 1" G.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.
Re: IPP erections versus Natural erections
Gene - You make an excellent point there with #11 on your list. Was just discussing this topic with my wife - who agrees. For women who seem to be fixated on their ability or inability to cause a man's erection, and their dissatisfaction if an IPP is responsible for an erection versus their "charms"... It would be helpful for them to understand that ED is a disease and it's not all about them. You make a great point that, causing a healthy male to get an erection is no major accomplishment. A light breeze flowing in the right direction can do it. Or the rope in gym class...
Bottom line is a man with ED can be plenty turned on but still not able to perform. With ED the problem is with him, not her.

55 yo w 20 yrs of worsening ED. VL on US. Tried all PDE5-Is w decreasing efficacy. No longer tolerating SEs from meds. INJs did not work out well for me. Now sched for IPP w Dr. Eid in 12/2023.
Re: IPP erections versus Natural erections
Very well put RoninRiff. Seems you have an understanding wife
Gene308 married 43 years AMS 700 CX 21cm+2cm Implanted 10/04/2018 Dr James Hotaling (surgeon) and Mariah McCafferty, (Surgical Nurse and AMS rep) , University of Utah
Re: IPP erections versus Natural erections
Gene I agree totally. in most every area IPP is far superior and I for one would never go back even if they said we can make you like a 19 year old again. This is just waaaaaay better.
PC of 10 years. Tried pills, tri-mix, and muse. About to get implanted LGX. Retired S. Florida
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