Infection and complications

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Infection and complications

Postby Tmansdorfer » Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:41 pm

Yesterday I had a third surgery to get rid of an infection were they had to remove the one side implant but due to it being so infected they could not place an implant back in. Is there anyone that has had this happen were they didn’t place an implant back after an infection and then after the healing time were able to place one back in. I am scared that they won’t be able too place one and I will be left screwed up. I am depressed after these results and don’t know what too think.
39 01/24/19 USC Dr Doumanian LGX 15cm 3, lGX 18 +2, revision 6-20 18+3 pump failure, revision 8-20 left cylinder in scrotum, 1-21 removed infection switched to dr Doyle, Boyd 10.05.21 a 15+3 cx,revision 01,23,24 with switch to LGX 15+6 fat pad removal.

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Re: Infection and complications

Postby LuisFernandez » Thu Jun 24, 2021 12:21 am

Dr Clavell has a video on his channel about this. He has a great protocol IMO. He advocates that you should be using a VED EVERY DAY after your operation. That inhibits scar tissue from contracting and your penis healing in a contracted state.

I would also do traction using a suction based device and wear it all day.
Born 1986. ED. Peyronie's.
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Re: Infection and complications

Postby oldbeek » Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:18 am

I think it is standard practice to leave the implant out till the infection is gone, the reinstall another. What did your surgeon say?
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05in 2025,, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20 at Keck

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Re: Infection and complications

Postby NumbNoodle » Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:27 am here is the video from clavel yt channel. ... 6119300480 an article about an anti-scarring drug, which prevents scarring after the removal

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Re: Infection and complications

Postby Tmansdorfer » Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:54 am

Thanks guys for the info I will check it out.

Yes that is what dr Doyle told me is that it was too infected to place a new implant in because it would get reinfected. Dr Doyle and Boyd do not use the malleable from what they said. I just recollecting from my conversation with dr Karpman back in January we’re he told me that they always place a malleable in its place during the healing process because it is extremely difficult to get back in to place once there is nothing there. Looking at most of the posts were there were infection seems like they almost always place a malleable. Dr Doyle seems confident he and dr Boyd will be able to place one back in but I am just worried I will be the one they cannot fix.
39 01/24/19 USC Dr Doumanian LGX 15cm 3, lGX 18 +2, revision 6-20 18+3 pump failure, revision 8-20 left cylinder in scrotum, 1-21 removed infection switched to dr Doyle, Boyd 10.05.21 a 15+3 cx,revision 01,23,24 with switch to LGX 15+6 fat pad removal.

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Re: Infection and complications

Postby LuisFernandez » Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:47 pm

Are you doing VED every day yet?
Born 1986. ED. Peyronie's.
Considering an Implant. Consulting with Dr. Eid.
Using Cialis 10mg/day + 20mg for sex. Injections of PGE-1.
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Re: Infection and complications

Postby Tmansdorfer » Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:14 pm

I just had the last procedure on Tuesday. I have staples up my scrotum to my penis and sterie strips on the above side were they put the ipp in the good side. There is no way to do a ved as of today . I think I will need at least a little time for the incisions to heal.
39 01/24/19 USC Dr Doumanian LGX 15cm 3, lGX 18 +2, revision 6-20 18+3 pump failure, revision 8-20 left cylinder in scrotum, 1-21 removed infection switched to dr Doyle, Boyd 10.05.21 a 15+3 cx,revision 01,23,24 with switch to LGX 15+6 fat pad removal.

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Re: Infection and complications

Postby NumbNoodle » Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:37 pm

a delayed reimplantation after an infection has an average length reduction of 3.7 cm

preventative measures are very important after an infection to prevent loss of length. pls don't wait too long starting with the VED. many articles show a high dissatisfaction when men lose length. If i lose 3,7 cm i would have a micropenis, which would make me very unsatisfied.

There are some surgeons who claim to regain lost length with a surgery (Dr Rados Djinovic, Dr Egydio, and a few more....), but prevention has a much better succes-rate, less risk and is cheaper

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Re: Infection and complications

Postby LuisFernandez » Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:30 pm

Tmansdorfer wrote:I just had the last procedure on Tuesday. I have staples up my scrotum to my penis and sterie strips on the above side were they put the ipp in the good side. There is no way to do a ved as of today . I think I will need at least a little time for the incisions to heal.

There are VED that you can use without touching your scrotum. For example the Vacurect:

You might be able to get the blood flowing to the distal parts of the penis without having to tough the staples.
Born 1986. ED. Peyronie's.
Considering an Implant. Consulting with Dr. Eid.
Using Cialis 10mg/day + 20mg for sex. Injections of PGE-1.
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Re: Infection and complications

Postby oldbeek » Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:32 pm

You know Dr Boyd is the master at this. He said I would regain my length in 2 years with cycling. I had it all back in 3 months. When I went to Dr Karpman to arrange an implant because I saw his name cast around on F/T, he sent me to DrBoyd. He said Dr Boyd was the most knowledgable surgeon in this field that he knew about. He is a bit short on small talk but the does exude confidence. He loves his work.
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05in 2025,, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20 at Keck

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