I am a 31 year old male with a history of ED since 18 years old, probably only having successful penetrative sex 4 or 5 times in life. I was treated initially with sildenafil, followed by tadalafil of various dosages. These were mildly successful, but very inconsistent during intercourse, where my erections would constantly be going away and returning repeatedly based on position, etc. My previous urologist with Kaiser Permanente (which I no longer have) had recommended the use of Trimix, but after the shot I got some sort of half boner where the top of the shaft got hard as steel, but there was absolutely zero girth below it, which resulted in the thinnest erection of my life. It didn't go away after 5 hours and I needed to get it drained in the emergency room.
My hormone levels were tested, and they were normal. I sometimes wake up with morning wood, and from time to time I can achieve a solid erection through masturbation. Still, if I attempt penetrative sex, it's only successful after a heavy dose of Viagra and I have a couple of minutes in specific positions before losing the boner, no matter how horny I am.
Additionally, I had a vasectomy (after pregnancy scare with one of few successful attempts at intercourse) which resulted in a hydrocele developing around my right testicle that hasn't gone away in over a year, and previously had bilateral fasciotomy for chronic exertional compartment syndrome that resulted in my legs and penis going numb when sitting at certain angles (possibly nerve damage?).
I'm split on whether to proceed toward an implant though. On the one hand, it seems like 31 is too young to get it since most things I read online talk about getting it qualified through Medicare. On the other, it seems like such a waste not being able to have sex like I want. I bartend at a packed nightclub and I can't even take advantage of all the opportunities that present themselves because I know I'll be humiliated.
Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
- Posts: 68
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:13 pm
Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
Bio: 33-year-old prior sufferer of organic ED.
Infrapubic method
(2/22): AMS 700LGX 15cm + 5cm rte. 65ml res.
(9/23): AMS 700CX 18cm + 4cm rte. 75ml res.
Implant Specialists: Dr Jeffrey Loh-Doyle and Dr Stuart Boyd at Keck USC
Infrapubic method
(2/22): AMS 700LGX 15cm + 5cm rte. 65ml res.
(9/23): AMS 700CX 18cm + 4cm rte. 75ml res.
Implant Specialists: Dr Jeffrey Loh-Doyle and Dr Stuart Boyd at Keck USC
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
I am in my early 50’s and other methods have not worked for me so I am scheduling my surgery. I like you put it off because mentally I didn’t want to go that route. But at the end of the day, if it is not working and an implant will make it work for you, why not? You answered your own question in your last sentence. If I were 31 and had that much opportunity, I would be at the your doctors Monday morning. Why miss more time? If you read other posts on here you will find very few who regret having it done, most say they wish they would have done it sooner. I have not had the surgery yet, but now feel that way myself. I have struggling for years and missed lots of great sex. I would not have needed to.
Age 54, venous leak and some scarring, tried daily/occasional Cialis for awhile then a few months various doses of tri/quad mix. Either helped and would produce 50-60%.erections, but never really full. Implanted 1/20/22 26cm” Titan- Dr. Hakky
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
Hi Blank,
I see that this is your first post, and I am not sure how long you have been reading other posts on the site, I still recommend you to look for other options. I know that you tried pills, injections etc. However, there are other pills you can try. For example, udenafil, verdanafil etc. Try cialis one more time because it has a very late kick in time from person to person. I know you had a bad experience with the injections, but give it a try with a different dose so you do not have to end up visiting the ER. There are so many success stories with injections on the site.
I am 36, and I have no desire to get a implant because of the revisions mainly. I am also in a relationship and circumstances that I can adjust and find the best time to have sex so that I do not feel the miserable effects of inconsistency of the pills.
Good luck and stay positive.
I see that this is your first post, and I am not sure how long you have been reading other posts on the site, I still recommend you to look for other options. I know that you tried pills, injections etc. However, there are other pills you can try. For example, udenafil, verdanafil etc. Try cialis one more time because it has a very late kick in time from person to person. I know you had a bad experience with the injections, but give it a try with a different dose so you do not have to end up visiting the ER. There are so many success stories with injections on the site.
I am 36, and I have no desire to get a implant because of the revisions mainly. I am also in a relationship and circumstances that I can adjust and find the best time to have sex so that I do not feel the miserable effects of inconsistency of the pills.
Good luck and stay positive.
- Posts: 244
- Joined: Wed May 19, 2021 4:25 pm
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
I am 36. I am recently implanted and 10 years ago, I never would've imagined that.
I researched and experimented for 2 years prior to surgery. I talked to different surgeons, I read scientific papers, I spoke to probably a hundred implanted guys of all ages. In the end, I took the plunge after having tests that showed I had significant damage and things like trimix simply weren't an option for me due to my history of priaprism/damage/hospitalization. I am 10 days post-op. I freaked out the day after. I feel much better now about my decision. It's a risk. But I didn't want to spend the rest of my life alone, embarrassed, and feeling like I had to put up with way too much shit from women who would try to leverage this against me.
I recommend you get a sonogram, consult with different surgeons and get some solid, expert opinions- not your average urologist who is basically useless here. and experiment with different drugs (Muse), wave therapy, talk therapy, yoga, diet, cardio, etc.
I personally do not look forward to the revision surgeries, but God willing, if this thing lasts for 10 years, I'll have not spent my remaining thirties and forties losing out on finding the right woman, making a family, and having fun.It's a small price to pay if everything works out. Life's too short to suffer forever with ED. Veinous leaks happen. In my case, an injury put me over the top. Shit happens. But what's clear is that you do deserve a contended sex life. Best of luck.
I researched and experimented for 2 years prior to surgery. I talked to different surgeons, I read scientific papers, I spoke to probably a hundred implanted guys of all ages. In the end, I took the plunge after having tests that showed I had significant damage and things like trimix simply weren't an option for me due to my history of priaprism/damage/hospitalization. I am 10 days post-op. I freaked out the day after. I feel much better now about my decision. It's a risk. But I didn't want to spend the rest of my life alone, embarrassed, and feeling like I had to put up with way too much shit from women who would try to leverage this against me.
I recommend you get a sonogram, consult with different surgeons and get some solid, expert opinions- not your average urologist who is basically useless here. and experiment with different drugs (Muse), wave therapy, talk therapy, yoga, diet, cardio, etc.
I personally do not look forward to the revision surgeries, but God willing, if this thing lasts for 10 years, I'll have not spent my remaining thirties and forties losing out on finding the right woman, making a family, and having fun.It's a small price to pay if everything works out. Life's too short to suffer forever with ED. Veinous leaks happen. In my case, an injury put me over the top. Shit happens. But what's clear is that you do deserve a contended sex life. Best of luck.
39, Implanted 8/10/21. 22 cm Titan, Dr. Tariq Hakky.
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
31 is not too young to consider an implant or to have one installed. I have one great big caveat, however: make damned sure there are no other good viable options. Sort of like the old cliche - “look before you leap.”
You don’t need to see a doc and sign up for an implant ASAP. You do need to find a high quality, male sexual dysfunction issue specialist and let him evaluate and guide treatment. To do it right, it’s not a “throw a bunch of shit at the wall and see what sticks” exercise. It is a careful, planned journey from least invasive to most invasive and quit when you find what provides satisfactory results. That might be a pill. Or a shot. Or an implant. But you need someone to direct traffic. Not one doc to try one pill at one dosage and some other guy you’ve found tries a different pill and a third guy tries Caverject while a fourth doctor tries low dose trimix.
Your ED needs to be approached scientifically (follow the science. Where have we heard THAT?) and evaluated as a mystery. They need to find the cause so whatever is wrong can be fixed if possible. Too often folks want to fix the symptom (ED) without addressing a bigger problem.
At the end of a thorough work up and medical evaluation, it may be that an implant is the only viable option. If that’s the case, get one. I’m not in the group that swears it’s a cold, artificial. flesh covered. Dildo like device masquerading as my cock. I am convinced it’s as much a part of me as the titanium implants with teeth on the ends or the screws they used to reattach my bicep. I dealt with inferior erections from puberty to age 63. I didn’t know any better. Various therapies gave me an erection which could be used for sex but that didn’t mean it was actually a good erection. In my case I got a boner from shots/pills that would penetrate but I seldom was hard enough to give me or my partner a lot of quality stimulation. My implant has changed all that for the better.
Knowing what I know now, and having dealt with mediocre at best sex for >30 years, I would have implanted one of these when I got diagnosed at age 30. Then again, they didn’t have implants like this 35 years ago. We didn’t even have the pills. Bimix and a cock ring were the order of the day.
You don’t need to see a doc and sign up for an implant ASAP. You do need to find a high quality, male sexual dysfunction issue specialist and let him evaluate and guide treatment. To do it right, it’s not a “throw a bunch of shit at the wall and see what sticks” exercise. It is a careful, planned journey from least invasive to most invasive and quit when you find what provides satisfactory results. That might be a pill. Or a shot. Or an implant. But you need someone to direct traffic. Not one doc to try one pill at one dosage and some other guy you’ve found tries a different pill and a third guy tries Caverject while a fourth doctor tries low dose trimix.
Your ED needs to be approached scientifically (follow the science. Where have we heard THAT?) and evaluated as a mystery. They need to find the cause so whatever is wrong can be fixed if possible. Too often folks want to fix the symptom (ED) without addressing a bigger problem.
At the end of a thorough work up and medical evaluation, it may be that an implant is the only viable option. If that’s the case, get one. I’m not in the group that swears it’s a cold, artificial. flesh covered. Dildo like device masquerading as my cock. I am convinced it’s as much a part of me as the titanium implants with teeth on the ends or the screws they used to reattach my bicep. I dealt with inferior erections from puberty to age 63. I didn’t know any better. Various therapies gave me an erection which could be used for sex but that didn’t mean it was actually a good erection. In my case I got a boner from shots/pills that would penetrate but I seldom was hard enough to give me or my partner a lot of quality stimulation. My implant has changed all that for the better.
Knowing what I know now, and having dealt with mediocre at best sex for >30 years, I would have implanted one of these when I got diagnosed at age 30. Then again, they didn’t have implants like this 35 years ago. We didn’t even have the pills. Bimix and a cock ring were the order of the day.
Age 68. Physically fit educated red neck in Texas. Very married. 23 cm (18+5) of LGX installed by Dr. Bryan Kansas 12/31/2019. I fought the ED and my wife & I won. I’m either full of shit or sound advice. You decide which.
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
Welcum to FT. You do you! Seriously, this is a decision only you can make.
I agree with everyone who has responded that you are not too young to be getting an implant.
My advice: READ, READ, READ!
As LostSheep did, he set aside a couple weekends (I myself did not know about this place until after my initial surgery...I had 3 in less than 8 months) to read what others had to say. His goal was to inform himself.
Here is what I do NOW as I am reading stuff: I have my Gmail account up. When I find something that is informative or I can ask Dr. about. I copy and paste into a new email (just 'compose' email, you are not sending it out to anyone). Yes, doing this is what I would have done if I found this place before jumping in.
Find out from your insurance about getting 2nd opinions, in terms of coverage. Discuss with the Dr. and if you get into a groove with him or her on feedback, I say stick with them and explore. Technology really has come a long way.
Good luck!
Welcum to FT. You do you! Seriously, this is a decision only you can make.
I agree with everyone who has responded that you are not too young to be getting an implant.
My advice: READ, READ, READ!
As LostSheep did, he set aside a couple weekends (I myself did not know about this place until after my initial surgery...I had 3 in less than 8 months) to read what others had to say. His goal was to inform himself.
Here is what I do NOW as I am reading stuff: I have my Gmail account up. When I find something that is informative or I can ask Dr. about. I copy and paste into a new email (just 'compose' email, you are not sending it out to anyone). Yes, doing this is what I would have done if I found this place before jumping in.
Find out from your insurance about getting 2nd opinions, in terms of coverage. Discuss with the Dr. and if you get into a groove with him or her on feedback, I say stick with them and explore. Technology really has come a long way.
Good luck!
Ag, 58, Maryland
Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail

Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail

- Masonjames
- Posts: 659
- Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:54 pm
- Location: Georgia
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
Great advice from Txagq8. Exhausts all options for a natural resolution. Having said all that there is no shame or age restrictions for getting an implant. I watched a documentary about a your men. A hockey player, very athletic and in excellent health. At the age of 18 he told his Dad that he had never had an erection. His Dad was shocked and told him that he should be having multiple erections per day at his age.
Long story short. They got him to a Urologist who implanted him with a three piece inflatable device. There are all kinds of reasons that men can't get erections naturally. Usually it's a results of disease from aging but not always. Like any other body part the penis can fail or have something wrong that prevents natural erections. Many young men have implants so no you are not to young.
Long story short. They got him to a Urologist who implanted him with a three piece inflatable device. There are all kinds of reasons that men can't get erections naturally. Usually it's a results of disease from aging but not always. Like any other body part the penis can fail or have something wrong that prevents natural erections. Many young men have implants so no you are not to young.
70 year old, Married 53 years with two adult children.
Tried pills, herbs, and Trimix. Implanted by Dr. Hakky , in Atlanta, on the 1st, of September 2020. Titan XL 24cm's with two 1.5cm"s RTE"s
Tried pills, herbs, and Trimix. Implanted by Dr. Hakky , in Atlanta, on the 1st, of September 2020. Titan XL 24cm's with two 1.5cm"s RTE"s
- Posts: 220
- Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:25 am
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
This is the documentary someone was referring about:
https://www.coloplastmenshealth.com/pat ... ins-story/
https://www.coloplastmenshealth.com/pat ... ins-story/
26yo from Italy. Psychogenic ed since dec 2019, got worse in Jan 2021. On Cialis 5mg every 24hrs, it works! But masturbation and sex bring me a lot of anxiety. On talk-therapy.
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that
- Masonjames
- Posts: 659
- Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:54 pm
- Location: Georgia
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
confused95 wrote:This is the documentary someone was referring about:
https://www.coloplastmenshealth.com/pat ... ins-story/
Thanks for that. I had some of my details wrong but it had been a while since I viewed it.
70 year old, Married 53 years with two adult children.
Tried pills, herbs, and Trimix. Implanted by Dr. Hakky , in Atlanta, on the 1st, of September 2020. Titan XL 24cm's with two 1.5cm"s RTE"s
Tried pills, herbs, and Trimix. Implanted by Dr. Hakky , in Atlanta, on the 1st, of September 2020. Titan XL 24cm's with two 1.5cm"s RTE"s
- Posts: 1246
- Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:16 pm
Re: Is 31 too young to be thinking about an implant, even if other options have failed?
I'm 31 and was implanted while 31 (2 months ago). Find the best surgeon you can get and go for it dude. Pussy awaits you on the other side
Early 30s with ED from jelqing. Implant by Dr Eid on 24 June 2021 with a Titan 24cm with +1cm RTE on one side and -1cm cut off on the other side
Aug 2024 revision to AMS CX 24cm + 2rte
My journal: viewtopic.php?t=17202
Aug 2024 revision to AMS CX 24cm + 2rte
My journal: viewtopic.php?t=17202
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