Getting an implant even though pills work?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby confused95 » Thu Aug 26, 2021 8:45 am

Sorry to hear you are not feeling good. As many others here have said the implant is a very last resort. Just take it as your lifeline: if viagra stops working you’ll not lose your woman, but you’ll get the implant and in one month you’ll have some good and relaxed sex.
Seek professional help btw, a therapist could help you with your feelings… maybe also introducing some antidepressants, who knows..
26yo from Italy. Psychogenic ed since dec 2019, got worse in Jan 2021. On Cialis 5mg every 24hrs, it works! But masturbation and sex bring me a lot of anxiety. On talk-therapy.
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that

Sofa King
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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby Sofa King » Thu Aug 26, 2021 10:21 am

I would also keep using the pills. My situation sounds a bit like yours, and I used pills for years and had good times. However, knowing what I know now, if pills start becoming ineffective I would consider this option especially if you're not into shots, pellets in dickhole, etc. My point is that I wish I would have considered this option earlier, as the years of 50% pill success / trial of new things can really wear on you mentally. You always have it in the back of your mind, and it can lead to depression, low self worth, etc.

A head of urology that has been putting these things in for 20+ years gave me some good insight. You don't have to exhaust all other options before deciding on implant. That used to be the norm, now not so much.
51 Have had ED for at least 15 years, then PD. Pills stopped working, not going to do the other things. Mayo Clinic Minnesota 24 cm Titan

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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby whymenow » Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:13 am

The bad thing about the pills is that they stop working after some point. Keep that in mind, and keep the implant idea in mind as well..

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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby defiant » Thu Aug 26, 2021 3:40 pm

I have to weigh in on this.

I agree, that if pills work and they work almost 100% of the time then one should stick with them.

But, there comes a point when a man is tired. Tired of the stress, the anxiety, the what ifs, the mere fact that one is reliant upon pills and these can all take their toll, especially at a young age when a young man should be living his life and forging his way as it were.

An implant offers the very real chance of a life without the deep psychological burden of ED and the cloud that follows you around everywhere. It is far more than a functional device. It’s what it symbolises and unleashes; ie - freedom of said burden, new found confidence, the ability to have sex whenever you want, wherever you want, with whomever you want and forever long you want.

And when the road back to a life without pills seems impossible and the road ahead seems fraught with difficulty, It is a most compelling option.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby confused95 » Fri Aug 27, 2021 4:25 am

defiant wrote:I have to weigh in on this.

I agree, that if pills work and they work almost 100% of the time then one should stick with them.

But, there comes a point when a man is tired. Tired of the stress, the anxiety, the what ifs, the mere fact that one is reliant upon pills and these can all take their toll, especially at a young age when a young man should be living his life and forging his way as it were.

An implant offers the very real chance of a life without the deep psychological burden of ED and the cloud that follows you around everywhere. It is far more than a functional device. It’s what it symbolises and unleashes; ie - freedom of said burden, new found confidence, the ability to have sex whenever you want, wherever you want, with whomever you want and forever long you want.

And when the road back to a life without pills seems impossible and the road ahead seems fraught with difficulty, It is a most compelling option.

I totally agree with you.
26yo from Italy. Psychogenic ed since dec 2019, got worse in Jan 2021. On Cialis 5mg every 24hrs, it works! But masturbation and sex bring me a lot of anxiety. On talk-therapy.
Update: diagnosed with slight Peyronie’s, investigating more on that

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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby FreddyFree » Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:00 am

When I took my first 25 mg Viagra when I was 44, I had been suffering from ED for 2 years. I had the most amazing boner with my 8 inch dick. My wife was shocked after 2 years of mush. The thing I noticed was that my dick felt "off" I still don't know how to describe it. Kind of like when you haven't used something in a while, like a kink.

I took my second dose a few days later, thickening but certainly not hard. Again two more times, nothing. Family Dr. prescribed 50, then 100, nothing. So he referred me to a specialist which got me into injections. Never really a good experience.

When I turned 63, found Franktalk and discovered implants! Now I have my boner back but lost 2 inches over those 20 or so years.

I also have had PE my whole life, which doesn't matter anymore.

If I had known what I know now, I would have tried to get an implant as soon as I turned 18!
AMS 700 CX 18cm. x 12mm. With 3cm. RTEs. 10/10/18

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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby Leebert » Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:54 am

Its really a personal decision you have to make yourself. Your young yet and you have time to figure out what you want to do with your ED. I'm twice as old, wish i would have skipped the injection part 2 yrs ago and went for ipp then. Not trying to discourage you, everyone is different, but my clock is ticking with age, so im doing implant now before time runs out. I wish you the best road to take. Its your decision.
I'm 65, heart attack w/stent 10 yrs ago, mod.HBP, married 46 yrs, retired.2 strokes.No damage, except start of Ed, Live in Ada Michigan. implanted by Dr. Wise in Grand Rapids mi. Implanted on 9/2/21 with 15 cm + 5cm rte. Ams 700 cx ms pump

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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby Agfa13 » Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:52 am

I agree with the 'hell, no' opinions, BUT also want to chime in the with the implant you do have actual rods in your dick! Things are not as flexible, and 'mushy'. If you pump up, positions are limited and painful if done incorrectly. Heck, even when I am at the urinal at work, its still not comfortable hauling Fred 2.0 out. You will always be reminded you have an implant!
It really is a last resort!!!

I want to put in about spontaneity. Dude, believe me, as you get older, the spontaneity is not as spontaneous! Life's responsibilities will only allow that once in a very blue moon!
Ag, 58, Maryland
Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail :lol: :D

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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby defiant » Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:25 pm

considering89 wrote:I'm 31 years old and in a long-term dating relationship that's moving in the direction of marriage. I began having ED in April 2021 after being single for 1.5 years. My ED has no known physical cause, but my nocturnal erections are extremely weak and I cannot get an erection from masturbation.

That said, pills work. Viagra allows me to have successful sex basically 10/10 times. I have zero side effects. We have a lot of sex -- essentially once a day and twice a day sometimes on weekends. My girlfriend is pleased with our sex life. She says it's the best she's ever had. Loves my dick. She knows I take pills and has no issues with it.

That said, I struggle to mentally/emotionally "accept" needing pills. A few reasons:

- Lack of spontaneity.
- Mental energy of constantly planning (food, take 1 hour prior, etc.).
- I continuously feel aware that I can't just have sex with her at a moment's notice. Even though we're probably not going to have sex in a given moment, I just hate knowing that I probably couldn't even if we tried.
- Given our sex drives, this becomes a lot of pills. When we get married, I'll basically be taking a pill every day.

It seems a general view is, if pills work, don't get an implant. But at the same time, I'm depressed about my ED, and I hate taking pills for the above reasons. I can't stop thinking about the implant and never again needing to think about Pill Logistics. Right now, my quality of life is absolutely zero. I struggle to function or enjoy anything in life, due to depression from ED.

My questions are:

(1) Should I just come to peace with needing pills and forget the implant for now? Any mindset tips that I can use to accept the pills as a solution for now?
(2) Has Daily Cialis been effective for anyone? My urologist actually prescribed the 5mg Daily Cialis and I've been taking it -- the problem is that I've never just "trusted" it. I always stack 100mg of Viagra on top of it just for peace of mind and confidence. Should I try the Daily Cialis on its own (no Viagra) and see if that alleviates some of my depression if it helps me be "always on"?
(3) Or, is it "okay" to just jump to an implant if pills work but are not a satisfactory treatment and my ED is significantly degrading my quality of life/mental state?

Thanks as always.

I forgot to mention, when I was in a committed relationship I felt safe in, eventually I was able to wean off the pills. Unfortunately, we’ve just broken up so that’s why I’m back here, because I’m freaking out about this again.

I keep trying to remind myself I was able to get on the path to healing. As far away as that seems right now…

Like you I barely get morning wood and can’t masturbate. I think like me, you have a very deep routed psychological block. The reason I know I get normal nocturnal activity is because I’ve had the night time rigiscan test, showing a good 4 to 5 erections over the night, over two nights.

It’s when I become ‘aware’ of the process that it all starts to go wrong.

Try 5mg cialis a day. It’s more powerful than viagra in my opinion. I never have to be honest. I would always pop pills when I think it’s gonna go down. Which worked, man. There were times when it just happened and I hadn’t taken a pill and luckily it worked on those occasions. And those occasions are the one that will build your confidence.

In our case, it’s about getting used to things. We’ve become used to our shitty erections and our fear so it perpetuates the problem.

Keep having successes with the pills and eventually you should be able to wean off. Even if you don’t, a pill to have sex is still better than the implant, as good an option as the implant might be.

People take a pill a day for all kinds of reasons. Hell, some people take 20 pills a day.

You’re in a good spot right now man. Trust me, it can get a hell of a lot worse.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: Getting an implant even though pills work?

Postby BuffaloMaxx » Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:10 am

No chance would I do it. We all get the mental exhaustion and anguish over this. It does impact all of us differently, but this surgery should be an absolute absolute last resort. There is no going back.

Another way to look at, you’re 31 and pills work. In 10 years who knows what they may be able to do medically that you may have excluded yourself from because of the implant.

And yet another. Risk/reward analysis. You have a fairly good chance of losing some size and sensitivity. There is also possible disfigurement and infection. Durability, you could be looking at minimum 3 possibly 4 or 5 surgeries over your life and each surgery has the above risks. On the female side, she will experience the loss of feedback. They like knowing they get you hard.

Just not worth it to me given your scenario. The no side effects was the clincher. For me, I had crippling back pain on pills as well as congestion which prevented me from using my CPAP which meant no sleep. They also didn’t work for me, but if they did The side effects were killer.

5 months of ED is not enough time to digest what’s going on yet. Stay on the pills and keep looking for answers to the issue. Exhaust everything.
52 yr old Newly bionic on 8/6/21 (22cm Titan - Dr. Eid)
10 year progressive performance decline.
Venous leakage + Peyronies
TRT, pills, injections, Acoustic wave, voodoo - no results

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