Gt1956 wrote:guyinthedarkness wrote:LeRoastBeef wrote:You will be able to break it up, it's just going to take time and pain.
The sooner you get started the better. Cycling regularly, pump till you feel pressure, keep it inflated for as long as you can handle it. Too sore to handle? Then ease off a bit, try again.
I'm still in this stage, it's not fun! Patiance and determination, my boy. Crack on!
Thank you! Do you have any experiences or studies about this to read?
Im worried that I’ve done irreversible scarring which results in penile shrinkage, due to not cycling for so long.
I agree with LeRoastBeef. Capsular contraction is actually fairly common in the human body. Its the bodies self defense mode to "wall off" foreign objects. If advice is to be found for treatment. I would suggest researching on breast encapsulation. It is a common problem with breast implants. Since breast implants are more common than penile implants. It should be easier to find ideas.
Good advice, and the comparison between scar tissue incapsulization of breast implants to encapsulation of penile implants is apt As far as it goes. Breast tissue encapsulation is problematic and painful. But the comparison starts to fail when inflating the penile implant. Inflation of the breast implant is not an issue. So, I will venture the guess that encapsulization of a penile implant is more problematic (albeit deflation dos give relief where a woman cannot deflate her breast implant, thus the pain is constant, 24/7)