Vascular disease

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Vascular disease

Postby sliphill » Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:49 pm

I am a man of 58 in fairly good shape. I had a sonogram on my dick a few years ago that showed good blood flow. I am beginning to wonder if I might not have some small arteries that have plaque build up in them. I am fairly healthy with normal blood pressure, and slightly elevated cholesterol. But over the years I haven't always ate the most healthiest, so I am sure there could be some build up. I can get a good hard erection with a little help, (Viagra, Damiana, Yohimbe), but not all of the time. And strangely sometimes I can get hard on my own, and even from just thoughts. But I have gone limp the last for times with my wife, very frustrating. Maybe I have the beginnings of vascular disease. So the question for those of you that have this condition, could you get hard sometimes on your own with this??? If it is not this, then what the heck can it be. I know my libido is low. I have been on Androgel for a month now, but this hasn't helped too much. And to be honest, my total Testosterone was 450, which doesn't seem that low to me. Any feedback will be appreciated.
Ed (sliphill) 68

Implanted by Dr. Michael O'Neill in Charlotte, NC on 6/9/2017 with AMS 700LGX. 18 cm cylinders 3 cm RTE's.

Revision done by Dr. Maxim McKibbon in Charlotte, NC on 4/12/2023 with AMD 700 LGX 22 cm cylinders gm

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Re: Vascular disease

Postby dtwarren1942 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:55 pm

Although I am 70, my endocrinologist did not think it worth treating when my T slipped below 300.

I am diabetic and I started to develope very similar symptoms you are now experiencing about 15 years ago. In my case it was due to plaque build up due to elevated blood sugar. I assume you are not diabetic, so possibly your elevated cholesterol level is having a similar effect on your blood vessels.

I started with 25 mg of Viagra and over the next 12 years worked my way up to 150 mg until even that was ineffective. I am now alternating between Trimix and a VED.
Age 82
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Vascular disease

Postby Peckerwood » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:12 pm

D.T., do you think perhaps because you are 70 that your endocrinologist thought you shouldn't be treated for low testosterone. Below 300 is considered low. Although I am 72, my physician has me taking testosterone shots every two weeks, and we both agree that the results are well worth it, not only for libido, but for general well-being and health. I think there are many benefits of taking the shots rather than Androgel. Although my experience is that testosterone therapy is not a cure for ED, it gave me the determination and desire to find a solution. Unfortunately, many physicians and medical specialists think it's just the normal aging process that leads to Ed and don't see anything to get excited about. Perhaps when they reach our age and experience ED they will see things differently. Of course, by that time, they will have retired from practice and men our age won't benefit from their newfound empathy.

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Re: Vascular disease

Postby sliphill » Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:25 am

I am not diabetic. Probably 25 lbs over weight. Not really feeling any changes in libido or feeling any difference for that matter after a month on this stuff. But there is one effect that I would rather not have, my balls have gotten smaller! I am thinking now that my testosterone was ok at 450. I guess I thought that TRT was the magic bullet. I am thinking of just stopping the androgel on my own. And although, the doctor said that this could happen, and he will give me something to kick start the testies working again, I don't see him until 5/7/13, and I am afraid that by that time, they might shrivel even more!!!! :o
Ed (sliphill) 68

Implanted by Dr. Michael O'Neill in Charlotte, NC on 6/9/2017 with AMS 700LGX. 18 cm cylinders 3 cm RTE's.

Revision done by Dr. Maxim McKibbon in Charlotte, NC on 4/12/2023 with AMD 700 LGX 22 cm cylinders gm

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Re: Vascular disease

Postby dtwarren1942 » Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:29 pm

sliphill wrote:I am not diabetic. Probably 25 lbs over weight. Not really feeling any changes in libido or feeling any difference for that matter after a month on this stuff. But there is one effect that I would rather not have, my balls have gotten smaller! I am thinking now that my testosterone was ok at 450. I guess I thought that TRT was the magic bullet. I am thinking of just stopping the androgel on my own. And although, the doctor said that this could happen, and he will give me something to kick start the testies working again, I don't see him until 5/7/13, and I am afraid that by that time, they might shrivel even more!!!! :o

Even though my endocrinologist recommended against it (said 300 was not low for my age) I want to an urologist who did prescribe T-gel which raised my T to over 700 after six months. It did increase my libido somewhat but had no effect om my limp dick. However, a subsequent blood test showed that my PSA had risen from 1.1 to 1.6 so my endocrinologist recommended I stop using it or at least cut back on the dosage. I cut the amount of T-gel in half (one pump per day instead of two) and my T level dropped to 350 and my PSA fell to 1.3. I also noticed some shrinkage in my right testicle. I reduced the dosage by another half and my last blood test in February showed my T level at 190. Apparently, the exogenous T has caused my natural production of T to slow down. Hopefully, it will return back to my normal low level within the next few months now that I have stopped T-gel completely.
Age 82
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Vascular disease

Postby Anonymous2 » Mon May 06, 2013 2:42 pm

Hi Slip, So you think you may have some plaque in your blood, Cayenne is a great plaque buster, and will help clear you blood, a mix of Garlic and Dried Parsley is good for getting your cholesterol down, get a whole head of Garlic, chop the cloves very fine, put in a jar mix with loads of Parsley and olive oil, mix Cayenne with tomato paste and thin with olive oil, mix to a heat that suits you, and over time you can build up the heat.
Green tea is very good for your blood, I do one day a week on Green tea, and have every other mug with Ginger, again Ginger very good for your blood, it will thin it a bit, warning if you on low dose aspirin, come off it that day, I also take Green tea with honey and lemon. two more things very good for the blood.
A tip I grind down my Green tea, and I also add some herbal Tribulus, also ground down, just use a coffee grinder.
Now must of these will bring heat down below.
Good Luck
Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Vascular disease

Postby qcswral » Fri May 10, 2013 6:33 pm

Hey...well I'm 58yrs old too...always took good care of myself, exercised regularly, watched what I ate, never smoked,annual physicals the whole 9 yards...well last March (2012) I underwent a single vessel by-pass heart operation.......for the past 7 years Viagra always did the trick for me...until last year..then I noticed the slightest little distraction and it resulted in a softie....but it was intermittent....and still is....sometimes 100mgs of Viagra will make me rock hard and sometimes..not so.....well I tried the Trimex injections and only use it when the Viagra won't do it....the stuff is rocket fuel...unbelievable....but the first and most important thing you need to do is have a full cardiac work-up...ED is a marker for heart might save your life besides your love saved mine....I had a 99-100% blockage of my LAD artery....I'm convinced and have been told by physicians, heart disease at a young age is mainly father had it, his 1 brother had it..etc, etc.....
Do you know that more than half the people on cardiac units who have had by-pass surgery have normal cholesterol levels??.....recent research is pointing more and more to narrowing arteries to genetics and in your immune system turned inward.....your body has an inflamatory disease...basically....make sure to request in your lab work to have your "C-Reactive protein" level checked.....if that's elevated that's a precursor
to coronary artery disease....get a nuclear stress test.....and then take it from there...listen to your's trying to tell you something....
Be Well...and Good Luck
70 year old legally separated retired health-care professional. ED began in my early 50's. Viagra worked great for about 5 years, then had cardiac by-pass surgery and eventually moved to injections about 10 years ago.

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Re: Vascular disease

Postby antelope » Fri May 10, 2013 11:19 pm

Well said! Guys, please pay attention.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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