Gt1956 wrote:Many of you are missing what he has posted. This is an arraigned marriage. Not going through with the marriage would likely bring shame to 1 or both families. Due to economics, even a lower cost malleable isn't an option to him. All these benefits that we in the western world have at our finger tips are not available to him. Even mental health counseling would be a reach.
We have it pretty good compared to some parts of the world.
I cannot discuss with her at the moment, nor can break this relationship. It's embarrassing to both of the families if I break this relationship. I respect my parents and I cannot break. I have not told to my girl about my situation.we chat every night and she feel that I'm perfect for her. Most of her expectations will break down after marriage which I'm afraid off. I have 16+ years of ED stress. I don't know why I'm live after alot of stress on my health. I always thinking that why God choose me for such a hectic and stressful life.