34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby Ayahuasca » Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:05 pm

Injustright wrote:BUT a surgeon doing that without prior discussion with the patient doesn’t seem appropriate. What if you liked the appearance you had before and he altered that?

I don't know the answer to that but I do know that as part of my pre-op paperwork on the day of my procedure, I did sign a form which said something like "I authorize my surgeon to make any decisions to optimize my health and outcome during the operation", so possibly it falls under that blanket of trust. But it's definitely something worth mentioning to your doc ahead of time.

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby DougAnd » Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:13 pm

nuance wrote:
SteveSW wrote:
nuance wrote:How long was your surgery? I'm kinda surprised they do 4 in one day. Did the doc say anything about scarring?

Say if you didn't have much or any blood flow, does that mean glans won't engorge from the implant alone?

Most implant surgeries don't take very long. An hour or so generally. So, 4 in one day is totally reasonable for a high-volume surgeon. And no. the implant doesn't affect the engorgement of the glans positively or negatively.

I was under the impression that properly placed implant will allow glans to engroge when inflated to avoid floppy glans.

My tips are seated well into the g l a n s. That doesn't affect engorgement but it does help prevent floppy glans
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby Tokyo_123 » Mon Jul 18, 2022 9:23 pm

Ayahuasca wrote:
I don't know the answer to that but I do know that as part of my pre-op paperwork on the day of my procedure, I did sign a form which said something like "I authorize my surgeon to make any decisions to optimize my health and outcome during the operation", so possibly it falls under that blanket of trust. But it's definitely something worth mentioning to your doc ahead of time.

When I had my consult with Clavell, he said that he would do the scrotoplasty. I didn't even ask. He was like, OK, lets just do it while there. I asked a few questions and was like, OK why not.

Can I assume the entire procedure in the 20K range?
Venous Leakage (which I believe caused by my overuse of the Bathmate VED)

Dr. Clavell, August, 2022. Titan One-Touch, 24cm XL cylinders and trimmed off 0.5cm

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby North329 » Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:51 pm

Hi Toyo_123, I recently talked with Dr. Clavell, and he did mention around 20K. However, he said it could increase to 25K, depending on what option to correct my Peyronies.
57 y/o married. Ed for 20 years, limited success with Viagra, Bimix and finally Trimix. Titan 22 cm implanted with Dr. Clavell 12/14/22.

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby Ayahuasca » Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:49 am

7 day update

As I write this, it is almost exactly 7 days after I awoke in the operating room in Houston.

I am feeling pretty great overall. I have very little pain overall, though occasionally I still get some discomfort near the glans and on the testicles. The severity of the discomfort has gone down each day since peaking around day 3.

I am able to walk for longer distances than before. It tends to get painful when the balls bounce up and down, making contact with the pump, so after awhile walking a growing feeling of tenderness develops. I find that by walking slower I can eliminate that pain completely.

Switching positions from sitting to standing to laying down is no longer uncomfortable. Flexing my abdominal muscles does not cause pressure on the reservoir anymore. I am still not exercising, however. I would love to start exercising soon but doctor Clavell advises to wait until 6 weeks. I feel like I will still start some mild stretching and body weight movements, just to combat this new sedentary lifestyle however.

The bruising has gone down significantly. It is still most prevalent on the lower part of the ball sack. The bruises are not painful to touch and they are definitely healing steadily. I have been eating pineapple chunks because I've heard they help your body heal from bruising. No clue if it's helped, but visually I'm happy with how fast the skin is returning to a normal color.

I have not yet found a comfortable place for my semi-inflated erection at all times. I bought various underwear recommended by this site (separatec, among others) but it's still not very comfortable when walking. I tuck my penis downwards; I know the general recommendation is to do it upwards but I find that impossible with my anatomy. If anyone has any recs on that I'd be happy to hear it.

Overall, pleased with my recovery and I feel certain the worst parts are behind me. Now I'm just settling into this new life pattern and hoping for nothing to go wrong. Wish me luck :)

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby Floridaspeedo » Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:14 am

On the underwear positioing, my doc told me the key was to not keep it in one position so not just up, dowm, right or left. Any position for a long time becomes uncomfortable evem a moth and a half after surgey for me.

I just make sure I change dick positions periodically to help with comfort and not to cause permanent creases in the cylinders.
ED survivor 5 years. Tried pills, Gainswave, PRP, Bi-Mix/Tri Mix (worked 50% but very painful for 24 hours after injection.) 55 Gay - Single Titan Coloplast implanted June 1st, 2022, scrotal in Miami by Dr Billy Cordone..,very happy. Zero regrets

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby nuance » Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:34 am

Floridaspeedo wrote:On the underwear positioing, my doc told me the key was to not keep it in one position so not just up, dowm, right or left. Any position for a long time becomes uncomfortable evem a moth and a half after surgey for me.

I just make sure I change dick positions periodically to help with comfort and not to cause permanent creases in the cylinders.

Is then only when partially inflated or forever going forward? I've only ever had it in one position, not sure how easy it would be to keep changing positions and still be comfortable.

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby Floridaspeedo » Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:36 pm

For me I was changing positions when partially inflated and even now when deflated, I move it around during the day. I like to hang right and I notice if I keep it right for a couple of hours, when I take my pants off, it points right so for me there is a memory effect.
ED survivor 5 years. Tried pills, Gainswave, PRP, Bi-Mix/Tri Mix (worked 50% but very painful for 24 hours after injection.) 55 Gay - Single Titan Coloplast implanted June 1st, 2022, scrotal in Miami by Dr Billy Cordone..,very happy. Zero regrets

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby Ayahuasca » Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:27 pm

Floridaspeedo wrote:On the underwear positioing, my doc told me the key was to not keep it in one position so not just up, dowm, right or left. Any position for a long time becomes uncomfortable evem a moth and a half after surgey for me.

I just make sure I change dick positions periodically to help with comfort and not to cause permanent creases in the cylinders.

Thanks for the tips, I'll be mindful of that. Changing positions has been something I've been doing naturally anyways. I am also very comfortable in sweat pants (without underwear) which let's me hang more freely, but unfortunately it allows for a large bulge

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Re: 34 year old - Coloplast Titan surgery yesterday 7/13/22 by Dr. Clavell in Texas: detailed report w/ photos and Q&A

Postby Floridaspeedo » Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:24 pm

Show it off :D
ED survivor 5 years. Tried pills, Gainswave, PRP, Bi-Mix/Tri Mix (worked 50% but very painful for 24 hours after injection.) 55 Gay - Single Titan Coloplast implanted June 1st, 2022, scrotal in Miami by Dr Billy Cordone..,very happy. Zero regrets

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