Well, I went back to Dr. Eid's office since the maximum dose of the 40PGE of Alprostidal wasn't working...I was told over the phone that they didn't want to just send the higher dose to my house, 80PGE, and that the doctor wanted to do an injection test...I thought it was a good idea anyway because I wanted to show Dr. Eid where I had been injecting.
Unfortunately, the only medicine Dr. Eid had in his office was the 40PGE I was already using, and he specializes in this stuff! I was asked if I had brought my own medicine??? (by his one of his assistants)...then Dr. Eid came up with the idea of injecting me with a double dose, meaning that the max of 100 units with the syringe I had been using,1 ml, would be doubled to 2 ml, which would be the same as using the mix of 80PGE. Makes sense, except that he had his staff search for a larger syringe...it took a while...I waited in the room, naked, socks on, a hospital gauze covering me...finally, a knock at the door...Dr. Eid entered and showed me the syringe: "All I have is this one and it's a (much)thicker needle" Yikes!

Then I suggested, why not just give be two injections with the 5/16" syringe? (seems like he didn't think of this

)..."But then I would have to inject you twice." I agreed, one on the right side and one on the left, and it worked, although it felt like a lot of fluid going into me since twice as much had to be injected...
After 15 minutes, I had my best reaction to the medicine so far...sooo close, maybe 80% of the way there...the doctor looked at the semi-erection, said it could be better at home with stimulation (makes sense), but after some discussion (he said he could put me on daily 5mg Cialis, which he already has me on,
I reminded
him, and which I hope is in my chart) we agreed to go for Trimix, beginning with a low dose...so now I have to coordinate with the composting pharmacy, get the Trimix, and then return for another appointment to try my first injection in the office in case of priaprism. Sounds logical, but, really, the doctor's office should have all of these medicines available...it seems like their pharmacy only gives one free sample a month, but, considering what I'm paying per visit and the thousands of dollars per visit being submitted to my insurance co., it isn't too much to ask for the doctor's office to have some Trimix...it seems as with any health or medical issue, you have to really be an advocate and be your own doctor, in a sense, even when working with one of the best in the field.
I will give the Trimix a shot (pun intended) in the doctor's office once I get it and I may ask if I can self-inject under his watchful eye, since I am still finding self-injection to be nerve wracking...
Anyway, that's my update...I'm trying not to get down and be positive (it's difficult) and to focus on the fact that I finally got some kind of reaction from an injection, with my penis at a 90 degree angle, if not quite stiff enough...
Has anyone achieved success after 7-8 injections? I guess titrating takes time, plus now I'm going for the stronger medicine, which I know has more side effects, such as scarring...