Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

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Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby Gadsiee » Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:47 am

When I use a combination of cialis, viagra, pt-141, not ejaculating for a few days, I can have good sex missionary style. However, many other positions are not possible because i will go soft. Let alone any spontaneous sex where i didn't get to plan my pills etc.

The fact that, while with all these conditions, I'm still able to get a rock hard erection, makes it very difficult to go get an implant, even though deep down i do feel like i need it. I will be destroying a part of me that in a way works. I have rock hard nocturnal erections. I'm 25 right now. I'm dating a girl for two monts now who, up until this point, still likes me very much. However I feel like every day I wait to get the implant is another day of a great sex life wasted. I'm only letting her come over once a week because if i use the pt141 more often than that tolerance will build up and not work anymore. I make excuses for all the other days. That's no sex life. Funny enough I think this makes her chase and like me even more because I seem so unavailable. But the more she displays interest, the more I die inside because I know she's interested in a fake version of me that I will not be able to keep up forever. Every week when I inject my stomach i'm reflecting what the f**k i'm even doing.

Also I don't know how well "normal" dicks work. Are they rock hard all the time? I have no reference point to see how bad I really am.
I don'tknow what to do.

I know this may sound ungrateful but sometimes I wish I had an accident which cut a nerve or something so the decision to get implant was easily made.
25 years old. Lifelong (psychogenic?) ED. Can attain erections with viagra+cialis+PT141 but lose arousal randomly during sex with subsequent loss of erection.

Erections are like private jets. I don't have them

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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby MK1965 » Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:16 am

Please, don’t go for implant now. You still have good working penis.
Implant is and should be your last resort, when nothing else works.
You don’t want to destroy healthy tissues inside your cavernosum. Implant is one way street with no way back. Nothing is better then penis field with blood. You will never have that feeling with implant.
I would in meantime look for a therapist to sort out your inner feelings.
That may help your mental state and make your erections harder and longer lasting. Otherwise, you will regret your decision.
IPP 9/5/18; TITAN OTR 18 +1cm RTE,Prostate Ca at 51 y/o; RARP 11/2/16, ED Post RP, Cialis, Viagra, VED,TRIMIX painful, BIMIX ineffective,lost 2+ inches of length after RP. Revision 12/2/20 by Dr Clavell, AMS 700 CX, L 21 R 21+1.5 RTE.

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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby Old Guy » Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:26 am

Time to go see a good men's sexual health urologist. That's a lot of drugs to be using, hopefully a doc can prescribe something better, and more effective.
Although I am much older, I was still getting night-time erections maybe once a week. Viagra and Trimix had zero effect at that point, which meant zero sex.
Nov. 8, 2019
5+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby Spanishxb » Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:45 am

Get the implant stop wasting your life. I was same as you and regret not doing in sooner
Titan implanted 7/11/22
1cm RTE on Right & Left
Pre-op: 5.7 x 4.5 top middle & base
Post-op: 5.5 x 4.5 top, 5.1 at base
Phallofill done 9/2023 10 units = +1” girth
Currently 5.5 x5.5”
Grateful, blessed, happy!

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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby crazyjoe » Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:38 am

Since you say "that's no sex life", sure sounds like implant time to me. But I am not medical -- I might suggest you do a video consult with Eid or Hakky to get an opinion from a high volume great implant doc.
75, used pills, injections -- all lost effectiveness. Titan implanted by Eid in Feb '22.

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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby Floridaspeedo » Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:15 am

I urge you to see a Urologist. I was diagnosed with a veinous leak 3 years ago but I was told to hold off on an implant since Cialis, PT-141, Bi-mix/tri-mix still worked most times. The doc told me the veinous leak will worsen and the other methods I was using would become less reliable and eventually, the leak would be greater than Cialis, etc. could overcome.

As time went on, Cialis, Trimix, etc. became less effective then I knew it was time. Even then, I solicited 2 additional Urologists opinions so I did not make the decision off the cuff.

The implant decision was difficult but with research, I was informed and made my choice.

One of the best decisions I have ever made. Is it the same as my dick was at 18 years old? No But considering the options I am 100% happy and have had more sex since implanted in June than I have had the 25 years before the implant.
ED survivor 5 years. Tried pills, Gainswave, PRP, Bi-Mix/Tri Mix (worked 50% but very painful for 24 hours after injection.) 55 Gay - Single Titan Coloplast implanted June 1st, 2022, scrotal in Miami by Dr Billy Cordone..,very happy. Zero regrets

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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby Anfornee » Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:31 am

Gadsiee wrote:When I use a combination of cialis, viagra, pt-141, not ejaculating for a few days, I can have good sex missionary style. However, many other positions are not possible because i will go soft. Let alone any spontaneous sex where i didn't get to plan my pills etc.

The fact that, while with all these conditions, I'm still able to get a rock hard erection, makes it very difficult to go get an implant, even though deep down i do feel like i need it. I will be destroying a part of me that in a way works. I have rock hard nocturnal erections. I'm 25 right now. I'm dating a girl for two monts now who, up until this point, still likes me very much. However I feel like every day I wait to get the implant is another day of a great sex life wasted. I'm only letting her come over once a week because if i use the pt141 more often than that tolerance will build up and not work anymore. I make excuses for all the other days. That's no sex life. Funny enough I think this makes her chase and like me even more because I seem so unavailable. But the more she displays interest, the more I die inside because I know she's interested in a fake version of me that I will not be able to keep up forever. Every week when I inject my stomach i'm reflecting what the f**k i'm even doing.

Also I don't know how well "normal" dicks work. Are they rock hard all the time? I have no reference point to see how bad I really am.
I don'tknow what to do.

I know this may sound ungrateful but sometimes I wish I had an accident which cut a nerve or something so the decision to get implant was easily made.

Your brain is your primary sex organ. You’re sabotaged by your brain right now. You function when you’re asleep because your brain is on autopilot and you can’t get in your head about performance.

When I had normal erections my dick would get hard for no reason at all. I could have a fleeting image in my head that was sexual and get hard. A girl would touch my inner thigh and it was on.

Then it stopped in my early 30’s so I started with pills. They worked well for several years and then just didn’t.

I moved to bi-mix then tri-mix and those worked regardless of my mental state. Instant erection that lasted at least 2 hours. I was a sex god. It would stay hard even after ejaculating. The problem is you lose all spontaneity because you need to inject your penis. So you have to carry needles around whenever there’s a possibility of sex.

Your sex life is unsatisfying. You are worried about every aspect. You aren’t having natural erections per se. You’re having erections brought on by a drug cocktail.

If you’re not sure you want to do it then don’t do it. You can’t go back. You can pray it resolves itself and continue with drug therapy until you e exhausted all avenues and then re-evaluate.

You’ve got solid advice here. See a shrink that specializes in this. See a urologist to make sure it’s not a medical issue. Check the boxes and make your decision from there.
Titan 24XL implanted by Dr Hakky on 6/13/23

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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby Gadsiee » Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:18 am

Anfornee wrote:
Gadsiee wrote:When I use a combination of cialis, viagra, pt-141, not ejaculating for a few days, I can have good sex missionary style. However, many other positions are not possible because i will go soft. Let alone any spontaneous sex where i didn't get to plan my pills etc.

The fact that, while with all these conditions, I'm still able to get a rock hard erection, makes it very difficult to go get an implant, even though deep down i do feel like i need it. I will be destroying a part of me that in a way works. I have rock hard nocturnal erections. I'm 25 right now. I'm dating a girl for two monts now who, up until this point, still likes me very much. However I feel like every day I wait to get the implant is another day of a great sex life wasted. I'm only letting her come over once a week because if i use the pt141 more often than that tolerance will build up and not work anymore. I make excuses for all the other days. That's no sex life. Funny enough I think this makes her chase and like me even more because I seem so unavailable. But the more she displays interest, the more I die inside because I know she's interested in a fake version of me that I will not be able to keep up forever. Every week when I inject my stomach i'm reflecting what the f**k i'm even doing.

Also I don't know how well "normal" dicks work. Are they rock hard all the time? I have no reference point to see how bad I really am.
I don'tknow what to do.

I know this may sound ungrateful but sometimes I wish I had an accident which cut a nerve or something so the decision to get implant was easily made.

Your brain is your primary sex organ. You’re sabotaged by your brain right now. You function when you’re asleep because your brain is on autopilot and you can’t get in your head about performance.

When I had normal erections my dick would get hard for no reason at all. I could have a fleeting image in my head that was sexual and get hard. A girl would touch my inner thigh and it was on.

Then it stopped in my early 30’s so I started with pills. They worked well for several years and then just didn’t.

I moved to bi-mix then tri-mix and those worked regardless of my mental state. Instant erection that lasted at least 2 hours. I was a sex god. It would stay hard even after ejaculating. The problem is you lose all spontaneity because you need to inject your penis. So you have to carry needles around whenever there’s a possibility of sex.

Your sex life is unsatisfying. You are worried about every aspect. You aren’t having natural erections per se. You’re having erections brought on by a drug cocktail.

If you’re not sure you want to do it then don’t do it. You can’t go back. You can pray it resolves itself and continue with drug therapy until you e exhausted all avenues and then re-evaluate.

You’ve got solid advice here. See a shrink that specializes in this. See a urologist to make sure it’s not a medical issue. Check the boxes and make your decision from there.

Thanks. it is true that i think my sex life will never be truly satisfying this way, although it's not all bad. I will never have spontaneity. The fact that I have solid nocturnal erections all night make me suspect a psychogenic cause. Even Dr. Eid says on his website about nocturnal erections: if erections occur and are documented by the device, the patient’s ED is most likely psychogenic.

That said, a limp dick is a limp dick. No matter the cause. I am in med school in the netherlands so I will have no time to go to new york during the academic year for surgery. However I may decide to go come summer.

Did the injections stop working for you or did you just not like the hassle?
25 years old. Lifelong (psychogenic?) ED. Can attain erections with viagra+cialis+PT141 but lose arousal randomly during sex with subsequent loss of erection.

Erections are like private jets. I don't have them

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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby Anfornee » Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:54 am

Gadsiee wrote:
Thanks. it is true that i think my sex life will never be truly satisfying this way, although it's not all bad. I will never have spontaneity. The fact that I have solid nocturnal erections all night make me suspect a psychogenic cause. Even Dr. Eid says on his website about nocturnal erections: if erections occur and are documented by the device, the patient’s ED is most likely psychogenic.

That said, a limp dick is a limp dick. No matter the cause. I am in med school in the netherlands so I will have no time to go to new york during the academic year for surgery. However I may decide to go come summer.

Did the injections stop working for you or did you just not like the hassle?

It slowly worked less and less. At the end I was using 80+ iu’s of tri-mix when 50 was the max recommended by my doc and I only got 15-30 minutes of an erection that wasn’t super hard. It was great while it lasted but a lot of guys have the same issue with it working less over time.
Titan 24XL implanted by Dr Hakky on 6/13/23

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Re: Decision to get an implant is so difficult if your dick somewhat works

Postby Gadsiee » Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:55 am

Anfornee wrote:
Gadsiee wrote:
Thanks. it is true that i think my sex life will never be truly satisfying this way, although it's not all bad. I will never have spontaneity. The fact that I have solid nocturnal erections all night make me suspect a psychogenic cause. Even Dr. Eid says on his website about nocturnal erections: if erections occur and are documented by the device, the patient’s ED is most likely psychogenic.

That said, a limp dick is a limp dick. No matter the cause. I am in med school in the netherlands so I will have no time to go to new york during the academic year for surgery. However I may decide to go come summer.

Did the injections stop working for you or did you just not like the hassle?

It slowly worked less and less. At the end I was using 80+ iu’s of tri-mix when 50 was the max recommended by my doc and I only got 15-30 minutes of an erection that wasn’t super hard. It was great while it lasted but a lot of guys have the same issue with it working less over time.

Is that an issue caused by the injection itself or the underlying problem getting worse?
25 years old. Lifelong (psychogenic?) ED. Can attain erections with viagra+cialis+PT141 but lose arousal randomly during sex with subsequent loss of erection.

Erections are like private jets. I don't have them

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