Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:41 pm

Old Guy wrote:If you're getting a Titan any additional means to make it more of a show-er won't be needed, believe me. Took me a long time to come to terms with how my package looks now. I was one of those guys that in the cold my dick would shrivel up almost inside itself but grow to 6". Now there's a bulge in my pants that never goes away. Good luck on your upcoming surgery.

Thanks for your well wishes and your personal story.

Decided against asking my doc to cut my SL and, based on what I've seen here and elsewhere, I have little doubt that my main problem after surgery will be hiding my junk, not making it bigger. LOL! :lol:
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:28 pm

Have a pre-op appt w/Dr. Karpman in Mt. View, CA tomorrow 1/19.

For some reason, they still haven't issued me the necesasry prescriptions for antiboitics which need to be taken starting tomorrow morning. Will ask for a handwritten prescription before I leave.

Lot of questions for him and I feel some anxiety about the procedure but I'm not going to back out.

Already bought a few pack of frozen peas to use to ice my junk after surgery and have been washing the area w/Hebiclens for several days already (2x/day) even though I wasn't supposed to start til tomorrow.

Not sure what good it does to wash the area w/Hebicllens which immediately becomes unsterile thereafter but I'm doing it anyway.

Was pumping my dick for a couple of weeks but noticed the skin drying around the base of my dick and on my glans so I stopped the other day. Applied a lot of lotion and took a warm bath and the dry skin has already gone away.

The surgery is still scheduled for Tue 1/24. More details to follow.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

Lost Sheep
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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:21 pm

sswinsfba wrote:Not sure what good it does to wash the area w/Hebicllens which immediately becomes unsterile thereafter but I'm doing it anyway.

Think of it like this: Your skin is not like a stainless steel frying pan. It is porous. More like a cast iron frying pan. "Seasoning" a cast iron pan reaches deeper than just the surface. "Unseasoning" bacteria that may be living a few layers of skin cells under the surface of your skin seems to me to be a good idea.

Even if your skin surface gets re-contaminated during the day, the population of bacteria in deeper layers will have been reduced. It is impossible to get rid of ALL microorganisms in one's skin, but if you take 95% of them out, your chances of trouble from an infection are greatly reduced.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby Old Guy » Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:24 pm

Any means of reducing the chance for infection is a good step. I only had to do the Hibiclens wash the day before and morning of surgery. Nurse pushed me to the restroom just before surgery though, so I could poop.
Nov. 8, 2019
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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:57 am

I had a pre-op appointment w/my doc yesterday 01/19/2023.

Here are the highlights of that meeting, as well as other pre-op info that I’ve been given, which I’m posting mainly as a reminder to myself but this information may also be of interest to others:

1) Surgery will take about 30 mins. Staying overnight in hospital. Penis will be fully inflated after surgery and will be 70% inflated upon discharge. Using the Titan One Touch.

2) Catheter, drain and any dressings to be removed before discharge. Have to be able to pee before discharge.

3) All internal sutures are self-absorbing. The infra-pubic incision will be surgically glued; no sutures. The 2 sutures that pass thru the head of the penis to insert the cylinders will be removed during surgery.

4) I’m having my GF pick me up but doc said that I could still drive myself home if I liked. Will see how I feel at that time and whether I think I could have driven myself home as he said.

5) Surgery will be performed under general anesthetic. Perito says he does using IV & local anesthetic.

6) Started taking Bactrin (an antibiotic) 2x/day starting yesterday 1/19/2023 which am to continue to take for 9 days following surgery.

7) Also started taking Colace 2x/day starting yesterday 1/19/2023 which I’m told to continue as needed as long as 25 days following surgery. Reason for colace: To prevent “straining” while doing #2 which could negatively affect healing.

8) After surgery, instructed to start taking hot showers 2x/day beginning 2 days after surgery on 01/26/2023 and to start taking warm baths 2x/day beginning 3 days after surgery on 01/27/2023. Use Hebiclens to wash the area w/each shower/bath.

9) Told to start pulling on (& reorienting, if necessary) the pump IMMEDIATELY after surgery to insure that the pump remains positioned properly. This should minimize the possibility of pain or discomfort associated with the pump’s location in the scrotum.

10) Told to NOT use ice because ice is a vasoconstrictor which limits blood flow which could delay healing. If there’s any infection causing that may be causing swelling, told to contact the doc ASAP.

11) Told to use ibuprofen and acetaminophen to treat for inflamation and pain. Also given a prescription for Norco (hydrocodone plus acteaminophen) for pain to use as needed.

12) Told to lay/sit in whatever position is most comfortable during recovery. What is important is to keep my “junk” unencumbered; no tight shorts or pants during the first week of recovery. Going to be wearing cotton boxers and sweatpants.

13) Also told to keep my penis pointed down (not up) following surgery. Doc said he’d be giving me a jock strap which facilitates this. Not sure how you can keep a 70% inflated dick pointed down, but I’ll find out on 01/25/2023 when I’m discharged from the hospital.

14) Have a post-op appointment on 02/02/2023 (9 days following surgery) to assess progress. Doc will deflate/inflate the implant to make sure it’s working properly and will clear me to start cycling, as long as I can show him that I know how to inflate/deflate the implant properly.

15) Cycling at least 2x/day to begin on 02/02/2023 for the next 2 weeks until the next post-op appt.

16) Next post-op appointment to be scheduled on or about 02/16/2023 to assess progress and to clear me for sex and other physical activity. Doc says that 85% of his patients are able to start having sex only 3 weeks after surgery.

This forecast seems overly optimistic to me but I'm hoping that I'm included in the 85%. We’ll see . . .
Last edited by sswinsfba on Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:04 pm

PS: For the record, based on the nocturnal erections that I still get but don't last, my erect size is an "average" 5.75" long and 5.5" girth. Will meaure it again after cycling begins to note any change in size.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby ThailandBound » Fri Jan 20, 2023 1:54 pm

sswinsfba wrote:I had a pre-op appointment w/my doc yesterday 01/19/2023.

Here are the highlights of that meeting, as well as other pre-op info that I’ve been given, which I’m posting mainly as a reminder to myself but this information may also be of interest to others:

7) Also started taking Colace 2x/day starting yesterday 1/19/2023 which I’m told to continue as needed as long as 25 days following surgery. Reason for colace: To prevent “straining” while doing #2 which could negatively affect healing.

I had some of that on hand as well, just in case. When i got home i just made it a point to have a very big bowl of high-fiber breakfast cereal or oatmeal with bananas and strawberries. I would also make it a point to drink an entire liter of water before noon. Let me tell ya, I never needed the stool softener.

10) Told to NOT use ice because ice is a vasoconstrictor which limits blood flow which could delay healing. If there’s any infection causing that may be causing swelling, told to contact the doc ASAP.

Funny how doctors are different. Mine had me ice heavily, and it really paid off

11) Told to use ibuprofen and acetaminophen to treat for inflamation and pain. Also given a prescription for Norco (hydrocodone plus acteaminophen) for pain to use as needed.

I'm day 17 post op. All i ever needed was one pain pill and 3 Tylenol the entire time. Otherwise, very comfortable. I hope you have good results too. I was really paranoid about this and wondered when the real pain would come. It never did.

13) Also told to keep my penis pointed down (not up) following surgery. Doc said he’d be giving me a jock strap which facilitates this. Not sure how you can keep a 70% inflated dick pointed down, but I’ll find out on 01/25/2023 when I’m discharged from the hospital.

Again, i'm mystified why different doctors do this different. I have been 60% inflated since day 1. On the flight home doctor emphasized keeping the penis pointed up, not down (and to lift the entire package, including scrotum, when positioning). At home these days, i let it hang free in front with nothing but a bathrobe, but now am comfortable wearing loose fitting soft athletic shorts. I have worn jeans out, once. Kind of uncomfortable. Penis positioned up again.

This forecast seems overly optimistic to me but I'm hoping that I'm included in the 85%. We’ll see . . .

On the day of my surgery, after the doctor spoke to me in the the waiting area, I said to him "I just want to be one of the 92%". He looked puzzled "92%" he asked. I said "the 92% satisfied". He said "that's 95%". I just related to what i'd read in one study, and he said "well, with me it's 95%". I think i'm going to fit in that group! :D
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby ThailandBound » Fri Jan 20, 2023 1:55 pm

ThailandBound wrote:
sswinsfba wrote:I had a pre-op appointment w/my doc yesterday 01/19/2023.

Here are the highlights of that meeting, as well as other pre-op info that I’ve been given, which I’m posting mainly as a reminder to myself but this information may also be of interest to others:

7) Also started taking Colace 2x/day starting yesterday 1/19/2023 which I’m told to continue as needed as long as 25 days following surgery. Reason for colace: To prevent “straining” while doing #2 which could negatively affect healing.

I had some of that on hand as well, just in case. When i got home i just made it a point to have a very big bowl of high-fiber breakfast cereal or oatmeal with bananas and strawberries. I would also make it a point to drink an entire liter of water before noon. Let me tell ya, I never needed the stool softener.

10) Told to NOT use ice because ice is a vasoconstrictor which limits blood flow which could delay healing. If there’s any infection causing that may be causing swelling, told to contact the doc ASAP.

Funny how doctors are different. Mine had me ice heavily, and it really paid off

11) Told to use ibuprofen and acetaminophen to treat for inflamation and pain. Also given a prescription for Norco (hydrocodone plus acteaminophen) for pain to use as needed.

I'm day 17 post op. All i ever needed was one pain pill and 3 Tylenol the entire time. Otherwise, very comfortable. I hope you have good results too. I was really paranoid about this and wondered when the real pain would come. It never did.

13) Also told to keep my penis pointed down (not up) following surgery. Doc said he’d be giving me a jock strap which facilitates this. Not sure how you can keep a 70% inflated dick pointed down, but I’ll find out on 01/25/2023 when I’m discharged from the hospital.

Again, i'm mystified why different doctors do this different. I have been 60% inflated since day 1. On the flight home doctor emphasized keeping the penis pointed up, not down (and to lift the entire package, including scrotum, when positioning). At home these days, i let it hang free in front with nothing but a bathrobe, but now am comfortable wearing loose fitting soft athletic shorts. I have worn jeans out, once. Kind of uncomfortable. Penis positioned up again.

This forecast seems overly optimistic to me but I'm hoping that I'm included in the 85%. We’ll see . . .

On the day of my surgery, after the doctor spoke to me in the the waiting area, I said to him "I just want to be one of the 92%". He looked puzzled "92%" he asked. I said "the 92% satisfied". He said "that's 95%". I just related to what i'd read in one study, and he said "well, with me it's 95%". I think i'm going to fit in that group! :D
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

Posts: 572
Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:08 pm

Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:04 pm

ThailandBound wrote:
ThailandBound wrote:
sswinsfba wrote:I had a pre-op appointment w/my doc yesterday 01/19/2023.

Here are the highlights of that meeting, as well as other pre-op info that I’ve been given, which I’m posting mainly as a reminder to myself but this information may also be of interest to others:

7) Also started taking Colace 2x/day starting yesterday 1/19/2023 which I’m told to continue as needed as long as 25 days following surgery. Reason for colace: To prevent “straining” while doing #2 which could negatively affect healing.

I had some of that on hand as well, just in case. When i got home i just made it a point to have a very big bowl of high-fiber breakfast cereal or oatmeal with bananas and strawberries. I would also make it a point to drink an entire liter of water before noon. Let me tell ya, I never needed the stool softener.

10) Told to NOT use ice because ice is a vasoconstrictor which limits blood flow which could delay healing. If there’s any infection causing that may be causing swelling, told to contact the doc ASAP.

Funny how doctors are different. Mine had me ice heavily, and it really paid off

11) Told to use ibuprofen and acetaminophen to treat for inflamation and pain. Also given a prescription for Norco (hydrocodone plus acteaminophen) for pain to use as needed.

I'm day 17 post op. All i ever needed was one pain pill and 3 Tylenol the entire time. Otherwise, very comfortable. I hope you have good results too. I was really paranoid about this and wondered when the real pain would come. It never did.

13) Also told to keep my penis pointed down (not up) following surgery. Doc said he’d be giving me a jock strap which facilitates this. Not sure how you can keep a 70% inflated dick pointed down, but I’ll find out on 01/25/2023 when I’m discharged from the hospital.

Again, i'm mystified why different doctors do this different. I have been 60% inflated since day 1. On the flight home doctor emphasized keeping the penis pointed up, not down (and to lift the entire package, including scrotum, when positioning). At home these days, i let it hang free in front with nothing but a bathrobe, but now am comfortable wearing loose fitting soft athletic shorts. I have worn jeans out, once. Kind of uncomfortable. Penis positioned up again.

This forecast seems overly optimistic to me but I'm hoping that I'm included in the 85%. We’ll see . . .

On the day of my surgery, after the doctor spoke to me in the the waiting area, I said to him "I just want to be one of the 92%". He looked puzzled "92%" he asked. I said "the 92% satisfied". He said "that's 95%". I just related to what i'd read in one study, and he said "well, with me it's 95%". I think i'm going to fit in that group! :D

Thanks for your thoughts.

I also hope that I'm in the 95% satisfied group as well. ;)

I noticed the difference between my doc's advice and the other "advice" I've seen mentioned here.

I'm going to do my best to follow my doc's instructions but if any of them aren't working for me, I'm not going to promise not to do something else to see if it works or not. Like using ice, for example.


I'm pretty good at managing pain w/o the need for drugs

For example, I broke my rt ankle motorcycling in La Paz, Baja, Mexico -- 900 miles from the border decades ago. It was a clean break; no bones poking thru the skin. I had the choice of going to a Mexican hospital, storing my cycle somewhere and flying back to the US or justs riding home. I chose the latter.

Each day after the break, I had to recompress the break, so that the bones sat together. Woke a neoprene brace and wrapped it w/an elastic bandage while riding but it would always separate in the evening. Was still able to use the rt foot for rear braking when needed but relied primarily on the front brake which is the recommended riding technique anyway.

Took 5 days to get back to Nogale, AZ where my bike trailer was stored and I stopped for a few days more in Palm Springs where I had previously made a reservation. Took a total of 9 days to get back to the SFBA. Went to Kaiser the next day and they told me that I was begin scheduled for surgery the next day.

A Dr. Shuberth, who is considered a leading expert on ankle reconstruction did my surgery. He did a good job.

The point of the story is that I have a high tolerance for pain. I also am not a fan of Norco. I've take it before and it just makes me sleepy and doesn't really alleviate the pain for me. Acetaminophen works on headaches but not much for other types of pain. Not sure what if anything ibuprofen does for me either.

I'm hoping that simply avoiding activty plus hot showers and warm baths will be enough to provide comfort when needed.


Was your implant method peno-scrotal or infra-pubic?

The 1st doc, I consulted only did peno-scrotal and recommended that the penis also be kept pointed up. He also recommended wearing my tight fitting lycra shorts, not loose boxers. The exact opposite of what my current doc says to do. I assume the difference recommendations were based on the different methods of implanation.


Regarding BMs, I know that I should but I do not eat a lot of fiber. Mostly protein. Nonetheless, my BMs aren't that hard or difficult. The Colace made my BM last night so loose, it was almost like diarrhea.

I've got a lot of oatmeal & popcorn on hand, as well as flax seed and other psillium supplements to add more fiber to my diet if need be.
Last edited by sswinsfba on Fri Jan 20, 2023 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

Posts: 966
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2022 5:32 pm

Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby ThailandBound » Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:30 pm

sswinsfba wrote:PS: For the record, based on the nocturnal erections that I still get but don't last, my erect size is an "average" 5.75" long and 5.5" girth. Will meaure it again after cycling begins to note any change in size.

I'm sure you're already aware of this, but wanted to mention that those nocturnal erections bode very well for you in terms of recovering your length. I was still getting them, occasionally, and like you they wouldn't last, but i was aware of them until the end. I also was still responding fully to trimix....for about :20 - :30 minutes before the VL would rear it's head and I'd lose it. But, those factors meant i was still getting blood flow in until the surgery date (VED helped also that final month). My doctor commented that I had very good tissue still and hopefully this translates to minimal or no loss of size. Your prognosis should be the same. Good luck!
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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