Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:53 am

personfromon wrote:Apologies if this has been answered in this thread already--what was the lead time like to get in with Dr. Cordon?

It went very quickly for me. If you read my initial posts I had written that I am stuck due to my impending divorce in May and I have to get this surgery done asap as I will lose my visa and insurance soon.
I actually went the initial route of taking an online appointment but the earliest date I got was on 20-March (I took in early Feb)
Since that was not acceptable to me I got in touch with Dr. Billy Cordon directly over instagram and explained to him my situation. He responded promptly and told me he will be able to squeeze me in. So I had my consultation with him around 16th Feb and I was offered a surgery date of 28 Feb and 02 March. I chose 02 March.

He did tell me that he does surgeries 3 days in a week and there are many cancellations so it should not be a problem to accommodate me.

So it would be reasonable to expect that you will be done within 4 weeks from date of consultation.

42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:58 am

ThailandBound wrote:There’s a lot more guys who view your posts than comment on them. Assuredly, like all of us, they’re learning and wondering “is this for real? Can i really do this? Will i suffer?, etc).

For those lurking, if you have ED and hope for a real solution when all else has failed, i hope you’ll
find good reports like this numerous on the this forum and that it gives you cause for genuine hope.

So happy to read your update today. At this point, everyday feels like a new milestone reached!

Very well said ThailandBound! I have been one such lurker for months. Everyone has their own story and take time to deal with it. I am happy writing daily. Even if not many people read it, it may just prove useful for this one person. This is my way of giving back to this forum. I have gained immensely from FT. Also, i am open to helping anyone if they want to speak and reach out one on one.
42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Tue Mar 07, 2023 5:13 pm

Day 6 (including surgery date)

I woke up with minimum pain. The peeing is still a major issue for me. It is very slow and somewhat painful. The scrotum swelling is almost gone by 80%. I just feel a little sore right around where the inflating pump is. The deflate valve can be easily located now.

I also got the exact dimension of my 22 cms implant. It says 13 cms distal and 9 cms proximal on the left side and 12 cms distal and 10 cms proximal on the right side.

Not sure if it was selected in this way to manage my 20degree curvature? I will ask the doctor on my follow up visit.

Even though I was cleared to take a shower after 48 hours, i waited an extra 2 days and took a long hot shower today. It was very relaxing.

The time in between pain killers has increased to almost 12 hours now. I will try to manage next with just 1 painkiller in a day.

Regarding my question to Dr. Billy on me being left inflated vs deflated this is the reply he sent me-

“ Everything is normal. You were deflated in the middle of surgery but reinflated partially at the end. You are not completely inflated because you would have severe pain if left like that.”

Rest I am taking some pictures of my progress and might post them in this post later.
42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:10 am

Day 7 Morning

Last evening I got some pain back. I think it was linked to the fact that I went out for a drive with my brother in law and was at a store for about an hour (sitting throughout though)

I figured that Oxycodone works better for pain in my case but causes constipation. i still took it and was relieved of pain soon.

The pump is stuck to the bottom of the scrotum in my case and that causes a pin prick kind of pain from time to time. The deflate valves are easily recognisable without any discomfort or pain.

The shaft is also more flexible now and causes less discomfort. I think the body is trying to get used to the presence of cylinders and hope to get better soon.

I feel that their is an accelerated improvement in how one feels after 3 days. So my advise to everyone would be to be very cautious and have patience for 3 days minimum. Post that you will find things improve drastically. I did panic myself with the constipation pain on day 2. This is my first ever surgery and I had no idea what was going to come my way.

I am looking forward to getting activated on the 16th. I am sure I can try doing it earlier but will stick with what the doc says.

I feel one point where Dr. Billy scores over Dr. Clavell is the earlier activation at 2 weeks against 4-6 weeks of Dr. Clavell. It would have been just too uncomfortable from my point of view to be this erect for 6 weeks.

Also, one point which someone pointed out to me in my DM conversations was that Dr. Billy is known to be an expert in extremely complicated penile reconstruction procedures. So perhaps this IPP surgery is too simple for him. Whatever may be the case, I am glad I could find him and things have worked out till now. Now I just pray it remains like this and I can utilise this device to maximum ability.

Wish all members a very Happy Holi! (It is one of our (for Hindus) big festival of colors in India)
42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby Rider1400 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:16 am

atul21 wrote:I think a reasonable question to ask your surgeon would be- if they keep ready stocks of all titan implant sizes at all times with them. Many times RTEs are put because the surgeon has access to only limited sizes and has to add RTE for best fit.

I asked this question specifically to Dr. Billy and he told me that their hospital has all sizes stock at all times. Good luck!

The morning of my surgery I was in waiting room about to check in for surgery and the Titan rep came in with a big wheeled case says Titan all over it. I asked what he did for Titan.. he explained that my Dr was doing 4 implants that day and he comes every time with a fresh stock of all sizes and stays all day and supplies him with whatever he needs during surgery! Now that’s service!
59 years old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast with Classic pump 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:23 am

Rider1400 wrote:
atul21 wrote:I think a reasonable question to ask your surgeon would be- if they keep ready stocks of all titan implant sizes at all times with them. Many times RTEs are put because the surgeon has access to only limited sizes and has to add RTE for best fit.

I asked this question specifically to Dr. Billy and he told me that their hospital has all sizes stock at all times. Good luck!

The morning of my surgery I was in waiting room about to check in for surgery and the Titan rep came in with a big wheeled case says Titan all over it. I asked what he did for Titan.. he explained that my Dr was doing 4 implants that day and he comes every time with a fresh stock of all sizes and stays all day and supplies him with whatever he needs during surgery! Now that’s service!

Wow! That’s great to hear. The biggest reason for me to not get this surgery in India (i live there) was that the doctor has less access to all sizes. Plus ofcourse they do much less cases of 3 pc IPP. In india the malleable’s are much more popular due to low cost. I am glad I got the chance and opportunity to be in the USA to get this done from the best. Will always be grateful for this.
42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:16 pm

Day 7 evening-

Doing much better overall. I drove car today for about 40 mins. The pain is minimal and the shaft also feels more comfortable. Somehow the partial inflated penis now is not so uncomfortable.

Some early constipation symptoms were seen but i ate medicine and feel better.

Honestly I did not expect to feel so much better so early. in my head i had thought that it will be atleast 2-3 weeks of slow recovery. But I am glad I was wrong.

The Mount Sinai Miami has raised a bill of about 60000$ to the insurance company. I am not sure how these guys work. My out of pay maximum is 2500$ and I am happy to pay that bit.

One thing I feel is that I have increased sensitivity when i rub my fingers on the head or near the tip of the shaft. This feels very good and I am sure it will be even better when the time comes for getting a blow job.

For first time since surgery I am skipping eating a pain killer in the night. Lets hope I wake up pain free tomorrow. My 7 days course of antibiotics is also over.

One thing which has definitely changed is how relaxed my mind feels now. Fuck I don’t have to think of losing steam mid way and this monkey is off my shoulder. Now I want to train my brain to start enjoying the sex and try out more and more things.

Apart from that I also feel more motivated in general. I have lost out on my work for years now and I find a new zeal to do well in both professional and personal life. It is not funny how this monster called ED screws up with your mind. I was always very extrovert, friendly and social. After I started struggling it made me timid, diffident, socially scared and ashamed of everything.

Dr. Eid says it right- you will feel free! I do feel free already and now I just want that the activation and cycling happens as expected. I shall remain dedicated to helping men move from should I get an implant to getting one.

42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby ThailandBound » Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:45 pm

atul21 wrote:Day 7 evening-

Doing much better overall. I drove car today for about 40 mins. The pain is minimal and the shaft also feels more comfortable. Somehow the partial inflated penis now is not so uncomfortable.

Some early constipation symptoms were seen but i ate medicine and feel better.

Honestly I did not expect to feel so much better so early. in my head i had thought that it will be atleast 2-3 weeks of slow recovery. But I am glad I was wrong.

The Mount Sinai Miami has raised a bill of about 60000$ to the insurance company. I am not sure how these guys work. My out of pay maximum is 2500$ and I am happy to pay that bit.

One thing I feel is that I have increased sensitivity when i rub my fingers on the head or near the tip of the shaft. This feels very good and I am sure it will be even better when the time comes for getting a blow job.

For first time since surgery I am skipping eating a pain killer in the night. Lets hope I wake up pain free tomorrow. My 7 days course of antibiotics is also over.

One thing which has definitely changed is how relaxed my mind feels now. Fuck I don’t have to think of losing steam mid way and this monkey is off my shoulder. Now I want to train my brain to start enjoying the sex and try out more and more things.

Apart from that I also feel more motivated in general. I have lost out on my work for years now and I find a new zeal to do well in both professional and personal life. It is not funny how this monster called ED screws up with your mind. I was always very extrovert, friendly and social. After I started struggling it made me timid, diffident, socially scared and ashamed of everything.

Dr. Eid says it right- you will feel free! I do feel free already and now I just want that the activation and cycling happens as expected. I shall remain dedicated to helping men move from should I get an implant to getting one.


We've been pulling from you from the start atul! It's so good to read about your progress and about how you already feel the change in your state of being. I too have that sense of "look out world!". As you will in due time, I've been cycling since the 13th of Feb. 2-3 times daily. Those early cycling days were like, "no way i could fuck now. Way too uncomfortable with this somewhat uncomfortable stretching". But i never worried. I've read too much hear to have not learned that it takes a bit of time. I can report now that i've masturbated a few times with each time better than the last. I won't be fucking at full stretch in the coming week when i go to Thailand, but based on my masturbation experience, I'm confident that "80-85%", where i AM now comfortable and represents my masturbatory level, is definitely at a level to comfortably fuck.

Can't wait!

And you are on your way too my friend. You've kept the most positive attitude, which is so important in this recovery journey.
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby Randalltx » Thu Mar 09, 2023 3:34 pm

Glad you are going well.

Going into this and for years I wore Jockey pouch briefs with horizontal fly 2xl sometimes 3 xl

Just prior I was down to Jockeys same style but size xl (a first for me due to Keto weight reduction)

I was somewhat dissatisfied with always falling out, etc. So I got Separtec boxer size 2xl dual pouch which are great, but the waist elastic is weak so your junk pulls them down.

I then got David Archy trunks dual pouch size xl which have been the best I have ever worn, strong eleastic, but depending on swelling, I switched back and forth with Separatecs with a strong jock over the briefs which held up the separatecs which had a larger pouch (scrotal)

The David Archy needed no jock.

The jock has a three inch waist band, a wide pouch in size 2xl for me. My jean size is 42/44 or 2xl.

Everything was Amazon free overnight delivery (Prime).

I hope this info might help you or others contemplating or just out of surgery.
76yo, ED Venuous Leak since age 40. South Texas location.
02/09/2023 24 CM Titan Dr. Hofer, Stone Oak Meth San Antonio.
@OEM 7.5L x 6.0/Flaccid 2.0L x 6.0 (Grower)
@8 months 7.50L x 6.0/Flaccid 6.0L x 6.0
@14 months 7.50L x 7.25/Flaccid 6.0L x 6.0

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:43 pm

Its been a week since I went under the knife in Miami. I have tried to write my daily account during this time. Starting from having a very bad pain and constipation to travelling back to NJ and then finally feeling pain free now. All in 1 week. The biggest positive is that I feel free and relieved that my ED is behind me.
Now I am patiently waiting to get a go ahead to cycle and hopefully will get to use it soon.

My usage of pain killers is down to a minimum. I have just completed my 1 week dosage of Bactrim. The best part is that now I don't have to eat any medicines or inject myself. The brain is now free to think of all the positive things in my life.

Those who are on the edge and still figuring out, I recommend seeing a good surgeon and gather the strength.

It is worth it!
42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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