A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

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Lost Sheep
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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:11 pm

Mlsyes wrote:Question to the OP. Your signature states you have a 21 cm AMS implant + 3 cm RTE, for a total of 24 cm. That translates to 9.44 inches total for the entire implant (24 cm / 2.54 cm per inch). How can you have a larger penis size than the implant? I'm trying to figure out if I missed something.

length of penis is an exterior measurement. Length of the implant is, of necessity, an interior measurement.

The implant reaches from the bottom of the pelvic crus to the distal tip of the Tunica Albuginea, which stops short of the tip of your penis glans. The typical measurement of penis length is from the front of your pubic bone. Do the very tip of your penis glans.

thus, the starting points and ending points of the measurements are not the same places
Lost Sheep
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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:28 pm

Jage64 wrote:
Mlsyes wrote:OK...so you're counting distal plus proximal measurements added together as total penile length.

No, he's not counting distal and proximal, but he is stretching his penis manually beyond the cylinders to get to the longest measurements. He sent you the Imgur link, you'll see it there. I'm not sure how he can do it, but he can. He clearly has a larger than normal penis and I'm no longer going to question him. He can call it whatever he wants to, it's his dick. ;)

Distal is the part of the penis "outside" your body, proximal is the part "inside" your body.
The real definition is proximal is closer to your center, while distal is further from your center.

as I understand it, the distal and proximal measurements are made by the surgeon during the operation to install the implant.

The surgeon makes an incision in the tunica albuginea and makes note of that location. He then inserts a measuring tool through the incision, into the pelvic crus and records the distance from the bottom of the crus to the incision point. That is the proximal measure. The surgeon then repositions the tool into the distal tip of the tunica, and notes the distance from the incision point to the inside extreme tip of the tunia. That is the distal measurement. those two figures together indicates the size of the implant that will fit the patient.
Lost Sheep
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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby Jage64 » Fri Apr 14, 2023 2:51 pm

yes, you're right. The final point in my post was that distal and proximal are not solely used for penile implant measurement, those two words relate to anything pertaining the the human body. Proximal is closer to your center, and distal is further from your center.

So when doctors are talking to each other, there is no confusion. "the damage to Bill's middle finger on his right hand was distal, the proximal portion of the finger remained unharmed". Everybody knows Bill messed up the end of his finger.
2/22/23 AMS 700 CX 21cm + 1.5cm RTEs. was 58 yrs old, wife of 37 yrs. Penoscrotal. 100ml Conceal reservoir. Dr. Clavell. Pills failing and went right to implant. 2+ yrs post op: 7 3/4" x 5 7/8", now 60yrs old in 2025

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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby Mlsyes » Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:45 pm

Thanks. That is exactly my understanding of distal and proximal terms. Which is why I asked my original question. How can a 24 cm (9.44 inches) implant measure 9.5" or more. That would imply that all (9.44") of the implant was inserted distally leaving nothing for the proximal portion (from insertion point to the crux). Or the surgeon did not measure properly the distal portion of the penis to allow for the 'stretch."
The picture laying down with a ruler appears to show (approximately) a 13-14 cm distal (therefore a 11-10 cm proximal measurement), which is more of an "expected" (1/3 proximal to 2/3 distal) proportion. (I understand all measurements are approximate and don't count the "extra" from the mid-glans to the tip). Anyway, it's neither here nor there, as it's not my 'dick' and no need to go into it any more. It was just not making sense in my old brain.
Titan 22 cm. ED since 2007, pills did not work 100% since 2016. Venous leakage confirmed with Doppler, implant 12/08/22 in NC. 67 years old

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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby Jage64 » Fri Apr 14, 2023 6:24 pm

2/22/23 AMS 700 CX 21cm + 1.5cm RTEs. was 58 yrs old, wife of 37 yrs. Penoscrotal. 100ml Conceal reservoir. Dr. Clavell. Pills failing and went right to implant. 2+ yrs post op: 7 3/4" x 5 7/8", now 60yrs old in 2025

Lost Sheep
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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Apr 14, 2023 9:32 pm

Mlsyes wrote:Thanks. That is exactly my understanding of distal and proximal terms. Which is why I asked my original question. How can a 24 cm (9.44 inches) implant measure 9.5" or more. That would imply that all (9.44") of the implant was inserted distally leaving nothing for the proximal portion (from insertion point to the crux). Or the surgeon did not measure properly the distal portion of the penis to allow for the 'stretch."
The picture laying down with a ruler appears to show (approximately) a 13-14 cm distal (therefore a 11-10 cm proximal measurement), which is more of an "expected" (1/3 proximal to 2/3 distal) proportion. (I understand all measurements are approximate and don't count the "extra" from the mid-glans to the tip). Anyway, it's neither here nor there, as it's not my 'dick' and no need to go into it any more. It was just not making sense in my old brain.

If you have a very thick glans, that may add a centimeter or more to the length of the penis past the distal tip of the actual implant device.
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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby ShouldIwait » Fri Apr 14, 2023 11:50 pm

How does my 23 cm implant give me a 7.1 inch dick...but this guy has 24 cm implant and a 9+ inch dick? Guess that last cm really counts!!!!
56, ED 10-15 years. Pills, Bi, Tri then Quad Mix Injections- all slowly less effective. IPP July 2022 (Penscrotal, Titan, 22 + 1) @6mo back to OEM--7.2"L x 5.5"w

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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby MyJohnson » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:03 pm

He reminds me of a man on a cruise we were on who.complained that the water in the toilet was too high and his junk.got wet everytime. The response was classic: sir, are you.bragging or complaining? The whole chat is simply absurd. If he had a 9 + cock he'd be in the porn.industry! He's a young man with some very serious psychological issues. Best to ignore him from now on.

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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby 2435tjklAS » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:38 pm

MyJohnson wrote:He reminds me of a man on a cruise we were on who.complained that the water in the toilet was too high and his junk.got wet everytime. The response was classic: sir, are you.bragging or complaining? The whole chat is simply absurd. If he had a 9 + cock he'd be in the porn.industry! He's a young man with some very serious psychological issues. Best to ignore him from now on.

Just PM'd you proof of everything.

I don't know why it seems you don't believe 9" dick is possible. I mean, you know some people have it, right? I am one of those people. Cool. Lucky me. I wasn't before the implant but an 8.75" dude who becomes 9" or over after is completely believable with how AMS 700 LGX is both advertised as well as proved to happen in a whole bunch of medical research that they will make your dick bigger.

Oh, you're totally right I've got some serious freaking psychological issues. Not gonna lie about that. But fortunately they don't tend to be relevant around here (usually. Kinda used to be sometimes, lol).
40. AMS 700 LGX, 21+3. Nov. 2, 2021. Replaced Titan Classic Jan. 14, 2025.

Idiot who abused alcohol for brain injury, abused viagra for implant.

Pre-op dick size: 8.75" x 5.7"

Current: Smaller

Goal: 10+" x 6+"

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Re: A chronicle of my efforts to regain and increase the size of my penis following the implant of my AMS 700 LGX

Postby Iwillbeatpd » Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:06 pm

2435tjklAS wrote:
MyJohnson wrote:He reminds me of a man on a cruise we were on who.complained that the water in the toilet was too high and his junk.got wet everytime. The response was classic: sir, are you.bragging or complaining? The whole chat is simply absurd. If he had a 9 + cock he'd be in the porn.industry! He's a young man with some very serious psychological issues. Best to ignore him from now on.

Just PM'd you proof of everything.

I don't know why it seems you don't believe 9" dick is possible. I mean, you know some people have it, right? I am one of those people. Cool. Lucky me. I wasn't before the implant but an 8.75" dude who becomes 9" or over after is completely believable with how AMS 700 LGX is both advertised as well as proved to happen in a whole bunch of medical research that they will make your dick bigger.

Oh, you're totally right I've got some serious freaking psychological issues. Not gonna lie about that. But fortunately they don't tend to be relevant around here (usually. Kinda used to be sometimes, lol).

Surprised you didn’t go with a Titan with that length. I was almost 8.5 before surgery, and my surgeon literally told me does both AMS and Coloplast, but said I was too big for the AMS unless I wanted a bunch of RTE’s which he didn’t recommend.

On another note, if you can stretch your dick further than the cylinders go, does that mean they undersized you?
Fit/active/37/ Lifetime congenital left curve, which later progressed to Peyronies (2022) and severe hourglass/narrowing. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan Touch 26 cm XXL. Reservoir 130 cc saline. Pre surgery measurement: 8.25 Length 5ish Girth.

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