Impant docs in Ohio, Michigan area?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Impant docs in Ohio, Michigan area?

Postby tomcat » Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:31 am

Hi, Nash.
I went thru what you have looking at implant surgeons around the country. The thought of traveling on a plane while on an airplane may not be very comfortable, along with the return visits at a long distance away. I recently had two appointments with Dr. Bahaa Malaeb at Michigan Medicine which have me very impressed with him. He does over 100 implants a year at Michigan Medicine's Brighton OR. He seems to lean towards AMS, but when you schedule your surgery date you tell the scheduler which implant you want. So, I'm going to be scheduling my surgery appointment soon with him and I'm heavily leaning toward the Coloplast Titan.
74 years old, Prostate Cancer Surgery for Stage 4, 12/20, Radiation post-surgery, On TRT, Tried pills pumping, injections. Dr. Bahaa Malaeb University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 7"x 5.5" before/now 6"x 5".

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Re: Impant docs in Ohio, Michigan area?

Postby Nash3222 » Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:32 am

HI Tomcat...

Thanks for the piece of information..... I WILL be checking this guy out.... 100 implants a years is significant number....

Cool man....


Old Guy
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Re: Impant docs in Ohio, Michigan area?

Postby Old Guy » Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:23 pm

Nash3222 wrote:HI Tomcat...

Thanks for the piece of information..... I WILL be checking this guy out.... 100 implants a years is significant number....

Cool man....


Down in S Ohio look up Dr. Kevin Campbell of the Urology Group. He does 3-5 a week from what he told me in 2019.
Another doc is Justin Cox with the Christ Hospital. I have no idea how experienced he is.
Nov. 8, 2019
5+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 37 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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Re: Impant docs in Ohio, Michigan area?

Postby tomcat » Tue Jul 11, 2023 5:32 pm

Nash3222 wrote:HI Tomcat...

Thanks for the piece of information..... I WILL be checking this guy out.... 100 implants a years is significant number....

Cool man....


@Nash3222. Let's keep in touch and share our journeys toward being bionic.
74 years old, Prostate Cancer Surgery for Stage 4, 12/20, Radiation post-surgery, On TRT, Tried pills pumping, injections. Dr. Bahaa Malaeb University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 7"x 5.5" before/now 6"x 5".

Posts: 50
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Re: Impant docs in Ohio, Michigan area?

Postby Nash3222 » Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:26 pm

Good idea.... I made an Appt with that doc for 8/15,,,,
Good luck and yea lets keep in touch...

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Re: Impant docs in Ohio, Michigan area?

Postby Nash3222 » Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:31 pm

thanks Old guy for info about Dr. Kevin Campbell of the Urology Group.

After I go to U of M, for an opinion....I'll check out this guy....

thanks again...

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Re: Impant docs in Ohio, Michigan area?

Postby Buzzer » Wed Jul 12, 2023 8:01 am

I had Dr. Yooni Blair at University of Michigan medical center in Michigan. I am very happy with the resuots. I could pick either AMS or COLOPLAST. I picked the AMS CX because of the pump bulb would be easier for me.

She advised me that I may find the pump bulb on the COLOPLAST might have been harder for me to use because of my age

I now have a nice hard dick that the wife just loves.She never had multiple orgasms ever in our married life snd now she eagerly goes for the second orgasm and after Saturday night pushed to get a third one. Which did happen.

I suggest you do this as soon as you can The post op can be painful and uncomfortable, but its all worth it. I am about 6 weeks post activation. I see gains every day when cycling .

I like the AMS implant because you really can go fully Flaccid and I like that feature. I was a grower before anyway.

Dr. Blair provided very good support during pre op and post op.

ED for 15 years, married 49 years, age 72, wife age 70. Tried VED and Trimix both failed. AMS CX 21 cm implant installed on 4-18-2023. There are no RTE's inserted. Dr. Yooni Blair University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

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