My pump results.

Specific talk about pumps: Questions, hints, recommendations, etc.
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Re: My pump results.

Postby Gingertom3 » Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:47 am

3mtrship, I visited your link. What a wonderful story that is. I can just imagine the pure joy you experienced that day by the pool. And it's refreshing to know that you and your wife got back together again intimately. Bless her for her patience!
You know my story by now. I felt vulnerable too and was afraid to discuss my ED for a long time. but once the doors of communication open up, it's a new life, a new beginning. And it's like being in love all over again. I am happier now than I 've been since first falling in love with my wife. I hum and sing, and smile and laugh a lot more.
I hope that you feel the same. It's fantastic, isn't it?



Re: My pump results.

Postby 3mtrship » Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:13 am

Most all of us feel vulnerable with a soft penis. Our concept of self is measured by the condition, shape, color and size of the penis. If it's working, we are OK. If it ain't working, we get in trouble fast and we don't know what to do about it. :cry:

Sites such as this encourage free discussion and I think provide a platform for personal progress against ED and a wounded ego.


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Re: My pump results.

Postby Julios » Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:19 am

Jim, thank you for sharing that! You are definately a mentor for me in this new experience. Regarding my sex life, both before and after RRP, I also have a VERY unique story, but I'm not ready to share it just quite yet. Perhaps in about one month, after a certain planned event has taken place.

I'm SO encouraged by your ED recovery. I would like to ask some follow-up questions if you don't mind: did you have 100% nerves sparred? How easy and reliably did you get erections before RRP? What percentage were your erections recovered to just prior to Radiation? Did you have hormone therapy, and if so, when did it begin and end? Did you ever use injections, and if so, how did it work for you? Today, are your erections reliable; will you always get hard when using the oral meds?

Thanks again Jim
Age 54
RP July 2010. All nerves spared on right, 25% on left
Pathology: T3b, Gleas 9, Pos Margins, EPE
Currently on ADT
Using Trimix successfully: 0.08ml; 20MCG Alprostadil 1MG Phentolamine 30MG/ML Papaverine


Re: My pump results.

Postby 3mtrship » Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:40 am

If anybody wants to read the long story or our journey, I just finished posting it today at:


Comments are always welcome, Jim.


Re: My pump results.

Postby 3mtrship » Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:10 pm

OK Julios,

Let's dig into trying to answer your very good questions.

1. Share only when you want to speak and don't let any of us bully you into it. When it is time to tell your story something will happen in your life that will trigger a strong desire to tell the world. In the case of a man with ED it might be a good piece of ass or a nice climax in your hand. A good climax makes me feel wonderful. As you have read some of the fellows are going out of their way and playing with there mates in ways never dreamed of before. But they just got so darned sexually frustrated they tried something new and gosh darned it worked.

2. Only partial never sparing was possible during surgery. Dr, said about half were worth saving. Dr. also said that big boner I got at the pool party was a nerve hooking back up over a year after surgery. So don't believe those Dr's that say otherwise. Yes, some of us might never come back but enough will come back to make the effort worthwhile. And besides if she is having fun with you WHO cares?

3. Pre surgical erections were normal and often.

4. 90 days from surgery I was 25% back and then back to ZERO for over a year after radiation for next changes. Radiation finished in June 05, pool party and boner in Summer 06.

5. No hormones needed, testosterone still at decent levels today.

6. No injections of anything.

7. Pills alone work and are needed today. Erection is natural in that we invite my penis to make an appearance in all its glory but we frame the invitation in different ways to provide variety and spice. If for some reason unknown to us it does not get erect that is OK with us, we have lots of methods to bring pleasure to either of both. I am 66 now and she is 72. Shucks guys some of this stuff would have happened without cancer or ED entering our lives.

8. Each of you will have a different story but there will also be common threads because we are human and male and sexual and horny and we like sex.........

9. I have never smelled better or had nicer skin in my life. We wash, oil, rub and play with other constantly. The kids say "Stop it your embarrassing us." We smile and say "OK. "

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Location: about 50 miles north of Cleveland, OH

Re: My pump results.

Postby BrokenArrow » Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:26 pm

A small update:)

Levitra is doing better and better for me at 10mG. I do get some heartburn, but it's probably the glass of wine I have at dinner those nights. If I do levitra in the mornings, I'm good.

I've been lucky. Very lucky.

I don't use my pump as much as before since going off injections and expecting levitra to work.

But, I was shrinking after RP.

To those guys that have gone past injections, after RP, yes the injections get things moving. The pump is still important. I'm working out in the gym and also working out junior. I'll bet I've lost the better part of 2 inches...flaccid and about the same hard. Sooo....I'm pumping with a renewed attitude. My ED has been a bit of 2 steps forward and 1 step back, but, in the right direction. In May, I'll be 2 year post-op. Two years ago if anyone said my ED trip would last this long, I wouldn't have believed it. There is hope.

I've had a couple no oral drug successes. I hope for more soon.

Now...I'm working on the shrinkage. I'll let you know how that works out.

Haven't posted much for some time. But, have been looking in.

Good luck to all!

Age 54.
Open RRP in May of 2009. Gleason at biopsy, 3+3. Gleason after surgery, 3+4 with extra-prostatic extension. Stage III cancer. No incontinence issues. ED issues. Trimix for 5 months. Now, levitra alone is working at 10 mG.

Cajun Jeff
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Re: My pump results.

Postby Cajun Jeff » Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:35 pm

BA, I am following in your foot steps. Still using the injections but getting more and more with the pills. Probably could have a fun time with just the pills but still in my head the firmness of the injections is reassuring. Had my first morning wood this wk. Man that has been a long time comming..Almost 2 years 3 months.

I actually get a little movement with just mind stimulation..MMM...what could do that.. :lol: with no fiddeling.

Like you 2 steps foward and 1 back sometimes 2 back. Oh this journey is frustrating at time.

Good to see you post.

Cajun jeff
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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Location: about 50 miles north of Cleveland, OH

Re: My pump results.

Postby BrokenArrow » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:13 pm

Thanks Jeff,

While I've done very well now with a medium dose of last post didn't really say everything I wanted to. Busy with family over and only a few minutes to post...and the house will be full again soon.

I really should've kept up the pumping more than I have. Whether it's fresh blood or not, pumping does stretch junior. That's good therapy in my mind...and MHO..and generally accepted.

I've lost some length. I'm going to try and get that back. Maybe it's seasonal. It's dam# cold here and maybe it's just pool shrinkage northern style. The fall here was pretty warm and the warm(er) weather sure seems to make junior a bit bigger. But, doing usable with the the orals. By usable I mean good enough for penetration. I'm not back to pre-surgery...full time. Sometimes it's very good, sometimes not. Still alot of inconsistencies. However, much better than a year ago when only trimix worked consistently. Like I said, I even had a couple no levitra successes ( no drugs or VED).

Jeff, morning wood is a very good sign. I sometimes feel like I'm getting morning wood in the afternoon:) And yes, sometimes there are 2 steps back.

May you have 2 steps forwards and then 2 more forward...

You will do fine...and hope all of us do, too.

Age 54.
Open RRP in May of 2009. Gleason at biopsy, 3+3. Gleason after surgery, 3+4 with extra-prostatic extension. Stage III cancer. No incontinence issues. ED issues. Trimix for 5 months. Now, levitra alone is working at 10 mG.


Re: My pump results.

Postby 3mtrship » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:32 pm

The question has been asked "I actually get a little movement with just mind stimulation..MMM...what could do that??"

I think nerves hooking back up or regenerating. PT is very important and I will now repeat my story of a similar event in my life.

The following happened to us:

We had made some progress on the physical side of our lives before radiation. We decided to include all options and see what worked now. Well radiation set me back months. We found ways to tell the other how much we loved. Climaxes were present for both but full intercourse was a ways in the future. I was clean, had soft skin and smelled good but no penetration. We used all the samples and bought a few more but about a 1 1/2 years goes by with little change.

A birthday pool party for a Grandson gets us all together, 20-30 people. My daughter in law is of Cuban heritage. She was sisters. One of those sisters is a knockout and she has a new bikini. Water-polo in the pool and I'm sitting in the cabana with ice tea watching that bikini. My goodness it starts. It grows, it bulges. it protrudes and felt wonderful but embarrassing. I mean "HELLO BUDDY, WELCOME BACK. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SO LONG" I quickly grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. It went down just as quick as it came up and before I could do anything about it too, darned.

After we drove away hours later, my wife says "Was that what I think it was?" "YES." "Lets go invite him back, I want to see him again."

During those next months he accepted our invitations once in a while and showed up. Each appearance was a surprise because we could never quite figure out how to phrase the invitation.

It was also during that time some of the pressure or selfishness began to ease and I lightened up. I was alive after all. I decided to thank those who had helped me.

It is my sincere hope all you guys and gals will also be so lucky.

Lets hear it for nerves boys.

Happy New Years 2011


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Location: about 50 miles north of Cleveland, OH

Re: My pump results.

Postby BrokenArrow » Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:44 pm

Hi guys,

Haven't posted on this thread since last fall....thought I'd provide an update.

Levitra is still working good at 10 mG doses and I've even had a couple of drug free events. I still believe that trimix got things going for me after surgery.

Been pumping a bit more lately. My pump is an Encore Deluxe Rx #44020-001 model. This is same as my first one, which got broke.

Last several times pumping, it's gotten a bit uncomfortable. The base of the pump is about 1 3/4 inches in diameter and the top (where the pump head is) is about 2 1/8 inches in diameter. So, there is a draft on the diameter which helps with the ring release mechanism (which I don't use).

When pumping, it does of course help length, which is pretty good inside the vacuum. However, my girth is increasing so much that even when I release pressure, I can barely get my dick out (use lube). There is not much difference in my dick diameter from base to tip, so I'm not going larger at base.

I haven't been able to find on-line a larger diameter tube for this model. Any ideas?

I want to keep pumping, but need a larger diameter one.

Any thoughts? (please, no bragging or complaining comments)


PS: When using levitra alone, for activity, I'm not as large as in the pump...although I'd like to be pre-surgery again.
Age 54.
Open RRP in May of 2009. Gleason at biopsy, 3+3. Gleason after surgery, 3+4 with extra-prostatic extension. Stage III cancer. No incontinence issues. ED issues. Trimix for 5 months. Now, levitra alone is working at 10 mG.

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