Txagq8 wrote:Strangely enough, you e hit on one of very few things I won’t do.
I’ve posted my pic.
I’ve provided my cell phone to guys about to get surgery and then talked them off the ledge for a couple of weeks while they figured out life was going to be great.
If someone was in the area I would have no issue demonstrating it in person to somebody considering surgery. Tbh I’m not quite sure how I would tell wife what I was doing, the truth usually works…..but that might be a bridge too far.
But a video of me pumping & deflating? No. The fallout from improper use of that video would be catastrophic.
Don’t get too specific, but in generalities…where are you?
Thank you! i really appreciate your response, and i see where you are coming from, its not easy to send someone's intimate parts to anyone over the internet.
The difference between a picture and a video is that i can see how the penis changes in shape during the process (for example, the LGX is supposed to expand and theoretically the coloplast doesnt).
About my location: I am currently in Europe, but i travel all around the world so that can change next month.