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Re: Advice needed after 3 months of implant

Postby rob8278 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:31 am

Thanks everyone for their advice and best wishes.

Posts: 285
Joined: Mon Apr 24, 2023 9:35 am

Re: Advice needed after 3 months of implant

Postby JohnHC » Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:11 pm

Just saw you post and read through it. Mine I would get around 2 or 3 pumps then the bulb would go flat, couldn't inflate beyond that. It was a pinhole leak in my left cylinder that let the reservoir drain out completely. The "fix" was complete removal and replacement because they didn't know what was wrong until after they pulled it out and tested it. Mine now works great, but being a somewhat larger guy with a fat pad just above my pubic area, my erection, when fully inflated, only stands out at about the 3 o'clock position. If your bulb dimples and doesn't reinflate it sounds to me like you either have a leak like mine, or if your implant is a larger one they may not have filled it fully so you don't have enough liquid in the reservoir to fully inflate. Might have to get a CT scan of the reservoir to see if it's full or empty. Hope you get it fixed soon, I know it sucks having to get it fixed so soon after. Good luck
AMS 700 CX 21 cm X 12 mm with 2 cm rear tip extenders. Tenacio pump and 100 ml conceal reservoir done by Dr Hakky on Feb 18th 2025

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