Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby Dondada » Fri Jan 03, 2025 2:51 pm

TruthEdge wrote:So I believe I was the first to receive the Tenacio pump on FT and now I guess I am the first to get a revision of the Tenacio on FT.

If you plan on cycling or using the Perito exercises - I do not recommend the Tenacio. I was implanted 7/23/2024 and everything went well over all with recovery.
You can read my journal here:

Upon release on 9/3/2024 - I was disappointed with length of 5" and girth of 5" but I knew from the board that cycling could resolve my concerns over time. I started cycling with Perito exercise every day for about 30 minutes consistently and got my length back (6.25") and maybe a little more in about two months later. Girth not so much. Still at only 5.25" girth and it looks like a pencil dick with a lollipop for the head when aroused. Anyway, I continued to be consistent with the goal to hit 6-7 days a week for a year in hope the girth would come back to my original 6".

Middle of November I started noticing issues when cycling. It would just stop pumping up to my normal maxed level of comfort/pain for Perito exercises. It's like it would hit a max pressure point for the valve and not let it go further. Bulb would still fill and I could hear it internally pushing fluid in but it would not get any harder. I would say it was getting about 97% to my max pump. Close, but I knew something wasn't right. If I pumped up to far it would start losing fluid slowly in the cylinders losing firmness almost like a pin hole leak if you can imagine. At this point I had to hit deflate button and try again. It was random at first and then my wife started noticing it losing firmness during foreplay or shortly after insertion. Over time it got worse to where now if I pump it up to the max - it only gets about 95% of firmness of what I had after surgery. And it slowly goes down from there. I try to do the Perito exercises as best I can but difficult obviously. Today even I felt the deflate valve release on its own as I bent my penis while pumped up! Sex is difficult too. Foreplay with a soft penis and then pump up last minute before insertion with hopes that we both finish in time!

Called AMS initially and they basically said that the Tenacio is so new they dont have a track record of failure rates and type of failures yet. The AMS rep did say that she had another Tenacio patient call in with the same issue of it not being able to hold the pump or not being able to get to max comfortable pump desired. The rep advised me to reach out to Dr Morey for the next steps.

I did a virtual visit with Dr Morey after I sent a lengthy message of the issues I was experiencing. He had reached out to AMS and they explained that doubt valve system is more like 4 valves in total. Each valve is a two way valve. One way is activate with deflate button. The other way it is activated is a pressure release mechanism when pumping up too hard! Think of it like a pressure release valve! The AMS rep told Dr. Morey the pressure release valve was malfunctioning and kicking in too soon. Dr. Morey had no idea it had a pressure release mechanism and I didn't see this in any material either. Dr. Morey was very empathetic and frustrated he didn't know about this pressure release valve. Dr. Morey said revision was the only way forward.

We discussed doing a pump only replacement with a MS pump since it doesn't have any type of pressure release valve since that would be easier to keep everything else and it would be less recovery process. Dr. Morey had remembered I wasn't pleased with the girth and he recommended we go back with the coloplast instead with the classic pump. I actually wanted the Coloplast originally anyway, but DR. Morey talked me into the AMS CX with Tenacio due to flaccid comfort and the new pump design of Tenacio. Im good with Classic pump as I am married so the noise wont bother me and I hope the classic inline lines will help prevent lines crossing and rubbing holes on each other. Coloplast cant be that much more uncomfortable than the AMS I have gotten used to. You kind of just find your way that works with the implant and get used to you new normal.

So the big take away - Tenacio has a pressure release valve that pops if it is pumped up to hard/high! No biggie if that pressure is set high, but if in my case it basically is similar to having an erect penis that slowly gets softer during sex. It better than the ED before right now - but it aint right though!

Revision date is going to be in May or June so I can get past coaching my sons MTB racing team for the season. Sucks to have to go through this surgery again 9 months later but I will survive and I know what to expect. Hopefully coloplast with classic pump is a good choice for a bicyclist/MTB racer like myself.

I will answer what questions I can, but I am not on here much right now. Thanks

I have a couple of quick questions. At what inflation percentage does the Tenacio pressure relief valve engage? Is it 75%, 85%, 90%, or another value? Additionally, at the percentage where the pressure valve doesn’t engage, is the device firm enough to allow for satisfactory PIV (penile-vaginal) intercourse? I understand that 100% inflation is ideal, but can it become and remain sufficiently firm for sexual activity?

I’m asking because I am scheduled to have the CX and Tenacio implanted by Dr. Hakky next month. Lastly, despite any concerns about the pressure relief valve, are there any positive features of the Tenacio pump that you can share?

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby Stewy78 » Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:37 pm

With a malleable implant, some girth loss is expected, particularly if you are above average in girth—and I am. Currently, with my Titan 22 + 3RTE, my measurements are 7.5 inches in length and 5.6 inches in girth. With a malleable implant, I expect losing about 0.5 inches of girth. However, after four surgeries in five years, I’ve reached the point where I just don’t care anymore.

That said, there are techniques to maintain girth with a malleable implant. For example, check out the Ghattas technique here:

https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... _technique

My current surgeon is highly skilled, with extensive experience in complex cases, including male-to-female and female-to-male surgeries, as well as grafting. His results are consistently impressive, and I’m confident he can use techniques to achieve excellent outcomes even with a malleable implant.

Regarding the classic pump versus the Touch pump, I understand the tubing in the classic pump is generally better. However, I’ve heard mixed reviews about the pump itself. For example, Dr. Hakky mentioned that, in his experience, the classic pump may be more prone to fractures, particularly in younger men who apply more force during inflation, but tubing are in line so more durable. Dr. Eid suggests that the classic pump is superior for longevity still for tubing positioning.

When I was implanted by Dr. Eid with a Titan Touch in 2020, he hadn’t yet gathered enough evidence to suggest otherwise, so he recommended the Touch pump. Ultimately, I believe luck plays a significant role. I know many active men with both Touch and classic pumps who have had their implants for 10+ years.

The real issue is that manufacturers need to improve these implants! It often feels like the so-called “upgrades” end up being worse than the earlier models.
32yo, VL from birth. Implanted in 2020 with AMS CX by Gabriele Antonini. Pump stopped working after three months,replaced with new pump that stopped working again. Complete revision Titan Touch 24+1 implanted by Dr.Eid. Titan failed in October 2023.

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby jwdetails » Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:03 pm

TruthEdge wrote:
fucked0ne wrote:
TruthEdge wrote:
yes I am learning the hard way the same conclusion. The tubing failures on the coloplast scare me as well though, but hoping the one-touch is the one with the major issues on tubing failure

There are always malleables.

Dumb question but how does that work with girth? I just assumed you lose your girth with these no?

To clarify - the tenacio pump does not inflate beyond a certain percentage or you feel like the excess pressure causes a release? I think the coloplast pump do something similar, where you can continue to pump but its not getting harder (more pronounced with the classic now rather than my titan touch before). But my understanding that the sticky pump with AMS original is in part related to the valves not being "lubricated" and then with the reset maneuvers it can get better. Morey doesn't think it will get better with cycling? I find it hard to believe that you damaged with perito exercises this soon!
62 year old, ED+PD, Coloplast Titan 22 cm no RTE in 2019 with Dr. Irwin Goldstein => failure, now with plaque excision/tunical expansion to Coloplast Titan 26 no RTE in 2022 by Dr. Darshan Patel, now with classic pump 2024 :D

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby fucked0ne » Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:07 pm

TruthEdge wrote:
fucked0ne wrote:
TruthEdge wrote:
yes I am learning the hard way the same conclusion. The tubing failures on the coloplast scare me as well though, but hoping the one-touch is the one with the major issues on tubing failure

There are always malleables.

Dumb question but how does that work with girth? I just assumed you lose your girth with these no?

Yeah, you would probably need some dermal filler. But many people with malleables claim superior engorgement and natural feeling.
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 21cm cylinders + 2cm RTEs. Idiopathic "hard flaccid" ED following bacterial infection. Tried pulse waves, Cialis, TRT, even spinal injections. Nada.

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby fucked0ne » Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:15 pm

Stewy78 wrote:However, after four surgeries in five years, I’ve reached the point where I just don’t care anymore.

The real issue is that manufacturers need to improve these implants! It often feels like the so-called “upgrades” end up being worse than the earlier models.

I honestly feel that the IPP is trash, now that I have one with a glitchy pump. There's so much to be concerned about and the pump just isn't practical when it comes to sexual spontaneity. I understand that there are those who have IPPs and love them. That's great. Congratulations: you won the dick lottery! But the fact these things are so susceptible to problems that every surgery is a game of Russian Roulette is just, in my opinion, unacceptable. Yes, but maybe the next revision will be better? Maybe! But there's no fucking guarantee. They should be working on improving the malleable, like length/girth preservation. Fuck these IPPs.
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 21cm cylinders + 2cm RTEs. Idiopathic "hard flaccid" ED following bacterial infection. Tried pulse waves, Cialis, TRT, even spinal injections. Nada.

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby TruthEdge » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:06 pm

Dondada wrote:
I have a couple of quick questions. At what inflation percentage does the Tenacio pressure relief valve engage? Is it 75%, 85%, 90%, or another value? Additionally, at the percentage where the pressure valve doesn’t engage, is the device firm enough to allow for satisfactory PIV (penile-vaginal) intercourse? I understand that 100% inflation is ideal, but can it become and remain sufficiently firm for sexual activity?

I’m asking because I am scheduled to have the CX and Tenacio implanted by Dr. Hakky next month. Lastly, despite any concerns about the pressure relief valve, are there any positive features of the Tenacio pump that you can share?

So I was explaining when mine was engaging the pressure relief valve that is malfunctioning or releasing prematurely. Its probably supposed to release at a set pressure that is only known by AMS, and mine is releasing before that pressure. The frustrating part is how are you supposed to properly cycle the device for length/girth recovery if this pressure relief valve is kicking in?

The first time I notice an issue was during sex with my wife. It was slightly softer then when we had started. I blew it off thinking we really cycle the device and I had stretched some. Now I know the device was releasing the valve because it thought it was too much pressure.

For my Tenacio think of it like this. If 100% pump was my max that I could endure for 30 minutes of cycling in discomfort, then the release valve is now engaging at about 95-97% of that. So it is still a good erection but with the girth being even small and not as hard as desired for me and my wife it is causing issues. The real problem is that 95-97% mark is where it starts. Once that pressure relief valve engages then it is like a very slow leak. So right now it is a race for me and my wife once I pump up right before penetration. By the time we finish I would say it is about 92-95%. This is in about 20-30 minutes by the way and once that valve is popped it is over and you cannot pump back up until you hit the deflate button. Sometimes I can do a quick hit of the deflate button and then start pumping the bulb quickly and get it back up to the 97% range, but that is rare.

So yes we can still have sex and yes it is better than before with ED, but there is something wrong with the Tenacio I have. Not to mention, I am stuck now with what I have at moment for length and girth. I am not going to gain anymore because the device will not let me. I still pump up every day and try to cycle to keep what I got, but within 10-15 minutes it is pointless so I hit the deflate valve and call it a day. Im having to avoid the Perito exercise because that just squeeze the release valve open - I need the device to stay at the desired pump in order for the Perito exercises to have an effect.

As for positives for the Tenacio, I may not be a good person to ask. This is my first IPP. Just my opinion but all the so-called features added to the Tenacio are over-rated in real life.

They put larger few finger ridges on the bulb which is great in theory, but those same ridges pinch and rub the inside of your scrotum and make it pretty painful at times if I am not careful. I have to make sure the skin of my scrotum is not stretched against the bulb while pumping which is difficult to do. To me I would rather deal with one of the other models and just support it again my other hands fingers to not slip. I have to do that anyway with the Tenacio so not sure there is a real advantage to the bigger ridges.

The other so-called feature of the larger taller deflate button does more harm than good - again in my opinion. Because it is taller and bigger it is really easy to hit it while pumping the bulb! The skin of my Scrotum will stretch again the deflate button so hard if I let it that it will engage the deflate button as I am pumping. Again, I would prefer a smaller deflate button of the other models.

I am on testosterone therapy so my balls have shrunk which is normal - they werent working anyway. So with that in mind - the Tenacio full pump device is huge compared to my testicles, so I am looking forward to the smaller size of the Classic pump.

Lastly - the double valve system is not a feature but a reason not to get the Tenacio. All they did is add one more point of failure to the system. They should have kept it a single valve system and fix the single valve issues not add second faulty valve.

All of these features sound great on paper and shame on me for buying the hype. IRL - those features are more like liabilities IMO.

If I were you knowing what I know now - go with the MS pump or go coloplast with the classic pump. I just dont think the Tenacio offers advantages at this point
ED @ 36. Bionic 7/23/24 @ 47: AMS CX 21CM+2CM RTE+12MM Diameter+Tenacio Pump+100ML Conceal Reservoir+Vertical Penoscrotal by Dr. Allen Morey - Urology Clinics of North Texas. XC Marathon MTB Racer since 2015 for fellow Cyclist with questions!

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby TruthEdge » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:10 pm

Stewy78 wrote:With a malleable implant, some girth loss is expected, particularly if you are above average in girth—and I am. Currently, with my Titan 22 + 3RTE, my measurements are 7.5 inches in length and 5.6 inches in girth. With a malleable implant, I expect losing about 0.5 inches of girth. However, after four surgeries in five years, I’ve reached the point where I just don’t care anymore.

That said, there are techniques to maintain girth with a malleable implant. For example, check out the Ghattas technique here:

https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... _technique

My current surgeon is highly skilled, with extensive experience in complex cases, including male-to-female and female-to-male surgeries, as well as grafting. His results are consistently impressive, and I’m confident he can use techniques to achieve excellent outcomes even with a malleable implant.

Regarding the classic pump versus the Touch pump, I understand the tubing in the classic pump is generally better. However, I’ve heard mixed reviews about the pump itself. For example, Dr. Hakky mentioned that, in his experience, the classic pump may be more prone to fractures, particularly in younger men who apply more force during inflation, but tubing are in line so more durable. Dr. Eid suggests that the classic pump is superior for longevity still for tubing positioning.

When I was implanted by Dr. Eid with a Titan Touch in 2020, he hadn’t yet gathered enough evidence to suggest otherwise, so he recommended the Touch pump. Ultimately, I believe luck plays a significant role. I know many active men with both Touch and classic pumps who have had their implants for 10+ years.

The real issue is that manufacturers need to improve these implants! It often feels like the so-called “upgrades” end up being worse than the earlier models.

Yeah I was about 6" girth prior to surgery. 5.25" at best now. Interesting information - thanks for the replies to my question. For now I think I will roll the dice this time with Coloplast and Classic pump. Good to know if that fails too though.
ED @ 36. Bionic 7/23/24 @ 47: AMS CX 21CM+2CM RTE+12MM Diameter+Tenacio Pump+100ML Conceal Reservoir+Vertical Penoscrotal by Dr. Allen Morey - Urology Clinics of North Texas. XC Marathon MTB Racer since 2015 for fellow Cyclist with questions!

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby Rider1400 » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:28 pm

TruthEdge wrote:
fucked0ne wrote:
TruthEdge wrote:
yes I am learning the hard way the same conclusion. The tubing failures on the coloplast scare me as well though, but hoping the one-touch is the one with the major issues on tubing failure

There are always malleables.

Dumb question but how does that work with girth? I just assumed you lose your girth with these no?

I actually gained about a 1/4” at base, now 6-3/4 at base 6-1/2 mid. Both up a 1/4 from prior to implant when I was using a VED! Took almost a year to get there but I got all my length back and the girth is AWSOME!
59 years old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast with Classic pump 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby fucked0ne » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:44 pm

Rider1400 wrote:
TruthEdge wrote:
fucked0ne wrote:
There are always malleables.

Dumb question but how does that work with girth? I just assumed you lose your girth with these no?

I actually gained about a 1/4” at base, now 6-3/4 at base 6-1/2 mid. Both up a 1/4 from prior to implant when I was using a VED! Took almost a year to get there but I got all my length back and the girth is AWSOME!

That's awesome, Rider1400! But I think he's asking about potential girth loss with malleables.
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 21cm cylinders + 2cm RTEs. Idiopathic "hard flaccid" ED following bacterial infection. Tried pulse waves, Cialis, TRT, even spinal injections. Nada.

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Re: Tenacio Failed - Revision on the way...

Postby fucked0ne » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:52 pm

Stewy78 wrote:That said, there are techniques to maintain girth with a malleable implant. For example, check out the Ghattas technique here:

https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... _technique

This is really cool! Thanks for sharing this. Unfortunately, I don't think you could request such a thing as such sheaths are not yet--and probably never will be--mass produced. But it's good to know that, if they fucking wanted, they could improve on the malleable in terms of girth.

I'm not holding my breath, nor am I looking forward to future "developments" concerning the IPP.
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 21cm cylinders + 2cm RTEs. Idiopathic "hard flaccid" ED following bacterial infection. Tried pulse waves, Cialis, TRT, even spinal injections. Nada.

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