TruthEdge wrote:Dondada wrote:
I have a couple of quick questions. At what inflation percentage does the Tenacio pressure relief valve engage? Is it 75%, 85%, 90%, or another value? Additionally, at the percentage where the pressure valve doesn’t engage, is the device firm enough to allow for satisfactory PIV (penile-vaginal) intercourse? I understand that 100% inflation is ideal, but can it become and remain sufficiently firm for sexual activity?
I’m asking because I am scheduled to have the CX and Tenacio implanted by Dr. Hakky next month. Lastly, despite any concerns about the pressure relief valve, are there any positive features of the Tenacio pump that you can share?
So I was explaining when mine was engaging the pressure relief valve that is malfunctioning or releasing prematurely. Its probably supposed to release at a set pressure that is only known by AMS, and mine is releasing before that pressure. The frustrating part is how are you supposed to properly cycle the device for length/girth recovery if this pressure relief valve is kicking in?
The first time I notice an issue was during sex with my wife. It was slightly softer then when we had started. I blew it off thinking we really cycle the device and I had stretched some. Now I know the device was releasing the valve because it thought it was too much pressure.
For my Tenacio think of it like this. If 100% pump was my max that I could endure for 30 minutes of cycling in discomfort, then the release valve is now engaging at about 95-97% of that. So it is still a good erection but with the girth being even small and not as hard as desired for me and my wife it is causing issues. The real problem is that 95-97% mark is where it starts. Once that pressure relief valve engages then it is like a very slow leak. So right now it is a race for me and my wife once I pump up right before penetration. By the time we finish I would say it is about 92-95%. This is in about 20-30 minutes by the way and once that valve is popped it is over and you cannot pump back up until you hit the deflate button. Sometimes I can do a quick hit of the deflate button and then start pumping the bulb quickly and get it back up to the 97% range, but that is rare.
So yes we can still have sex and yes it is better than before with ED, but there is something wrong with the Tenacio I have. Not to mention, I am stuck now with what I have at moment for length and girth. I am not going to gain anymore because the device will not let me. I still pump up every day and try to cycle to keep what I got, but within 10-15 minutes it is pointless so I hit the deflate valve and call it a day. Im having to avoid the Perito exercise because that just squeeze the release valve open - I need the device to stay at the desired pump in order for the Perito exercises to have an effect.
As for positives for the Tenacio, I may not be a good person to ask. This is my first IPP. Just my opinion but all the so-called features added to the Tenacio are over-rated in real life.
They put larger few finger ridges on the bulb which is great in theory, but those same ridges pinch and rub the inside of your scrotum and make it pretty painful at times if I am not careful. I have to make sure the skin of my scrotum is not stretched against the bulb while pumping which is difficult to do. To me I would rather deal with one of the other models and just support it again my other hands fingers to not slip. I have to do that anyway with the Tenacio so not sure there is a real advantage to the bigger ridges.
The other so-called feature of the larger taller deflate button does more harm than good - again in my opinion. Because it is taller and bigger it is really easy to hit it while pumping the bulb! The skin of my Scrotum will stretch again the deflate button so hard if I let it that it will engage the deflate button as I am pumping. Again, I would prefer a smaller deflate button of the other models.
I am on testosterone therapy so my balls have shrunk which is normal - they werent working anyway. So with that in mind - the Tenacio full pump device is huge compared to my testicles, so I am looking forward to the smaller size of the Classic pump.
Lastly - the double valve system is not a feature but a reason not to get the Tenacio. All they did is add one more point of failure to the system. They should have kept it a single valve system and fix the single valve issues not add second faulty valve.
All of these features sound great on paper and shame on me for buying the hype. IRL - those features are more like liabilities IMO.
If I were you knowing what I know now - go with the MS pump or go coloplast with the classic pump. I just dont think the Tenacio offers advantages at this point
Thanks so much for the insightful response. One more quick question. If at 97.5% before the pressure release valve engages, if your penis size was what you wanted or more would you, and just as importantly your wife, be happy with the Tenacio and the rigidity that 97.5% offers? Any other Tenacio implantees that have any insight into this question, your insight would be much appreciated. Thanks so much for indulging me as I cautiously make the plunge into the bionic world!