36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby equusAz » Thu Jan 09, 2025 10:19 am

Vitalssk wrote:Since he put the pump behind the left testicle. Is it normal to feel pain behind that testicle? Do I have to move the pump or can I leave it? I think it’s in a good spot minus the pain I feeel sometimes

You are only DAYS out from your surgery - I'd be surprised if you DIDN'T have pain. I've healed pretty quickly myself - had the pentescrotal approach - not infrapubic. With time you may feel things calm down a bit in your testicles - you may think they are 'normal' but they ARE swollen a bit - and things will loosen up in there. I wouldn't worry too much about moving the pump - just whether or not you can manipulate it properly.
48yo gay married male - Size before cancer / ED = 7.5" x 6.25" (current 5.5x5.2). AMS 700 CX implanted 12/9/24. 18cm + 1cm RTE and 18cm + 2cm RTE.
Implant Journal: https://www.franktalk.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=25158

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Franz66 » Thu Jan 09, 2025 10:33 am

Vitalssk, as you are also a young ED sufferer. Do you know what the cause was? Many young ones here had taken finasteride and then ended up with ED although totally fit otherwise.

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Thu Jan 09, 2025 2:04 pm

azmike wrote:A major concern of all who are considering implants is the potential for loss of size post op. What has been your experience so far? I believe the implant you received is the largest available. What was your size before surgery?

i bit over 9" in length and almost 7" in girth. I'm not too worried about losing size since i was able to get erections up to the day of surgery. so its not like i had some type of atrophy as the doc explained that to me, because i did wonder if i was going to lose size. But the doctor assured me i would be fine because like i said i was able to achieve erections still.
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Thu Jan 09, 2025 2:07 pm

SWorks17 wrote:
Vitalssk wrote:Yeah you were right it’s not inflated at all. Now that the swelling has gone down I can feel the tubes are empty of all fluid lol.yeah that clicking definitely gets to me a bit lmao.

And thank you all. 5 days post op and most of my swelling on my dick has gone down. My balls are are almost normal size.

Since he put the pump behind the left testicle. Is it normal to feel pain behind that testicle? Do I have to move the pump or can I leave it? I think it’s in a good spot minus the pain I feeel sometimes

Vitalssk, I'm sure your testicles and scrotum are still healing since you just got your implant on the 3rd of Jan. and that is why you're having some pain on your left testicle with your extra brother back there. lol
I'm not single, so I didn't have my pump put behind my the two other brothers down there, mine is out front between his two brothers. I have the AMS MS pump, which is pretty big, so I don't know how they would have placed it in the back to conceal. lol I did have some pain but I think it was mostly due to healing and how the doc opened up the facia down there in the scrotum to place the pump.
I'm an avid cyclist and I don't have any pain now and I put hundreds of miles per month on my road bike. The pump just finds its place down there and goes along for the ride.
I have had testicle pain in the past and I've done these stretches from a YouTube video that have helped tremendously. I do them from time to time.


Good Luck with your healing

it makes me wonder if the placement of the pump whether its in the front or the rear would affect certain tasks like cycling, or my job which is i pick up garbage for the city of new york. it feels pretty comfortable in the back of my scrotum although i will say my pump does feel unnaturally huge. I can only imagine how big your pump is. Another thing i have to get used to is i can feel the tubing when i feel my nuts lol.
I do love to get my testicles sucked on so we shall see if this interferes with that. Might have to settle for only the right one getting love LOL
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Thu Jan 09, 2025 2:08 pm

equusAz wrote:
Vitalssk wrote:Since he put the pump behind the left testicle. Is it normal to feel pain behind that testicle? Do I have to move the pump or can I leave it? I think it’s in a good spot minus the pain I feeel sometimes

You are only DAYS out from your surgery - I'd be surprised if you DIDN'T have pain. I've healed pretty quickly myself - had the pentescrotal approach - not infrapubic. With time you may feel things calm down a bit in your testicles - you may think they are 'normal' but they ARE swollen a bit - and things will loosen up in there. I wouldn't worry too much about moving the pump - just whether or not you can manipulate it properly.

6 days post op and i feel much better today. Pain is all but gone in my penis, my testicles are returning to normal color although some moments they do hurt but then the pain goes away quickly. The swelling in my penis is pretty much completely gone.
when i go visit the doc on monday hes going to be pretty surprised with my progress. He already was when i saw him 3 days post op lol
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Thu Jan 09, 2025 2:23 pm

Franz66 wrote:Vitalssk, as you are also a young ED sufferer. Do you know what the cause was? Many young ones here had taken finasteride and then ended up with ED although totally fit otherwise.

So i have a theory with finasteride. Ive taken it for like 3 months, but it never affected me hormonally because i am on TRT. So finasteride works by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT. DHT is very important for sexual function, hormonal function and of course hair growth. Now the problem is when you have too much DHT, aka taking higher levels of testosterone OR pairing testosterone with another DHT derived steroid you begin to have an abnormal amount of DHT in your body. This DHT which was used to stimulate hair growth now overstimulates the hair follicles and causes them to die basically. This is the reason finasteride doesn't work if your taking a DHT derived steroid on top of Test.

Now i believe that when you take finasteride you are again causing DHT to be blocked at the conversion. Blocking its conversion lowers the amount of DHT in the system which then affects the sexual function of the male taking it. Now not everyone who takes finasteride is going to be affected by this. Some produce more test than what the finasteride can block. others have lower functioning test levels which crash the DHT production in the males body.

Ive read articles of people on TRT never having an issue with finasteride. Whether that's because the finasteride cant block enough of the DHT from being produced or whether its from the genetic lottery of it not having that side effect. we may never know.

I would say test your hormone levels if your libido is low after finasteride use. It might have wiped out your libido simply because your body was just surviving on the DHT produced by a low test level, and now you introduce finasteride and it wipes out the DHT that was providing your libido.

Also testosterone still has its own inherent androgenicity and will miniaturize hair follicles too, just to a far lesser and slower extent.
This is why some individuals on Dutasteride with aggressive hair loss still lose hair even with zero DHT in their body.

But to answer your question, I think it was just genetics that chose me for ED. Peyronies disease and Venous leak will make anyone have ED at a certain level.
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Franz66 » Thu Jan 09, 2025 3:00 pm

That stuff was created in hell it seams. Cracy it is still available as cure for hairloss. I have taken it as well and ended up with peyronies and ED

Wishing you all the best for your recovery.

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Thu Jan 09, 2025 4:42 pm

My other question is how the hell do you move this pump. Right now it’s sitting high behind my left testicle like a cm or 2 from the top where the tubing goes through. I guess my taint. This thing won’t budge from where it is. I’m pulling massaging everything I can think of.
I don’t want to break it or cause my testicles anymore pain.
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby fucked0ne » Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:07 pm

Vitalssk wrote:My other question is how the hell do you move this pump. Right now it’s sitting high behind my left testicle like a cm or 2 from the top where the tubing goes through. I guess my taint. This thing won’t budge from where it is. I’m pulling massaging everything I can think of.
I don’t want to break it or cause my testicles anymore pain.

Yeah, that's one of the problems with the IPP--all the component parts. There was a guy on here--actually a professional porn star with an even bigger dick than yours--that swapped out his IPP for a malleable. He couldn't stand the goddamn pump!
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 21cm cylinders + 2cm RTEs. Idiopathic "hard flaccid" ED following bacterial infection. Tried pulse waves, Cialis, TRT, even spinal injections. Nada.

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:52 pm

fucked0ne wrote:
Vitalssk wrote:My other question is how the hell do you move this pump. Right now it’s sitting high behind my left testicle like a cm or 2 from the top where the tubing goes through. I guess my taint. This thing won’t budge from where it is. I’m pulling massaging everything I can think of.
I don’t want to break it or cause my testicles anymore pain.

Yeah, that's one of the problems with the IPP--all the component parts. There was a guy on here--actually a professional porn star with an even bigger dick than yours--that swapped out his IPP for a malleable. He couldn't stand the goddamn pump!

I thought one you get the inflatable pump you can’t get hard again naturally. Doesn’t the malleable still require you to get hard naturally?
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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