Vitalssk wrote:Pain has disappeared. I guess there is only so much room in my sack for this pump. Some times it bothers me some times it doesn’t. I assume the swelling has to come down more to really see where it’s going to land.
I thought the same thing Vitalssk, how in the heck is this other step brother gonna sit down there with the twin brothers and not have a problem. I was really concerned about riding my bike again and if I would have to give up that hobby/sport, but after I healed up I haven't had any problems. I do feel the step brother down there every now and then, but 99.9 percent of the time, I don't even know he is down there. I don't even feel the tubing until I reach down and start feeling around.
My pump sits in the front between his two brothers, so when I'm riding my bike with my cycling bibs on, the step brother finds his place down there and usually pushes up to the top of my scrotum. When I get out of my cycling gear, I usually just pull the pump back down into place but most of the time the pump will come back down on its own.
Write all your questions down for the doc so you can ask about everything that you're concerned about. Hopefully you'll get to see him or his PA on Monday.
When I went back for my 6 week followup, I was disappointed that I just saw a male nurse who showed me how to operate the implant and do the cycling.
Have a good weekend
Age 67, Garden Ridge Texas, Boston Scientific Rezum procedure for benign enlarged prostate 19 May 21, AMS LGX 18cm with 3cm RT's installed 5 Nov 2021 by Major Dr Shane Barney, BAMC, San Antonio, Texas, Married 36 years.
DOD Pg 131, Faces Pg 27