36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby fucked0ne » Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:24 pm

Vitalssk wrote:
fucked0ne wrote:
Vitalssk wrote:My other question is how the hell do you move this pump. Right now it’s sitting high behind my left testicle like a cm or 2 from the top where the tubing goes through. I guess my taint. This thing won’t budge from where it is. I’m pulling massaging everything I can think of.
I don’t want to break it or cause my testicles anymore pain.

Yeah, that's one of the problems with the IPP--all the component parts. There was a guy on here--actually a professional porn star with an even bigger dick than yours--that swapped out his IPP for a malleable. He couldn't stand the goddamn pump!

I thought one you get the inflatable pump you can’t get hard again naturally. Doesn’t the malleable still require you to get hard naturally?

My friend, the malleable is always hard!
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 21cm cylinders + 2cm RTEs. Idiopathic "hard flaccid" ED following bacterial infection. Tried pulse waves, Cialis, TRT, even spinal injections. Nada.

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby SWorks17 » Thu Jan 09, 2025 11:09 pm

Vitalssk wrote:My other question is how the hell do you move this pump. Right now it’s sitting high behind my left testicle like a cm or 2 from the top where the tubing goes through. I guess my taint. This thing won’t budge from where it is. I’m pulling massaging everything I can think of.
I don’t want to break it or cause my testicles anymore pain.

Vitalssk, you have coloplast with whatever pump they gave you, my Doc told me to gently pull down on the pump to keep it from migrating upward into the scrotum. It is difficult when your sac is still swollen and painful but he told me to keep trying, just pulling gently with my index finger and thumb.
The MS pump I have with the AMS has a pretty large pump bulb so it was easier to find and pull down on, but it did hurt back then because that pump has these ridges on it and it would hurt like heck when your trying to pull down because the surgical capsule hasn't formed around the pump.
Hopefully you can get it to move downward as the swelling goes down.

Age 67, Garden Ridge Texas, Boston Scientific Rezum procedure for benign enlarged prostate 19 May 21, AMS LGX 18cm with 3cm RT's installed 5 Nov 2021 by Major Dr Shane Barney, BAMC, San Antonio, Texas, Married 36 years.
DOD Pg 131, Faces Pg 27

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Thu Jan 09, 2025 11:32 pm

It’s the titan touch. I go back to the doctor on Monday so if I can’t figure this out I’ll have him deal with it lol
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:32 pm

Pain has disappeared. I guess there is only so much room in my sack for this pump. Some times it bothers me some times it doesn’t. I assume the swelling has to come down more to really see where it’s going to land.
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby SWorks17 » Sat Jan 11, 2025 10:23 am

Vitalssk wrote:Pain has disappeared. I guess there is only so much room in my sack for this pump. Some times it bothers me some times it doesn’t. I assume the swelling has to come down more to really see where it’s going to land.

I thought the same thing Vitalssk, how in the heck is this other step brother gonna sit down there with the twin brothers and not have a problem. I was really concerned about riding my bike again and if I would have to give up that hobby/sport, but after I healed up I haven't had any problems. I do feel the step brother down there every now and then, but 99.9 percent of the time, I don't even know he is down there. I don't even feel the tubing until I reach down and start feeling around.
My pump sits in the front between his two brothers, so when I'm riding my bike with my cycling bibs on, the step brother finds his place down there and usually pushes up to the top of my scrotum. When I get out of my cycling gear, I usually just pull the pump back down into place but most of the time the pump will come back down on its own.
Write all your questions down for the doc so you can ask about everything that you're concerned about. Hopefully you'll get to see him or his PA on Monday.
When I went back for my 6 week followup, I was disappointed that I just saw a male nurse who showed me how to operate the implant and do the cycling.

Have a good weekend
Age 67, Garden Ridge Texas, Boston Scientific Rezum procedure for benign enlarged prostate 19 May 21, AMS LGX 18cm with 3cm RT's installed 5 Nov 2021 by Major Dr Shane Barney, BAMC, San Antonio, Texas, Married 36 years.
DOD Pg 131, Faces Pg 27

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Sat Jan 11, 2025 1:59 pm

SWorks17 wrote:
Vitalssk wrote:Pain has disappeared. I guess there is only so much room in my sack for this pump. Some times it bothers me some times it doesn’t. I assume the swelling has to come down more to really see where it’s going to land.

I thought the same thing Vitalssk, how in the heck is this other step brother gonna sit down there with the twin brothers and not have a problem. I was really concerned about riding my bike again and if I would have to give up that hobby/sport, but after I healed up I haven't had any problems. I do feel the step brother down there every now and then, but 99.9 percent of the time, I don't even know he is down there. I don't even feel the tubing until I reach down and start feeling around.
My pump sits in the front between his two brothers, so when I'm riding my bike with my cycling bibs on, the step brother finds his place down there and usually pushes up to the top of my scrotum. When I get out of my cycling gear, I usually just pull the pump back down into place but most of the time the pump will come back down on its own.
Write all your questions down for the doc so you can ask about everything that you're concerned about. Hopefully you'll get to see him or his PA on Monday.
When I went back for my 6 week followup, I was disappointed that I just saw a male nurse who showed me how to operate the implant and do the cycling.

Have a good weekend

Yeah i heard all types of stories of how you can't ride roller coasters and all types of shit. glad to hear that wont be an issue. And plus me jumping in and out of a garbage truck i see wont be an issue either.
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby fucked0ne » Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:45 pm

Vitalssk wrote:Pain has disappeared. I guess there is only so much room in my sack for this pump. Some times it bothers me some times it doesn’t. I assume the swelling has to come down more to really see where it’s going to land.

You were just implanted January 3rd. Some days will be better than others but expect occasional pain and discomfort for at least 4 months. It sounds crazy but it's not that bad; I'm not talking about debilitating pain. You look like a healthy guy, so I suspect that everything will go fine. You're going to be fine.
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 21cm cylinders + 2cm RTEs. Idiopathic "hard flaccid" ED following bacterial infection. Tried pulse waves, Cialis, TRT, even spinal injections. Nada.

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby Vitalssk » Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:27 pm

i'm just getting tired of having to put my dick facing straight up for the last week lol today was a bad day with my testicular pain on the left side. My right is all fine and dandy but my left looks like a ww1 vet coming out the trenches. And basically feels like that as well. i am actually glad my recovery is going so well tho.
I came yesterday and it was literally the hardest orgasm i ever had in my life. Probably because i don't have my dick on my mind lol.
36 year old with 28cm coloplast titan with 125cc Reservoir, lock out with 0 Rear tip extender and pump
Suffered from Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction and Peyronie disease
Had a 35 degree curve

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby equusAz » Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:28 am

Vitalssk wrote:i'm just getting tired of having to put my dick facing straight up for the last week lol today was a bad day with my testicular pain on the left side. My right is all fine and dandy but my left looks like a ww1 vet coming out the trenches. And basically feels like that as well. i am actually glad my recovery is going so well tho.
I came yesterday and it was literally the hardest orgasm i ever had in my life. Probably because i don't have my dick on my mind lol.

Yeah - the recovery is not high on my list of things to EVER have to go through again - and I've had back surgery - I'd rate this RIGHT up there with my Spinal Fusion recovery with pain (that included the three failed Laminectomies).

Rest assured it wont be forever - I'm on week 5 and just now am wearing underwear and pointing DOWN rather than up - but now there is a new issue...

I was a grower and not a shower - not the same as you - I'm having to deal with an added testicle (pump) AND a now much larger flaccid. Don't get me wrong - now I fill out my pants and jocks - which looks great - but its uncomfortable. No pain - just - everything is rubbing all the time - in ways I didn't anticipate. LOL - so there is that.

One concern you will have is your implant will be stiff for a while until it softens up - THAT is going to annoy the piss out of you - at least it does me. lol

Bruising will come and go - but should abate in a week or so.

Good luck!
48yo gay married male - Size before cancer / ED = 7.5" x 6.25" (current 5.5x5.2). AMS 700 CX implanted 12/9/24. 18cm + 1cm RTE and 18cm + 2cm RTE.
Implant Journal: https://www.franktalk.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=25158

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Re: 36 year old implanted with a 28cm titan coloplast XL

Postby cbinspok » Sun Jan 12, 2025 10:09 am

You’re right, good day and not so good days, you’re going to do great, like I said before in a year you’ll be thinking , whats the big deal. Each week will be better, hang in there pun intended.. I suspect your implant will soften up pretty quickly with all the weight pulling down on it.
Cheers brother thanks for the update.
67years,fighting ed for over twenty years. A sever break, vit E, pataba, Viagra, massage Ved cilas, and I'm tired- throwing in the towel, Op for implant Mar 18, 2021 AMS LGX 18 x12 + 1 3cm RTE, gained girth and length, very glad I took the hard step.

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