Wow, so much has happened in the last years. My dad once said that life happens in 7 year increments. IE, you become a significantly different person, or face a significantly different life circumtance/experience/reality. For me this has been true. I turned 65 just now, and I must say that the last seven years have been some of my happiest and best.
The reason for this is that my self-esteem and zest for life and willingness to engage with people is centered around my ability and knowledge that “I can make an amazing, relaxed, sensual, memorable sex performance for any woman that I meet’ ; in turn, that makes meeting and interacting with new women an interesting and fascinating encounter. Towards that end, I have optimized my physical appearrance, got a hair transplant , aggressively controlled my weight, and have done everything to make my body look scrumptious (ie, gym work, peloton work, diet control). I have taken dance lessons because it is a way to hold and impress women; and I am interested in hobbies. The impact of being a sexually strong male is life changing, and as I have said before, that quote from a franktalk member named LMcatman rings in my ears: “knowing I can f…k her vigorously is life changing, will she let me is a whole other thing”
Of course, I am married, so that other quote that I have heard also rings true here on franktalk: “with great power comes great responsibility.” Meaning that you need to be careful to be faithful and proper in your marriage. That being said, my marriage is so much better now with the implant. Back before implant, my wife would complain that I am not very affectionate, and that bothered her. Well, we all know why that was: if a guy with ED gets affectionate, it might lead to something, but with ED, that something is nothing. In turn, the relationship starts to become ho hum, a little like two room-mates coexisting, and the magic goes away. After I was implanted, I started planning elaborate fun vacation trips with the wife—things that were reminiscent of the life depicted in a viagra or cialis commercial. I knew that if I shelled out the money and effort to plan and show her a good vacation time, she will feel the pressure to put out in the bed room, and yes, that has indeed happened. In fact, it is true that now sex has become a habit for her (she is not particularly sexual), she puts up with sex, sometimes really likes it, but does enjoy the effort and attention I put into it since most of her women friends in her age do not get that wooing and courting). And importantly, the implant and consistent spontaneous sex has changed her as well.
There was a post be a franktalk member “ROBERT1966 who quotes his wife’s opinions . Those posts were really valuable and the change in a wife is profound after the implant. Here is what his wife, Mrs Robert states:
“Mrs Robert
…What I did not expect as a result of the changes to our sexuality was the impact on my emotional state. My sexuality is a strong part of my identity and only after many years did I realize that my unconscious perception of our bonding as a couple was affected, and this impacted on my self-esteem and my feeling of stability in our relationship. Be willing to talk about what you’re experiencing and ask your partner what she needs too to feel okay about whatever stage you are going through….
We discussed the option of an implant and I was initially fearful for Mr Robert, but this fear was based on lack of understanding. Mr Robert shared the research he did on the implant, the surgery and the outcomes with me, and this along with my own investigation enabled me to comprehend the benefits for Mr Robert (his ability to be reflexively sexual and feel sexy) and the then obvious benefits for me….”
This change in self esteem in the man is obvious to us (as LMcatman stated above) but the change to the woman is important to realize and is something to see. My wife is beautiful, she works really hard to stay beautiful and to keep her body nice and to wear dressy attractive clothes. We went on a cruise, and she looked amazing in cruise formal gowns with high heals, because, she cares about her appearance, because, she is still a sexually active woman. So many men and women just let themselves go, because, well, there is no sex, so why bother being sexy looking.
I know you all wonder what it is like for a woman to have sex with a man with implant, here Mrs Robert (as quoted by franktalk member Robert1966 helps with an honest opinion:
“Mrs Robert: …For me the penis feels entirely normal to view and touch in an erect state and is a larger package in a deflated state. We have both made his “extra testicle” a source of pleasure. I yet to use the pump to inflate by my own hand but we plan to bring this into our foreplay. Mr Robert’s erect penis works wonderfully well for penetrative sex as he does not have to concentrate on maintaining an erection and can just concentrate on enjoying the pleasure. The ability to dial up erection size and firmness is also unexpected fun and pleasure which of course can now keep going on and on for both of us….
This has been our experience as well. Dial up is a good option (though she never does the actual puimping) Unlimited lasting power is a good option. Having no worries about losing the erection means that I can focus on the sensual aspect of sex, the words which describe me in the sex act are: “relaxed, fun, long lasting, and sensual”
Here is a true story:
It was Christmas Eve, my married kids in their thirties were visiting, and family was around. For some reason in the middle of the might, I felt foot play going on (she says I started it, but I think she started it — maybe because she thought she got me a undervalued present—whatever the reason, we started passionate kissing for sex (she said we needed to stay quiet since the house was full), ..the fore play progressed and she was darn wet, so the penetration began at 80 %. We have learned to love the deep penetration with stick in and hold deep with a little rocking producing clitoris pressure. I have also loved to sense her breathing and she likes to hold my butt to adjust the penetration depth. We did the tight missionary rocking for a while with occasional longer thrusts, and then I was going to ask her to rub herself on the clit while I was in, and she said “that’s OK, I have already come twice”. I then said I was getting close and was moving towards coming, I jacked up to 95% which maybe was a bit much for her and gentling thrusted. It was hot and her apple watch started alarming because her heart rate was through the roof (so, I have no concern that she was faking an orgasm). I came and it was awesome, and we then rolled over and cuddled and went to sleep. Best XMAS present ever.
That was one of our better sex stories of the year, there are maybe 2 other over the last 12 months that come close, but you get the point…Life is good living in a viagra commercial.
With regards to a few bits of advice and experience and opinion I can give you at this 8 year point:
1) it works as great at year 8 as it did at year one
2) length is the same at year eight as at year one
3) girth is bigger (though not a bunch) at year 8 compared with year 1
4) Regarding techniques to keep it working for another decade, I have asked two implant experts; Dr Karpman says, “just like a car, cycle the system once a week to keep things running. ALSO, do not do positions that might bend it such as reverse cow girl) and Dr Eid says: use it only when you need it (it is a mechanical device with a cycle count which can wear out) and when pumping, try not to flex the tubes as they attach to the bulb because with titan , the failure point is where the tubes enter the bulb.
5) Do not do jack hammer sex (women do not necessarily like it. Look at the internet site “omgyes” and look at my franktalk discussion titled “advanced techniques for bionics” to learn how to use the implant. For me, the key is to put it in super slow, to stay in, to keep pressure on the clitoris, to maintain deep eye contact, to not rush at all, and to truly savor the experience (and tell your women that you want to go slow and savor this and to fully experience and savor the closeness to her). Try to get her or you to stimulate the clit while you are inside her because coming on a hard cock is “AMAZING” for a woman
6) regarding the flacid state: remember mrs robert comment above about “ and is a larger package in a deflated state .” This is an important comment. It seems that women do not necessarily desire a big erect cock—that can be scary and painful for them, BUT, they do like to look at a guy with a big package that is in the deflate state. I noticed this with my dance teacher (she is a real hottie who just says whatever without filter), when I had some specially selected dance black pants that were kind of stretchy and a little flattering around the cock. When looking at how I was moving my hips she blurts out “hey those are really nice pants” and I just shyly smiled, like a teenage girl, and said “…uh, thanks..” Some of us capitalize on this by having a partial inflation while wearing jeans because it is a nice look. Now of course, having a big cock package that shows is not always appropriate, so it is indeed easy to hide if you wear undersized tight jocky style under wear or even tight jockey underwear plus a jockstrap, but those times are unusual for me since I just like “showing the package”
7) regarding worrying about revisions: “life is what happens while you are making other plans” I would have made a “faustiann Bargain with the devil” to get these seven years. They have been great, and if I lose the implant now, I will try to get it back, but if it does not happen, I will so remember these seven years as per shakespere’s notion that “it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all”
8) regarding my prostate cancer. Good news, I am in a remission, and there is a chance I may have beat that cancer (though not certain). While I was on androgen deprivation, my libido was zero, but I was able to have sex with the wife to keep the relationship somehat normal. Now that it is all over (I had Radiation plus ADT)It is as if nothing ever happened because the implant has protected me from the horrible erectile dysfunction of prostate treatment. As Dr Karpmann once told me: “you know, the thing that really bothers guys about prostate cancer is the erectile dysfunction afterword. For you, you are protected from that.”
9) So, my advice to you all: “get the implant if you have ED. It is a surgical cure” For me, it has been life changing, and I am loving life because I have a nice cock that works anytime, anyplace, and in any mood.