Discovernew wrote:Vitalssk wrote:returntocenter wrote:
Wow ok good to know. How bad is the pain for those six hours on a scale from 1-10, and if you stay with the girl after sex, to what level do you deflate your titan so it doesn’t look weird and it gets her asking questions.
with out the valium its a 9. with the valium its a 6.
i'm married. So i deflate that bitch all the way. If i was single id be proudly telling women what i have. What girl doesn't want to fuck a dick that can keep an erection forever. also what girl wouldn't want to inflate a dick lmao.
i really truly believe this whole stigma of hiding the fact you have a bionic dick is hilarious. i don't see women hiding the fact they got fake tits or a bbl. in the end fake or not we would still enjoy them lol.
Wow a pain of 9 is a lot. Have you tried something else besides Valium? Maybe a more regular painkiller such as paracetamol?
I had pain between my legs after having orgasm. I would say for the first month the pain was an 8, and then it gradually went down to the point by month 3 pain was zero.
i was taking so many pain killers it gave me an ulcer lmao