Congratulations on your promotion and your confidence going through the roof. It’s always good to hear great success stories.
Keep enjoying your Bionic Weapon

newbiehere23 wrote:duke_cicero wrote:maxxxxx wrote:Thanks Ducke.
What about the girth compared to before the implant? do you have engorgement during sex?
Girth is about the same. I do have engorgement during sex. I also still take Cialis a day or two before sex and find that helps things even more.
Can you go without the cialis for girth engorgement? This is my only concern.
Also when were you clean for exercise again or when did you start lifting weights again
duke_cicero wrote:newbiehere23 wrote:duke_cicero wrote:
Girth is about the same. I do have engorgement during sex. I also still take Cialis a day or two before sex and find that helps things even more.
Can you go without the cialis for girth engorgement? This is my only concern.
Also when were you clean for exercise again or when did you start lifting weights again
Can definitely go without the Cialis. I don't take it all of the time. I think exercise handles 99% of the vascular benefits to the penis. I was clean for exercise after the first month, but I have been careful about ramping up the intensity. I am careful not to lift super heavy (previously, my one-rep max for deadlift was nearly 700 pounds) but I can pretty much do any cardio I desire. I am not using bicycles, however, out of an abundance of caution.
Mark1974 wrote:What does masturbation feel like?
LastHope wrote:Awesome update Duke! Please keep these excellent updates coming. Very thoughtful and well written. When I read about your experience, I find myself wishing I were single again. With kids and family, it’s tough to shift into reverse gear now. Enjoy that immortal erection buddy! Your time is now! Congratulations on your promotion!
SWorks17 wrote:Fantastic update Duke
Congratulations on your promotion and your confidence going through the roof. It’s always good to hear great success stories.
Keep enjoying your Bionic Weapon
wasim1 wrote:700 LB i can just dream about it
To respond to your earlier question about TRT: if your levels have dropped off even with consistent testosterone therapy, I would make sure that your doses have been accurately metered out. At the moment I can't recall if you were using pellets. In general, from everything I've read, I can't really recommend pellets. The dosing is quite inconsistent with this method and also doesn't appear to deliver the same peak to testosterone levels that regular injections do
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