Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby SWorks17 » Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:46 pm

Fantastic update Duke

Congratulations on your promotion and your confidence going through the roof. It’s always good to hear great success stories.

Keep enjoying your Bionic Weapon :)

Age 67, Garden Ridge Texas, Boston Scientific Rezum procedure for benign enlarged prostate 19 May 21, AMS LGX 18cm with 3cm RT's installed 5 Nov 2021 by Major Dr Shane Barney, BAMC, San Antonio, Texas, Married 36 years.
DOD Pg 131, Faces Pg 27

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby duke_cicero » Sat Mar 08, 2025 8:17 pm

newbiehere23 wrote:
duke_cicero wrote:
maxxxxx wrote:Thanks Ducke.
What about the girth compared to before the implant? do you have engorgement during sex?

Girth is about the same. I do have engorgement during sex. I also still take Cialis a day or two before sex and find that helps things even more.

Can you go without the cialis for girth engorgement? This is my only concern.

Also when were you clean for exercise again or when did you start lifting weights again

Can definitely go without the Cialis. I don't take it all of the time. I think exercise handles 99% of the vascular benefits to the penis. I was clean for exercise after the first month, but I have been careful about ramping up the intensity. I am careful not to lift super heavy (previously, my one-rep max for deadlift was nearly 700 pounds) but I can pretty much do any cardio I desire. I am not using bicycles, however, out of an abundance of caution.
Born 1990. ED since age 20 after a bicycle accident. Coloplast Genesis malleable implanted December 2024. Read my implant journal here.

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby Mark1974 » Sat Mar 08, 2025 8:43 pm

What does masturbation feel like?
Born 6/15/74. I have substantial venous leak with fairly severe hour-glassing, but no hard plaques. My urologist is sexual health expert Dr. Laurence Levine who performed a Doppler Ultrasound and diagnosed me with VL in 2020. Surgery scheduled 5/19/25

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby LastHope » Sat Mar 08, 2025 10:00 pm

Awesome update Duke! Please keep these excellent updates coming. Very thoughtful and well written. When I read about your experience, I find myself wishing I were single again. With kids and family, it’s tough to shift into reverse gear now :D. Enjoy that immortal erection buddy! Your time is now! Congratulations on your promotion!
Early 40s. Lifelong ED. Jan 2025 - Coloplast Genesis 22cm-13mm.

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby wasim1 » Sat Mar 08, 2025 10:32 pm

duke_cicero wrote:
newbiehere23 wrote:
duke_cicero wrote:
Girth is about the same. I do have engorgement during sex. I also still take Cialis a day or two before sex and find that helps things even more.

Can you go without the cialis for girth engorgement? This is my only concern.

Also when were you clean for exercise again or when did you start lifting weights again

Can definitely go without the Cialis. I don't take it all of the time. I think exercise handles 99% of the vascular benefits to the penis. I was clean for exercise after the first month, but I have been careful about ramping up the intensity. I am careful not to lift super heavy (previously, my one-rep max for deadlift was nearly 700 pounds) but I can pretty much do any cardio I desire. I am not using bicycles, however, out of an abundance of caution.

700 LB i can just dream about it

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby duke_cicero » Sun Mar 09, 2025 12:38 am

Mark1974 wrote:What does masturbation feel like?

Masturbation feels like it did before, but my subcoronal tissue is a little sensitive because of the scar tissue/incision sites. But, this is also improving with time. All told, though, I don't really think about masturbating much—I'm so focused on finding ways to have sex that it's not really an interest of mine in the same way it used to be. Occasionally I really feel the need to clean the pipes, and basically masturbating feels great. I'm careful to always use lubrication so I don't incur too much friction.

LastHope wrote:Awesome update Duke! Please keep these excellent updates coming. Very thoughtful and well written. When I read about your experience, I find myself wishing I were single again. With kids and family, it’s tough to shift into reverse gear now :D. Enjoy that immortal erection buddy! Your time is now! Congratulations on your promotion!

Thank you on all counts, sir! I can only say that every married guy I know wishes he were single, and every perpetually single guy often wishes that he were married to the woman of his dreams. If the grass is always greener on the other side, then—well, is it, really? I don't think we'll ever be satisfied. It's the same with money. Immediately after getting the promotion, I wondered what I could do to improve my chances of another subsequent promotion down the line.

SWorks17 wrote:Fantastic update Duke

Congratulations on your promotion and your confidence going through the roof. It’s always good to hear great success stories.

Keep enjoying your Bionic Weapon :)


Thank you, SWorks! To respond to your earlier question about TRT: if your levels have dropped off even with consistent testosterone therapy, I would make sure that your doses have been accurately metered out. At the moment I can't recall if you were using pellets. In general, from everything I've read, I can't really recommend pellets. The dosing is quite inconsistent with this method and also doesn't appear to deliver the same peak to testosterone levels that regular injections do — and by that I mean at least twice a week, as evenly spaced out as you can make them. Monday and Thursday or Sunday and Wednesday are good candidates. Finally, it's sometimes the case that you might just need a bigger dose, so ask your doctor if you can dose up slightly from where you are right now.

wasim1 wrote:700 LB i can just dream about it

I wonder if it was really worth it. I only did it twice before hurting myself, gave myself a strain in my lower back that (thankfully!) has healed up. But I'm afraid to put too much pressure on my groin, so there won't be any super-heavy lifting anymore. Just enough to maintain the muscle on my physique.
Born 1990. ED since age 20 after a bicycle accident. Coloplast Genesis malleable implanted December 2024. Read my implant journal here.

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby Gatorman97 » Sun Mar 09, 2025 3:03 am

Hi Duke, fantastic update, I am so happy for you.

I too have a malleable implanted around same time as yours. I’ve had an experience that is positive but not quite as positive as yours :). I’m actually gonna PM you as well.

Stories like this are amazing and fill me with hope.

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby thedriver » Sun Mar 09, 2025 8:32 am

Great update and congrats on the promotion, the boss evidently see's the confidence you have in yourself, which is a big thing in the ED world, sort of taps into the mental health part of life.
Take every step in life like you own that sidewalk, hold your head high, shoulders back, keep a positive thought and good things will happen in your world that you never dreamed possible.
After 4 Titan IPP failures within 4 years I finally wised up and went to the Malleable Genesis 23cm- 13mm implanted 2-1-24 and no regrets so far.
For those that are asking, I'm going to change the wifeys avatar weekly.

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Re: Malleable journal - nervous but hopeful

Postby SWorks17 » Sun Mar 09, 2025 9:32 am

To respond to your earlier question about TRT: if your levels have dropped off even with consistent testosterone therapy, I would make sure that your doses have been accurately metered out. At the moment I can't recall if you were using pellets. In general, from everything I've read, I can't really recommend pellets. The dosing is quite inconsistent with this method and also doesn't appear to deliver the same peak to testosterone levels that regular injections do

I'm sorry Duke, I must have mentioned that my wife is taking testosterone and estrogen pellets every four months.
It has really energized our sex life

I've never taken any testosterone treatment, I wanted to get your opinion about me going from 880 T to 660 T in the last three years. My primary doctor says that 660 is adequate, but I just don't get as horny as I did 2 and 3 years ago.
When my urologist doc tested my levels before I got the implant, I was at 880.

I have a FrankTalk friend in Dallas, Texas that uses Androgel and it has worked for him, I can't remember how many times a week or daily that he uses it. He is 70

Do you think that it would be beneficial to see if I could get my levels back to 880?

Thanks Duke,
Age 67, Garden Ridge Texas, Boston Scientific Rezum procedure for benign enlarged prostate 19 May 21, AMS LGX 18cm with 3cm RT's installed 5 Nov 2021 by Major Dr Shane Barney, BAMC, San Antonio, Texas, Married 36 years.
DOD Pg 131, Faces Pg 27

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