Have any of you had the web skin removed during the implant surgery,this can be a very costly procedure if done on its own but as I am having the excess web skin removed during the implant surgery it is very little difference to the original cost of the implant. My understanding is that the heavy web like skin that connects the underside of the penis to the scrotum will be cut back to release the penis so that it hangs more freely and gives the oppinon that the penis is much longer in a flaccid state.
I believe that this will also reduce the penis from being drawn back into the excess layers of skin at the scrotum sometimes giving the appearance that there is only a very small pee pee or no penis at all but whilst we know that these members can in fact be very good growers and produce a good looking cock at erection but it does nothing for our ego when we are in the showers at the local club or gym.
I will be happy to share more as the facts unfold and I have a better understanding of the procedure but the thought that I could end up with a penis that hangs freely of good length and can stand to attention as required is a very pleasant expectation