What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
zac white
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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby zac white » Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:26 am

Lengthening the flaccid penis during the implant :idea: :idea:

Have any of you had the web skin removed during the implant surgery,this can be a very costly procedure if done on its own but as I am having the excess web skin removed during the implant surgery it is very little difference to the original cost of the implant. My understanding is that the heavy web like skin that connects the underside of the penis to the scrotum will be cut back to release the penis so that it hangs more freely and gives the oppinon that the penis is much longer in a flaccid state.
I believe that this will also reduce the penis from being drawn back into the excess layers of skin at the scrotum sometimes giving the appearance that there is only a very small pee pee or no penis at all but whilst we know that these members can in fact be very good growers and produce a good looking cock at erection but it does nothing for our ego when we are in the showers at the local club or gym.

I will be happy to share more as the facts unfold and I have a better understanding of the procedure but the thought that I could end up with a penis that hangs freely of good length and can stand to attention as required is a very pleasant expectation
47, Type 2 Diabetes, AMS 700 LGX - Brother since Oct 2014, Australia

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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby Charlie999 » Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:58 pm

Hi Zac,
You are about to change your life so very much. Having had ED for a lot of years, and then getting a successful implant was a mind blowing experience for me and my wife. You also, will be able to have a steel post hard on any time, and it will last as long as you want it to. I only wish I had done this 15 years ago. My pain was very manageable. First night was a little bad, but the rest was a piece of cake. You are in for the thrill of your life. My wife loves it, and the fact that I can go on and on really changes everything. My doc activated me 4 weeks post surgery. I am about 11 weeks post now, and let me tell you - LIFE IS FANTASTIC. I thank God for this great event at the 82nd year of my life, and I'm sure you will too. I wish you the very best of luck, and pray that your experience will be just as good as mine.

God Bless,


85 married 36 yrs. implanted by Dr. Paul Perito June 14. Complete revision by Dr. Ralphael Carrion May 17 because of leaking Coloplast.

zac white
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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby zac white » Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:23 am

Thanks Charlie
You are an inspiration Mate, you are living proof that age has nothing to do with ones ability to enjoy life and all the amazing things it has to offer (like the pleasure of good sex) you sure give me something to look forward to.
Must admit some of the implant experiences shared in FT scare the fucking shit out of me but it's good to know that it is possible to come through the post op period and be as positive as you in such a short time. I am prepared for the pain and discomfort for a period of time but if after I too can say it was a piece of cake then I will truly thank my lucky stars.
All the very best to you and your wife as you continue to truly enjoy life and each other
47, Type 2 Diabetes, AMS 700 LGX - Brother since Oct 2014, Australia

zac white
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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby zac white » Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:08 am

With 5 weeks until I get my LGX is pumping going to help in preparing my penis for the operation. I have read on some of the posts that it helps to stretch prior to surgery to aid the insertion of the cylinders and in getting the most appropriate size?

Would appreciate any comments if your doctors had advised you to do so, I wont be seeing mine for another couple of weeks. If advised what kind of routine is suggested to get the best results.

35 days to D day!!!

47, Type 2 Diabetes, AMS 700 LGX - Brother since Oct 2014, Australia

zac white
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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby zac white » Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:48 am

Have started the stretch exercise it really dose the trick will catch up with my doc this week and hopefully get all the answers so that I know what to expect
I am so looking forward to having a fully functioning piece of equipment that will give us what so many of you have been raving about a member that is always at the ready with none of the hang ups that we have had in the past
I know that I have to be patient with four weeks to go and then the recovery but I am starting to get the excitement and I just want to bring it on it's starting to feel like Christmas is coming and we are about to be normal again
Wish me luck with the LGX
47, Type 2 Diabetes, AMS 700 LGX - Brother since Oct 2014, Australia

zac white
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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby zac white » Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:03 am

If the shaft is hard but the head is going to be soft as I have read in many of the comments throughout FT does that cause difficulty or discomfort in penetrating? Is the soft glans (head) a given with all implants mine will be an LGX?
47, Type 2 Diabetes, AMS 700 LGX - Brother since Oct 2014, Australia

zac white
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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby zac white » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:48 am

Have noted that some of the guys don't deflate fully but like to leave a little juice in the tank so as to say!

After years of not maintaing a solid looking flaccid member more the turtle effect I can see that it is possible to turn a grower into a shower? And I think, no I know that that would do wonders for my ego .

When erect I am very proud of my boy (except that he does not last) but when flaccid a big disappointment to me! Would love to have him just hang free. Is the implant going to give me the bonus of a flaccid that looks more like a shower?

What has been your experience have you changed from a G to an S if so to what extent do you inflate and do you maintain that all the time?

Would like to hear from the Growers in the Brotherhood
47, Type 2 Diabetes, AMS 700 LGX - Brother since Oct 2014, Australia

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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby JDavid » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:18 am

In my case, my flacid length and inflated length are about the same at 5.5-6.0 inches, Before surgery I was 3.5 flacid so my length has almost doubled and I love it! I have a 700 LGX.
I am sixty-six years of age and dealing with gradually worsening ED for twenty years. At sixty-three I wanted something that worked reliably. I got an AMS 700 LGX implant in 6/25/13. I am entirely pleased with the outcome. My surgeon was Dr. Karpman.

zac white
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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby zac white » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:44 am

I know that length should not have a priority when it comes to going ahead with the implant but after the years of disappointment and embarrassment of not being able to perform totally the ego still has you thinking of how you will perceive yourself physically post op. To that extent at this time to hear positive comments sure helps.
47, Type 2 Diabetes, AMS 700 LGX - Brother since Oct 2014, Australia

zac white
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Re: What will I still feel re arousal, stimulation post Implant?

Postby zac white » Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:48 am

I get really pissed off with myself, this waiting for surgery still has me wondering if I will go through with it while at the same time I know that it is what I want and that I have made the decision. Your comments that it is the best thing possible for those of us that really have no other option has hit home and I do look forward to the time when we can have spontanious sex without the mental and physical torture as to the ability to perform. With just under two weeks to go I just need to hold it all together, why am I screwing with my mind I am a really a positive guy normally is it something that the rest of you went through?
I know I need a good boot up the arse but it is taking so F---ing long to happen. I have a great wife but I don't want her to go through these thoughts also so I continue to tell her how strong I am and so ready for it and I am, so why am I being so stupid!!! The only word I can think of to explain what I'm being. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!
Sorry guys don't mean to be a pain but just need to voice these crazy thoughts somewhere, not the type of discussion that you have with just anyone except people like you who have experienced the whole thing.
I will make it and it will be the Best
Thanks for letting me get it out
47, Type 2 Diabetes, AMS 700 LGX - Brother since Oct 2014, Australia

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