April 28 Surgery ...

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April 28 Surgery ...

Postby rdhill » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:11 am

Hey! My consultation went great with Culley Carson. I was very relieved after meeting with him and his team. I will be spending one (1) night in the hospital. Dr. Carson said he preferred this option instead of out-patient. He said he does not use anything from AMS except the LGX, unlike what the rep from AMS informed me. Thanks for all of the support from the guys who have contacted me. I will respond soon. Things have been crazy to say the least.
By this time next week it will be done.



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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby antelope » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:24 am

Way to go, Robin! We're all cheering from the sidelines and sending good thoughts and fervent prayers. Keep us posted as you can.
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby hoseboy » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:24 pm

Hey Robin - that's great news! Look forward to hearing how it goes for you. Sorry I couldn't talk that day - was on the ride home from the hospital. I am doing much better now and look forward to talking again. Glenn
Age 59, married, PSA 4.9 &+biopsy PCa 5/10, RRP 7/10, no extension, nerves spared, subsequent PSAs<.01, continent 10/10, ED continued with no effect from pills or injections, dx - irreversible venous leak 3/11, implanted 4/15/11 AMS LGX 700.

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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby Dave48003 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:24 pm


I am so happy for you. Happy that you decided to go see the doc and happy that you made a decision that will undoubtedly add great joy to your life. We sometimes pile a lot of issues together and our minds somehow think it is all interdependent and it becomes overwhelming. As I wrote you when you were at your panicky point, go see the doc. Just because you see him doesn't commit you to having the surgery. Put all the issues on the table with him and then the 2 of you can discuss what to do. It sounds like that is just what you did. Congrats! You have a huge cheering section on this site, not just for the implant, but also for your other issues. Enjoy the moment, knowing you made a great, educated decision.

Godspeed, my friend! And do keep us posted!

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby shadowwolfe » Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:16 am

I am having my implant on the same day :) I will also be in the hospital for 1 day and then I have to stay in town for the weekend. Anyone know how difficult it will be to do stairs? Staying with friends and all the rooms are upstairs. Good luck with yours.

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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby hoseboy » Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:04 am

I was implanted 4/15, sent home to my 2nd floor bedroom the next day, and had no problems. It was probably more painful for people watching me - I went slowly! I have not heard others tell of stair problems either, so am pretty sure the ability to climb them is probably typical. Good luck both of you! ...and feel free to ask other questions you might have - I am less than 2 weeks ahead of you guys in this trip. Glenn
Age 59, married, PSA 4.9 &+biopsy PCa 5/10, RRP 7/10, no extension, nerves spared, subsequent PSAs<.01, continent 10/10, ED continued with no effect from pills or injections, dx - irreversible venous leak 3/11, implanted 4/15/11 AMS LGX 700.

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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby knotreel » Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:39 am

Robin,I hope things go well with the surgery. Keep the ice pacs on everything for a few days. Looking forward to getting some good reports.
age 74 married, Robotic RP Dec.2009. Implanted Jan 2011 with AMS 700LGX and AMS 800 AUS. (AMS 1500). IPP failed March 2018 , leak. Planning an AUS revision (total replacement) in 2018, now I need the IPP too.

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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:58 am

Robin & Shadowwolfe:

You guys should have teamed for a blue lite special discount!! My best to you both as you join the growing bionic component of this clan. To help the rest of us learn consider beginning a post under implants as you begin your journey. There is a lot of experience here and those who have gone before can probably answer any ?'s you have.

A new world awaits and a new beginning with your most favored body part. Enjoy the outcome.


PCa-surgery 10/06

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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby LGX_Man » Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:21 pm

Robin and Shadowwolfe.

This is great news and I congratulate you for making such a big decision. Our community of bionics continues to grow larger and larger (literally and figuratively). Get it? Heh, never mind!

I wish you both success with your surgeries. Mine was done Dec. 28th, 2010 and I'm almost 4 months post-op now. Life has returned to normal and I've finally stopped putting all focus on my penis, as it was for the first 2 months. I'm back to normal again, except that now I can have erections on demand as well as sex that ends when I want it to end. It's ALL GOOD! The worst part for any of us is "before" the surgery because of the worry and angst. The pain becomes minimal after a few weeks and then it's just a forward climb uphill. You'll be one of those guys saying "I wonder why I didn't do this years ago" as most of us post-ops say.

Best of luck to you both, LGX_Man
62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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Re: April 28 Surgery ...

Postby Dave48003 » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:53 pm

Robin & Shadowwolfe,

Stairs shouldn't be a problem. My most difficult thing was trying to sit and trying to get up. Balls hang low enough that they were in contact with whatever I was sitting on. My advice, get a suspensory! I should have put mine on sooner.

My best to both of you. Soon you will be members of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners!

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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