Ok, im 37 and for the last few years i have had a few things happen, one is i realised i have a smaller than average penis, and also fairly small balls

Now im unsure if these are related: if you are wondering why i took me so long to realise i was small, basically untill my 30s id never seen another mans cock. But with the internet and also finally biting the bullet and joining a gym, i have seen a fair few! I will be clear, im not too worried that little dave is, well, little, and i kinda thing he suits me, but after joining a site for smaller guys ( http://www.measurection.com )it made me wonder if it can affect a guys performance. We have all heard women laughing and joking at a guys expense etc.
Im sure that although my 'discovery' happened at a similar time to the old ED; i do wonder if on some unconscious level if its had an impact, it is coincidence. My wife has never complained that im small and insists its fine. I have kids, so although its small and i have little nuts, its done the job.
That brings me to my next point, i does not bother me as much as i feel it should. Dont get me wrong, i miss the sex, who wouldnt. I have a sleep disorder that i know can contribute, and take antihistamines year round which again i believe there is evidence to suggest these can also contribute (correct me if im wrong guys). Im tired a lot of the time although on CPAP therapy, and my sex drive has suffered as a result. When i think of bed, my only thoughts are asleep! Other than this i have a good full happy life, and i feel that if i allow this to become a major problem, searching for a cure, (im against taking further meds if possible)etc, then it could sour what i have, whats isbasically a good happy life. But im i being unfair to my wife. We have an open honest relationship, we have discussed this, its not brushed under the carpet, and she says she is happy as we are, sex had dwindled due to having 3 kids in a very small house, opportunities were very few n far between!
I know im not like a lot of the guys on here who have been through a lot of tretments etc and i dont want to sound a whiner, cos im not. But i guess there maybe other guys like me out there, who have just lost the ability to maintain their erection, and are wondering what the next step is.
Im not after answers as such, we all have our own journey to take, and whats good for the goose.......... but i would appreciate any feed back r thoughts etc, or even if you know or think you know a guy in the same boat, point them this way so we can help each other.
Thanks for reading,
(ps apologies for any mis-spellings etc)