How long to regain length?

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How long to regain length?

Postby pianoman » Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:15 pm

Re: How long to regain length? Update

Postby pianoman » Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:18 am

This is a re post from Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:18 pm

I had my AMS LGX 700MS installed 10-21-2011. Before surgery I measured about 7 inches, pumped with VED with a cock ring.The first time I measured after surgery I measured about 5.5 inches. For 2 mos before surgery I did the VED exercises twice a day. My measurements at age 21 was 7.25. my measurements a year ago was 6.5, Sometimes after pumping with VED I would be just over 8". Today at 67 years old, I measured a full 7.5 inches at 3.5 mos. post opt.

To get this kind of results, here is what I did. Before you do your pumping up; "warm up" for at least five minutes warm your penis and scrotum up. I use a sock filled with 2 lb. of dried beans, straight out of the bag, tie the end of the sock so as not to spill the beans. Microwave the beans one minute ( or more depending on your microwave) Get it as hot as you can stand it, but don't burn yourself. Then pump your penis up tight, till it hurts a little. Then massage your penis till the pain goes away. Pump it up some more, massage it some more till the pain goes away. When it gets so painful you can't continue, then let it down to about 70% (comfortable) Masterbate it till it feels OK. Warm it up Again, Then pump it back up and repeat the process till the hour is over.

Now I'm 71 years old,have kept up the same routine of daily pumping for about 10 min.,Now my stats are 8 1/2 inches long and 6 dia. To please the Misses I have to let it down to about 70%. She says it is too long.

Good Luck
Pianoman married 73 yrs old 1st implant on Oct. 21, 2011 AMS LGX 700 21 cm. By McHugh Failed Oct. 15, 2017 Found Dr. Hakky Atl, Ga Got 2nd. implant Dec. 28, 20017 Coloplast Titan XL 24cm. procedure:

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