Curious. What eventually wears out?

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Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby psyched123 » Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:30 am

I had my implant put in last fall and, now that it's working correctly, I hope it lasts for a long, long time. However, I've seen several posts from members who report having had to replace their 5 - 12 year old implant. What wears out?

Seems that the only part that really would wear is the pump. However, when I've read posts about replacement, it seems that everything is replaced. Do the cylinders and the tubes degrade, too? If not, couldn't you just have the worn out pump replaced and save your penis the trauma of a complete redo?
Implanted AMS CX 700 11/15 by Dr. Morey in Dallas (botched). 6/16 - Surgery by Dr. Kansas in Austin to correct the mistakes. Works great now. Very pleased!

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Re: Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby JerGeezer » Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:47 pm

Many times the cause of failure is a leak and they don't know what is leaking, so the safest way to ensure success is to replace the whole thing. If they know the problem is the pump or some other part, they may replace that one part. AMS recommends replacing only the part if failure is, I think, within the first three years. Because these units do fail in time, they recommend replacing the whole thing if the unit is over, I think, three years.
I'm 75 and got an AMS Ultrex in 1995. Had it replaced in 1999. Got a new AMS 700 LGX in 2013.

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Re: Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby David_R » Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:51 pm

My implant gave out after 12 years. I noticed that I would be pumping it and nothing was happening. My well-respected and very-experienced urologist suggested replacing the whole thing, telling me that after that many years it just wasn't worth going inside to see exactly what wasn't working and then trying to replace/repair that. I am glad I went with his suggestion.

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Re: Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby roninhouston » Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:07 pm

David_R wrote:My implant gave out after 12 years. I noticed that I would be pumping it and nothing was happening. My well-respected and very-experienced urologist suggested replacing the whole thing, telling me that after that many years it just wasn't worth going inside to see exactly what wasn't working and then trying to replace/repair that. I am glad I went with his suggestion.

Would you elaborate on why you are glad you went with his total replacement? Is the new better than the old? Did you get the same model or did you upgrade? Was the recovery a shorter time? Easier this time? Lose or gain length?
Bionic@68 AMS CX 8/2015. Inflated September Dr. Robert Cornell.
69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy & Post-Op VED Therapy: 6th month Pre-Op length. 76 Prostate Cancer(12/22). HormoneRT & Radiation Treatments. PSA of 0.01(6/2023)

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Life expectancy of implants:

Postby Lost Sheep » Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:13 am

I intended to post a topic titled "Life expectancy of implants:", but you beat me to the subject.

I have read there is a relation between the number of inflation/deflation cycles (essentially the number of times one has sex) and implant life (more frequent use-earlier failure)

Is there any technique to extend the life of the implant such as partially inflating only to the minimum required for penetration)?

I observe that many men revel in the "rock hard"-ness of their inflated (no pun intended) erections. Is "rock-hard" a sign of over-inflation that might hasten failure? That is, is repeated upper-limit inflation (or over-inflation) a possible cause of early failure?

Is the malleable/semi-rigid prosthetic a better choice in this respect?

Lost Sheep
Lost Sheep
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Re: Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby psyched123 » Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:48 pm

Hmmm... Makes sense. The more one uses it, the faster it must be replaced. Might have to rethink my desire to have it last a "long, long time." :>
Implanted AMS CX 700 11/15 by Dr. Morey in Dallas (botched). 6/16 - Surgery by Dr. Kansas in Austin to correct the mistakes. Works great now. Very pleased!

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Re: Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby Lost Sheep » Sat Jul 09, 2016 3:28 pm

I will speculate (from what I know of plumbing in buildings and other mechanical stuff) that the failure modes which relate to ffrequency of use would be related to the pump or valve(s). Then the inflatable portion. Leakage from kinking or pinching of the flexible parts and simple mechanical wear couold do that.

Another weak link is the tubing connections. If the connections are not properly done (think of the solder joints in you home plumbing) a leakage could develop. A connection that is water-tight at first (but with a thin spot or weak crimp) could develop a leak at any time, not necessarily right away.

Again, this is speculation, but it seems to me these would be the most common.

Opening up the scrotum to re-crimp a connection (or replace a pump/valve assembly) might be less invasive than a full implant replacement, but if you cannot be assured that will restore function, it makes sense to go ahead in and replace the whole works. Unless you KNEW the main body of the implant still had another decade of use. It would be a heck of a thing to fix a leaking connection and then have to go in and replace a main body a few months later. After all, all the parts are the same age.

Lost Sheep
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Mon Jul 18, 2016 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby Xomanow » Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:04 pm

"What eventually wears out?"

Your partner...........
Implanted Jan 4 2017 by Dr. Eid - 70 yo and single...ED gradually over 15 yrs...tired of pills, injections, cock rings....happy with my choice and results. Titan OTR - one 20cm cylinder - one 20cm+1 RTE...."got a rocket in my pocket"....

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Re: Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby Lost Sheep » Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:17 pm

Xomanow wrote:"What eventually wears out?"

Your partner...........

You should re-post that in the jokes and humor topic.

Lost Sheep

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Re: Curious. What eventually wears out?

Postby soulforged » Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:15 am

according to dr kramer what usually breaks is the tubing close to the pump

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