At a loss.

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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At a loss.

Postby defiant » Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:38 pm

I'm not sure what to do.

My anxiety and subsequent depression from my 11-year battle with ED has consumed me and my psyche. My psychosexual counselling is virtually useless.

I can't bring myself to use 5mg daily Cialis, opting instead for bigger hits as and when, which granted work, but their efficacy is fading due to my increasing angst/depression.

My girlfriend is so supportive but I don't think she knows the true depth of my woe. I'm struggling at work, I have no desire to excel.

If I could just live in the safe knowledge 5mg Cialis would work forever, I would be fine with that. What's one pill a day. Nothing. People take statins daily, and all manner of drugs. But my mind won't let me, let that, work. So now I have dosing issues.

It's been fine up until now as I never had a secure gf but now that I do I'm faced with this dosing issue and just being on drugs and having this stress is enough to bring me down.

Kegels were working but began to fade out. I only gave it 2 weeks and I'm on a 5 day break and will pick up again soon.

But what can I do next? Honestly, is there anyone in the same situation? Or similar? I'm so reluctant to move on to injections. I'm 32 for christ's sake and apparently this is all in my head. Seems so ridiculous,

My life was so great, other than this bloody thing. It is so depressing!

I feel as though it's only a matter of time also until my girlfriend leaves me. Even though I have no evidence to show she will but rather my mood and mindset will be my own undoing.

Any advice would be welcome, practical or emotional.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: At a loss.

Postby Anonymous2 » Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:23 pm

Hi Defiant Just keep up with your meditation for your anxiety, if your finding problems with seek a local group, if you want even more help there are a couple of places round Suffolk This is one, this is a big place and learning centre, the other one I knew about is just a healing centre. but if you google for your area, you should find loads.

Just keep your chin up and take life one day at a time, your win.

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Frank Talk Admin
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Re: At a loss.

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:29 am

You need better medical help for the anxiety. Are you seeing a good psychiatrist?
Show him this post. Ask for his help.

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Re: At a loss.

Postby Anonymous2 » Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:08 am

Frank Talk Admin wrote:You need better medical help for the anxiety. Are you seeing a good psychiatrist?
Show him this post. Ask for his help.

Hi Paul. If you read through these your see why he’s now doing meditation as a way you get out of his anxiety, and from these you can see it works.
A trick cyclist would be a great help in taking away the seed that was planted, by the woman he was with 11 years ago now that he does need. ... e-exercise ... lness.aspx ... t-20045858

Once you have read these your see why he will be ok, its something he can do anywhere, a trick cyclist cant be with all the time but meditation can be.

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Frank Talk Admin
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Re: At a loss.

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:07 pm

I am all in favor of meditation. It is a wonderful tool.
However, as a medical professional, it is my duty to encourage him to seek qualified medical help. None of us is able to diagnose via a discussion board.

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Re: At a loss.

Postby Anonymous2 » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:24 pm

Frank Talk Admin wrote:Nowhard,
I am all in favor of meditation. It is a wonderful tool.
However, as a medical professional, it is my duty to encourage him to seek qualified medical help. None of us is able to diagnose via a discussion board.

The NHS is the UK's health service and the Mayo Clinic is renowned around the world for its medical work are you saying these are not worthy then?

And you don't back what they do?

Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: At a loss.

Postby jonbaldbg » Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:15 pm

I've struggled with anxiety and depression for a long time. I can't take SSRIs because of the sexual side effects. They shut me down sexually. I do take an antidepressant called Wellbutrin which does not have the sexual side effects but is also less effective as an antidepressant. As needed I take a tranquilizer to calm my anxiety a bit. It doesn't cause sexual side effects for me, but I'm sure it could be possible for some.

Daily Cialis, 5mg, never worked for me by the time it was released on the market. I did take 20mg Cialis as needed. When that quit working I went to injections and it was like being a young man again. These too eventually quite working and I ended up with Peyronies.

You are young and have a lot to live for. It is sad that you are having erectile problems so young, but it does happen sometimes. You are living in a world where modern medicine has made such strides. I know that at your age you would hate to consider a penile implant, but that is really the only option after injections stop working. There are men on this board who have gotten implants and eventually had them replaced once they wore out (10-15 or maybe even 20 years depending on who you talk to). These guys would do it all over again in a heartbeat because they were so pleased with their implants.

All I can say is there are options and I wish you well. It is very possible your girlfriend will hang in there as you address your medical conditions. If she really loves you, she will. While you are in treatment, there are other ways to satisfy her, not just intercourse!!

Best to you.
62 years old. ED for years. High BP and meds have done me in. AMS 700 CX /3.0 cm RTE Implanted by Andrew Kramer on 10/12/16. Involved revision to relocate tubes and pump performed 12/29/16 by Dr. Knoll of Nashville, TN.

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Re: At a loss.

Postby surfguy » Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:48 pm

Our stories are quite similar. My ED started in my mid 50's when taking anti depressants (Celexa, an SSRI ). had no problems before that but needed Viagra when my ?ED quickly worsened. That worked well for the year I was on Celexa, but when I stopped the antidepressants, my ED remained. The mix with Viagra was actually better than the Viagra alone, as I had much staying power. After several years using Viagra it became less effective and the side effects got bad (neck/ back ache, some dizzy ness, "flu-like" symptoms for up to 24 hours after taking. A switch to Cialis was great for a year or two but then things went much as they had with Viagra. I started injections 2 years ago, with results similar to yours for a while. But after about a year I began to have difficulty reaching orgasm, less so solo than with my understanding wife. My uro says if I am getting good erections (I am, for sure!) the problem is in my head. Advised to relax, don;t think about it...easier said than done! Like you (again) last stop will be implant. Too bad because I really like the injections when they work well. But on this site it seems those with implants are the ones most satisfied with their ED "cure".
I will wait and see before I make the commitment, but knowing it is a positive option makes me feel better about my future sex life. Five years ago I'd never have thought I'd be self-injecting my penis, but here I am. Good luck to you! :)

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