Stimulation for JO Sessions

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Stimulation for JO Sessions

Postby DougMac » Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:42 am

Greetings! If you have chatted with me, you know much of my story. I have been implanted since September 2013 and am very pleased with it! My wife enjoys the fact we can make love, but she has MANY health issues and much pain most of the time. I am able to "deliver" for her every time she wants, but only on RARE occasions am I able to climax during intercourse at all, much less with her. She is unwilling to do oral and she is unable to do anything but missionary.

I have a great imagination and we have many memories from a great sex life through the first 30+ years of our marriage. However, today's sex is simply my delivering for her (which I am happy to do), but her inability to do anything else lends itself towards boredom and doesn't allow me to do much else other than edge for long amounts of time. I often have difficulty with climaxing.

It is not my desire to resort to porn. I have enjoyed my Tenga 3D through the years, but I find myself wanting more. I ordered a prostrate massager and though it can do something and there is a degree of fantasy, it doesn't deliver the stimulation I need for stronger orgasm. Reaching out to my ED brothers with implants to share some masturbation toys that might help me.

Of course I am open to other stimulants as well, so if you have a toy to share info or some free advice, I am waiting to hear from you. Thanks!

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Re: Stimulation for JO Sessions

Postby jonbaldbg » Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:30 am

If you want an orgasm, use Yohimbine HCL, one 250 mg capsule 45-60 minutes before sex. It used to be prescribed for ED prior to Viagra. The prescribed dosage was twice that much three times a day. Some of the side effects lessened as I adjusted to the drug. I was also younger then.

Now, a word of CAUTION... It has side effects including:

Raised blood pressure for most of the rest of the day (sex in the mornign). It can shoot normal BP 120/80 and up to 165/95 or more. You can add a 20mg Cialis at the same time, which lowers blood pressure and mostly counteracts this side effect.

If you take it at night, you may not sleep. It is a stimulant and can cause anxiety and jitteriness.

If you want WebMD's gross list of side effects and want to see the worst, then check this out. I will add that my Primary Care Doctor and Urologist are aware I take this. I don't know how much they have researched it but I have their blessing. Now for the big, bad list of side effects from WebMD:

Yohimbe, taken by mouth, is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. Yohimbe has been linked to reports of severe side effects including irregular or rapid heart beat, kidney failure, seizure, heart attack, and others.

The primary active ingredient in yohimbe is a drug called yohimbine. This is considered a prescription drug in North America. This drug can be safely used short-term when monitored by a health professional. However, it is not appropriate for unsupervised use due to potentially serious side effects that it can cause.

Children should not take yohimbe. It is POSSIBLY UNSAFE for children because children appear to be extra sensitive to the harmful effects of yohimbe.

When taken by mouth in typical doses, yohimbe and the ingredient yohimbine can cause stomach upset, excitation, tremor, sleep problems, anxiety or agitation, high blood pressure, a racing heartbeat, dizziness, stomach problems, drooling, sinus pain, irritability, headache, frequent urination, bloating, rash, nausea, and vomiting.

Taking high doses can also cause other severe problems, including difficulty breathing, paralysis, very low blood pressure, heart problems, and death. After taking a one-day dose of yohimbine, one person reported an allergic reaction involving fever; chills; listlessness; itchy, scaly skin; progressive kidney failure; and symptoms that looked like the auto-immune disease called lupus.

It really works and I can't get by without it. Wish I could because the side effects are annoying for most of the day, but they are tolerale. I use Primaforce brand and it can be gotten on Amazon..
62 years old. ED for years. High BP and meds have done me in. AMS 700 CX /3.0 cm RTE Implanted by Andrew Kramer on 10/12/16. Involved revision to relocate tubes and pump performed 12/29/16 by Dr. Knoll of Nashville, TN.

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Re: Stimulation for JO Sessions

Postby Anonymous2 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:08 pm

Yohimdine, best thing for anyone is to just keep away from it, If I remember right it comes with some real serious warnings and I think far more than what's written above.

Not really worth it all for a shag guys.

This is a good link to go see,

Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Stimulation for JO Sessions

Postby Cigar56 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:54 pm

Try the Fleshlight. It's an amazing male sex toy. They're available on Amazon but make sure you aren't purchasing one of the knock offs.
I've tried everything -- pills, injections pumps -- and now I am at the final frontier.

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