Frank Talk Admin wrote:This IS a medical issue and it needs a two pronged approach. You need medical intervention to stop your self defeating thought cycle. then, once that downward spiral is under control, move on to therapeutic treatment. Eventually, you wean yourself off the meds
I work with men clinically with PE almost every day. PLEASE be careful with this therapist. What is their general approach? If they mention the squeeze method, run like hell.
Once again, family doctors don't know anything about sexual medicine...and NEITHER DO UROLOGISTS. ED and sexual issues are never part of a urologists training. A uro is a surgeon. Don't go to them for sexual help. You need to find a men's sexual medicine specialist. Where do you live?
Is it possible to treat PE with Herbal supplements. I read a lot about PE on this site
What they explain there sounds pretty sound and wise. Any thoughts.
They talk about the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system. And that you can make the parasympathetic
system stronger to make your sympathetic nerves weaker to reduce sensation and anxiety and release of adrenaline.
it sound good in my ears....What do you think?