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Re: New Member

Postby ED2013 » Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:14 pm

Did you ask if you will lose any size?

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Re: New Member

Postby jonbaldbg » Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:14 pm

My original, local urologist is the one who first told me about implants. He described the whole 8-week process to me. He said you will be sore and you will lose about an inch but the women don't seem to care.

I went to a different doctor who assured me I wouldn't lose length, his receptionist said I wouldn't lose any length. Have I lost any length? I don't know because I didn't thoroughly measure before surgery. And, I'm not up to 6 months yet. So time will tell. If I did lose length, I still enjoy this rock hard dick. They say that all the nerves in a woman's vagina are in the first 3 inches anyway,
62 years old. ED for years. High BP and meds have done me in. AMS 700 CX /3.0 cm RTE Implanted by Andrew Kramer on 10/12/16. Involved revision to relocate tubes and pump performed 12/29/16 by Dr. Knoll of Nashville, TN.

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Re: New Member

Postby drw1107 » Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:43 pm

Hey Jim,
We've talked a couple times now. I hope an implant will be my absolute final option and not really something I want to spend a ton of money on, but I understand what you're going through. How old were you when you started noticing things not quite going correctly?

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Re: New Member

Postby rdnkbiker » Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:32 pm

I was in my late 40s the last 5 years have been the worst I'm just so tired of all the disappointments that come with the pills creams Ect....have not had what you would call a election in a year
HBP since my 20s Full ED i was 55 when i received my implant January 17th 2017 sever scare tissue through corpora cavernosa clear to the glands (no blood flow) complete revision new equipment july 10th 2023 AMS CX 21cm very happy

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Re: New Member

Postby joe456 » Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:39 am

Hi waiting for penile implant 6 month away.

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Re: New Member

Postby joe456 » Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:42 am

Hi waiting for penile implant 6 month away.
drw1107 wrote:Hey Jim,
We've talked a couple times now. I hope an implant will be my absolute final option and not really something I want to spend a ton of money on, but I understand what you're going through. How old were you when you started noticing things not quite going correctly?

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Re: New Member

Postby rdnkbiker » Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:51 am

My implant is scheduled for jan 18th when my Uro set it up my insurance was going to cover most the cost and now only a few weeks until surgery they sent me a letter and said no it will not be covered after already giving us the ok and a conformation # so just more stress to add to an already stressful situation I have worked for the same company for 32 years always had good insurance until all the insurance changed its sad all my taxes I pay will give someone that doesn't work a implant but the guys working aren't covered so my Uro is trying to get them to change there decision I'm faced with maybe having to come up with a lot of money pretty quikly took me a year to finally make the decision to get a implant now this but ill figure out something thanks for all the support out here makes me feel a little better just to vent
HBP since my 20s Full ED i was 55 when i received my implant January 17th 2017 sever scare tissue through corpora cavernosa clear to the glands (no blood flow) complete revision new equipment july 10th 2023 AMS CX 21cm very happy

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Re: New Member

Postby jonbaldbg » Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:59 am

rdnkbiker wrote:My implant is scheduled for jan 18th when my Uro set it up my insurance was going to cover most the cost and now only a few weeks until surgery they sent me a letter and said no it will not be covered after already giving us the ok and a conformation # so just more stress to add to an already stressful situation I have worked for the same company for 32 years always had good insurance until all the insurance changed its sad all my taxes I pay will give someone that doesn't work a implant but the guys working aren't covered so my Uro is trying to get them to change there decision I'm faced with maybe having to come up with a lot of money pretty quikly took me a year to finally make the decision to get a implant now this but ill figure out something thanks for all the support out here makes me feel a little better just to vent


Can you get documentation from your insurance company regarding benefits and even implant criteria. I have BCBS and they had a one-page document on implants that defined the criteria for "medically necessary." I met the criteria so they covered the implant.

How old are you? Medicare does pay for implants. Anyway, I hope you can dig and maybe get this done. Hopefully your doctor is a strong and effective advocate and can persuade them to pay.
62 years old. ED for years. High BP and meds have done me in. AMS 700 CX /3.0 cm RTE Implanted by Andrew Kramer on 10/12/16. Involved revision to relocate tubes and pump performed 12/29/16 by Dr. Knoll of Nashville, TN.

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Re: New Member

Postby rdnkbiker » Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:46 am

I'm 55 still young lol haven't heard from the doc yet maybe not news is good news it is a medical issue and like I said they already approved it and then came back and denied it just waiting on the call now shouldn't be this stressful I guess one way.or another I'll figure it out might have to eat crackers for the next few years
HBP since my 20s Full ED i was 55 when i received my implant January 17th 2017 sever scare tissue through corpora cavernosa clear to the glands (no blood flow) complete revision new equipment july 10th 2023 AMS CX 21cm very happy

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