Desperately searching for answers

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Desperately searching for answers

Postby Flannigan » Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:10 pm

Hello mates,

I am a 53 year old male and I have always considered myself to be in relatively good health. About 8 years ago and right after my divorce I noticed I started having ED issues. I was so excited to finally be out of a horrible marriage and free to play the field again. I dated several women and was always very excited to have some new fun after being with the same women for 25 years but everytime I found myself in bed with someone new my wanker just did not respond as it should. Needless to say my self esteem and ego took a heavy hit.

So I decided to go get checked out. The doctor gave me a full physical and all my blood work was good. My cholesterol is a point higher than normal but nothing excessive. I am 6'1 and weigh 225 and go to the gym 2 - 3 times a week. I did have low testosterone though at about 275. I have had it checked a few more times and it seems to always be on the low side.

I started taking Viagra about 6 years ago with great success. My sex life was back and I was taking advantage of it as often as possible and it was quite often. I didn't bother with going thru the testosterone replacement therapy because I was perfectly satisfied with the results I was getting with the Viagra. However, recently I have been getting very bad side affects from the Viagra. Initially I had the typical facial flushing and nasal congestion but now my lower back and general body aches the day after are almost unbearable. I would endure the pain for a couple days before it would go away but now it's lasting for a week. I just can't do it anymore. I feel like it's killing me. I did try Cialis and Levitra but they made me feel even worse. I think the Viagra has built up in my system and I can't flush it out.

What's really scaring me though is that I met the girl of my dreams and we have been dating for 3 years now. She is a sexual animal and wants it every day and all the time. At first things were mind blowing but now she is starting to feel all the same side affects I am. I have talked to a few doctors about this and they have all said that it's in my head but I am absolutely sure that it is all coming from the Viagra. So for 2 years I took Viagra without telling her. (I feel bad about that but it was nice making her think that I was such a stud that I could have sex with her 4 times a day) So it all finally caught up with me and I had to tell her. She took it ok but is now very worried about where we go from here. I am in love with this woman and she is with me.

So I went back to the doctor and we are now working on getting my testosterone level up. I am now in the mid 500's but my wanker is still not getting hard enough and I feel like I have lost my libido. I don't know what to do. My beautiful girlfriend is about to call it quits. She loves me but if I can't make love to her than it's just not going to work. She is very sexual and extremely attractive. A 10 for sure and at 52 she has a body like a 28 year old. She has no problem attracting men.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me without resulting to taking Viagra ? Has anyone ever experienced their partners being affected by the Viagra. I don't want to lose this woman and she is trying to be patient with me but she can't hold out much longer. I am desperately seeking a solution. Your help and advice and appreciated.


53 years old. Suffering from ED since I was 45. Side effects from Viagra now too much to take. Started Trimix injections July 2017. Very low dose. 6 units @ 8.8/.29/2.9.

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Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby cincinnatus1951 » Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:36 pm

Flannigan: The "cures" for ED are basically, pills, vacuum pumps, injections and implants. Based on the activity you report, implant is your only viable option to support that level of sexual activity. injections should only be used twice a week on a regular basis. you do not like the pills and Vacuum won;t support that level of activity either. i have an implant and we love it. Don;t use it nearly as much as you state, however that is likely your best option
Age 79, Wife 77 Married 52yrs RPP Dr Brian Miles, Houston Methodist, July 2013. Used VED, pills, MUSE, and trimix with no or mixed results. 18cm Titan, one RTE by Dr Mohit Khera, Baylor, Houston, Jan 2016

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Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby Flannigan » Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:26 pm

Cincinnatus...thanks for the response. Are you able to achieve orgasm with the implant ? I would imagine it's pretty expensive especially since insurance won't cover a darn thing.
53 years old. Suffering from ED since I was 45. Side effects from Viagra now too much to take. Started Trimix injections July 2017. Very low dose. 6 units @ 8.8/.29/2.9.

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Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby cincinnatus1951 » Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:05 pm

Flannigan: Yes the implant would support that level of activity. Medicare covers implants. You are too likely too young for Mediare. Without insurance, implants are indeed expensive. Some docs will discount for cash payments or time payments in cash. I'd talk with some of the "gurus" and see what you can negotiate. Good Luck
Age 79, Wife 77 Married 52yrs RPP Dr Brian Miles, Houston Methodist, July 2013. Used VED, pills, MUSE, and trimix with no or mixed results. 18cm Titan, one RTE by Dr Mohit Khera, Baylor, Houston, Jan 2016

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Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby Eveready » Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:53 am

Sounds as if you are being a bit hard on yourself: regard using Viagra as kinda shameful, and losing libido because you can't maintain the might sword erection of your younger days? Hey - join the club!
I can't speak for your girl, but the bride sure likes having her pussy eaten. We have learned that the entirety of the female crotch is alive with possibilities of deep pleasure. Apparently lot of guys won't go there. They should give it a try.
Of course, it's not the same as having the cock you were used to at 15, but that too can (I understand) be pretty much recovered with implants. Got mine, just waiting a few weeks until I can batter the bride into submission with it.
Melbourne, Oz. Radical prostatectomy & titan implant at 60. Size uncertain, but big enough to hang onto. Nah, it's huge!

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Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby Flannigan » Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:05 pm

Thanks for the responses mates. Much appreciated. Eveready...I definitely have no problem camping out between my girls thighs. It's one of my happy places. She enjoys it thoroughly too and has no problem reaching orgasm but it's just not the same as me pile driving her. The woman loves the cock. Just another reason I dig her so much. I've never been with a woman that is just so into having sex and has no hang ups nor should she. That's probably why this is so frustrating for me.

This woman absolutely turns me on but without the Viagra I just can't seem to get hard and it's driving me nuts. With the other girls in the past (probably about 10 of them since my divorce) I could not get hard either but I always just thought they really didn't do it for me. Well...this chick does do it for me so I need to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. I am only 53 and I am in pretty good shape. I don't smoke and I am not overweight and I have decent self esteem but this ED thing is bringing me down. My testosterone level has been low (below 300) for at least the past 5 years and maybe longer so I am working on bringing that up and hope that it solves the problem. If not...I am not sure where I go from there. My girl loves me and is being patient but she will not wait forever and I am getting a little concerned.

Any positive feedback or words of encouragement are appreciated.
53 years old. Suffering from ED since I was 45. Side effects from Viagra now too much to take. Started Trimix injections July 2017. Very low dose. 6 units @ 8.8/.29/2.9.

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Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby Eveready » Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:10 pm

Sounds like you're leading a far healthier life than I. Nevertheless I'm certainly hoping that my balloons are going to pay off big time!
We're aiming at a second puberty here, only better: none of that teenage girl "eww" stuff, and no mess. (Although secretly I do miss that. Call me a pig.)
And one of the nice things about it is that the bride is highly appreciative of the, ah,"discomfort" that I'm enduring at present. No gain without considerable pain etc.
Melbourne, Oz. Radical prostatectomy & titan implant at 60. Size uncertain, but big enough to hang onto. Nah, it's huge!

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Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby David_R » Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:33 am

Some insurance plans, when they refuse to cover an implant, will consider one if they do cover breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. Both procedures are not necessary to stay alive, but they both make life better for your body and your mind. Some doctors' offices will go to bat for you with those companies. Has that been explored?

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Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby Flannigan » Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:24 am

Thanks again for the responses. I have not really even begun to think about an implant. It hasn't even crossed my mind until I got on this forum. I am really hoping that with some testosterone replacement therapy that my cock will start cooperating again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I am actually surprised to hear about so many dudes using implants. I had no idea. I hear mostly good things about them but still have not been able to wrap my head around the idea. Not sure if my girl would be into it either. I know she loves me but I am concerned it might turn her off to the point where she will have to cut me loose.

Eveready...thanks for the laugh. Good luck with that second puberty. Hopefully it will be as good as it was when you were 17 just without the acne :)

53 years old. Suffering from ED since I was 45. Side effects from Viagra now too much to take. Started Trimix injections July 2017. Very low dose. 6 units @ 8.8/.29/2.9.

Posts: 77
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:38 am

Re: Desperately searching for answers

Postby Eveready » Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:27 pm

Well, here's hoping.
Some years ago I got onto testosterone replacement through a general practitioner here in Melbourne. Whether it had any revitalising effect I'm not sure about - I sure didn't notice anything remarkable, but the infant took to referring to it as my anger management cream ... But otherwise, I really don't think it did much for the cock. Your mileage may vary, of course.
A second GP was subsequently horrified by the amount of testosterone I had been prescribed, suggesting that it greatly increased my cancer risk. Whether my recent experience of prostate cancer at age 60 has anything to with that I know not and am not inclined to dwell on.
But I'd just be a wee bit careful of dosage and not necessarily have expectations too high. If you're on a safe dose, it won't do you harm, and may at the least aid a general sense of well being.
Although right now I am suffering the tortures of the damned (how is it that some guys' recovery from implant surgery is so swift? Oh I know - it must be because I have so much dick that I got extra pain receptors built in) I have seen the mountaintop, and have no doubt that the implant was the right way for me (and the bride) to go. (The mountaintop looks like a boiled bratwurst, just before the skin bursts open.)
Melbourne, Oz. Radical prostatectomy & titan implant at 60. Size uncertain, but big enough to hang onto. Nah, it's huge!

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