coloplast deflation

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Re: coloplast deflation

Postby bbb2.5 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 5:22 am

Smetro wrote:
Eveready wrote:Boca
I'm just a little further along the Titan road than you, so others' experience may be more valuable, but I'm anticipating that my flaccid self will never be as beautiful as once it was! Quite sharp folds beneath the skin (that correspond with areas of sometimes exquisitely painful flesh on the surface), dressing much more definitely on the left than before - probably pointing around 20 degrees off centre.
The pain at the folds has been getting better, but not quickly.

I promise you that these things will subside with time.
I now only fully deflate when going to sleep, all other times I am 1/3 inflated and most discomfort is gone. I had the same issues as you but the more I use mine including twice daily cycling the softer and more supple my implant becomes..... You'll see :)

My question for you is this, if you inflate 1/3 during the day, how do you manage or place it in your underwear? I wear jeans to work everyday. I'm to big for it point up towards my belly button. Does it feel comfortable laying to the side, which is how I normally lays in my underwear?

Posts: 77
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:38 am

Re: coloplast deflation

Postby Eveready » Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:04 pm

Sideways or slightly down the leg is quite comfortable for me now - just over two months post-op.
I will say that it's only been the last 10 days or so that I've been pain free, but then circumstances have conspired against me - travelling and using hostels that aren't exactly great for privacy - so I've not been cycling very much at all. Last time I did pump up the unlicensed concealed weapon - a few days ago - results were pretty good, though my natural slight curve to the left is a bit exaggerated yet. Get home next week, and inflation and use will start in earnest.
And I leave it partly inflated all the time - just to a satisfactory thickness ...
Melbourne, Oz. Radical prostatectomy & titan implant at 60. Size uncertain, but big enough to hang onto. Nah, it's huge!

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