My New Dick Diary

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.

Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby DaveET1 » Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:21 am

Your "innie" dick has permanently become an outie (hehe). As others have already said, congratulations! You are going to LOVE this.

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Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby radioradio » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:40 am

Saturday, day 4

I think I got ahead of myself yesterday. This was going so well, I thought. Now I'm into the dreaded day three that people have posted about. I'm not having second thoughts, but I sure am uncomfortable, and my boys are letting me know they're not happy with the new kid on the block. Pain at the tip and base of my penis. Ouch.

Bob 2.0
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.


Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby DaveET1 » Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:01 pm

I think days 2 and 3 are probably the worst. Get in your recliner. Roll up a small towel and slide it under your scrotum to elevate it some, then put a bag of ice, peas, corn whatever, on top, with a washcloth under it so you won't get frozen. Take your pain med and then try to go to sleep. The clock and the calendar will keep running while you are asleep, and before you know it, it will be next week.

The most important thing is, DO NOT start running all over the place as soon as you feel you can. Surprise, you can't, and you will pay for it. Just sit this out.

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Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby DaveKell » Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:04 pm

DaveET1 wrote:The most important thing is, DO NOT start running all over the place as soon as you feel you can. Surprise, you can't, and you will pay for it. Just sit this out.

And above all don't mow a bumpy one acre yard on a riding mower like I did the other day. I AM paying for it!!!
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby nbriley » Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:39 pm

Great advice guys, thanks I'll definitely keep all this in mind when my time comes
Pump, pills and Trimix no longer work
Surgery November 7, 2017 Dr Hakky. AMS CX

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Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby radioradio » Sat Aug 05, 2017 5:07 pm

Actually, day 3

Sorry for the number confusion. Meds have my brain farting.

Wow, I take back everything I said about how much I overestimated how uncomfortable the recovery would be. :(

Trying to lay off the pain meds so that I can take a crap. Nothing seems to be working. I'm about ready for a Fleets.

Meanwhile, back at that most important of places -- my junkyard -- nobody is happy. Ice and flat on my back is about the only way I get relief....

Bob 2.0
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

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Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby Mastercard » Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:28 pm

radioradio wrote:
alibaba wrote:It is common to hear day 3 is the worst. Long acting injection wearing off, moving around too much. It gets better from here. Take it easy. Watch those reruns and "Do I poop enough" garbage shows on Direct TV they cram into your $94 a month bill to con you into thinking you are getting a big deal, lots of channels. By the time home shopping network delivers all the junk you wish you never ordered you will be ready to try it out. Cheers.

Wow, I really spoke too soon. I just woke up to a wet bed. And I don't mean just a little wet. I slept fine with two pain pills and an ambien, but woke up soaked. Not good.
Anyone else experience this?
Bob 2.0


I did not wake up to a wet bed yet but I do get a strong urge to pee when I stand up from laying down. If I do not go straight to the bathroom I will have wet carpet. I am not taking the meds and going into a deep sleep which may be saving me from wetting the bed. I think our symptoms are the same but you maybe sleeping through it. Do you lose control when you are not sleeping?
65 yrs old with long history of ED. RP in 2015. Used pills and injections they became ineffective. Implanted by Dr. Andrew Kramer on Aug 2 2017 Titan 22 cm 1 rte

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Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby radioradio » Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:46 pm

No. I'm good when awake. Was good sleeping, too. Will take some safety measures tonight.
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

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Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby Tybeeman » Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:48 pm

radioradio wrote:No. I'm good when awake. Was good sleeping, too. Will take some safety measures tonight.

Stick a pad in there. I only had one night with that problem. You will be fine.
PC at age 56
RALP on 2/16
Implant on 6/26/2017 Doctor Tariq Hakky
Coloplast Titan OTR, 22cm with 1 cm RTE

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Re: My New Dick Diary

Postby radioradio » Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:00 pm

Glad I kept the extras after my RP!
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

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