Larry10625 wrote:caninoespacial wrote:bbb2.5 wrote:
That was very thoughtful of you Hugh....@ caninoespacial... as indicated by others there are indeed other great surgeons , not just Kramer and Eid. They are the most well known. Hugh, Tybeeman and I have a fantastic surgeon here in the USA in the great state of Georgia... Dr. Hakky is his name.
Do your research ask question, send emails to potential Doctors and hospitals.... Set up yourself a Gofund me page. Not sure if you know what that is, but you can search for it on the web..... Keep looking.
Yes, doctor Hakky also has many recomendations, it's great to have a more than two options, I was starting to get really worried about the seemingly narrow range of choices.
There are thousands of great doctors world wide. Just because they aren't on the FrankTalk list of two doesn't mean a thing. My doctor refuses to advertise and even asked me to stop working on his behalf. He has more patients then he can handle. He says that every year at the conference for urologists, he hears the same thing.... everybody is busy. Urologists here in Canada also treat women... every heard of a woman with a penile implant? No, of course not. They also perform many other types of surgery. Are they "high volume" penile implant specialists? I have no idea. I research online. I found a few bad comments about my surgeon. Basically the complaints were that he never listens and doesn't make time to answer questions... Now, for "THE REST OF THE STORY". Dr. Brock has such respect for his patients that he keeps his appointments ON TIME. Some patients ask no questions and others want him to spend all day asking every stupid question you can think of... "Do all Capricorn's get prostrate cancer"? I know there are no stupid questions but... there is too stupid questions. So I do my homework and discover that my surgeon is a professor and teaches worldwide... back in May he was teaching in Australia... He has many awards and has been posted dozens of times. So I go in to my appointment and he is very pleasant. He answered all my questions and gave me his card with his personal email address. Then I think of a few more questions so, not wanting to bother him, I email his secretary and figure she can get the answer and pass it on to me. Nope, Dr. Brock personally calls me within less than 24 hours. Once again, he answered all my questions. Since then I have had about twenty email conversations with him. Is he a high volume implant surgeon? Who knows. My point here is, you don't have to do 5 implants a day to be a great surgeon.
Larry I agree. Granted anyone that has taught will say there are no stupid question. Ther are ignorant, does not apply total off topic questions.
I think that when we talk about our surgerons it should just be he/she did this for me, did not do this. I have no idea how many surgeries Dr Hakky does. I do know his pratice has it own surgery center i think 6 dr total. He does his his implants on Monday did prostate reduction on a Thursday is at his other location on Wenesday. He still responds to emails quickly unless his phone falls in water.