hturner12 wrote:My surgeon gave me his email
My Doctors never do. HIPA prevents that degree of attention to care nowadays.
Edited to respond to the fat that some Doctors DO take phone calls and emails:
Each office sets their own rules. The two local civilian offices I have dealt with have front offices that do not allow patien-initiated contact with the Doctors (at least ones who have not had the actual surgery yet but only the prrliminary stuff) this may be because i am a VA patient--I don't know. The 3 VA facilities/hospitals and the one military hospital where i had the implanr do not provide easy access to the Doctors.
Dr Eid and Dr Kramer have accepted my emailed queries with ease, so I know different people WILL have different experiences.
I accept this limited access as part of the cost of gaining the EXCELLENT treatment provided to me as a disabled USAF Veteran. I knew this going in and yhat, in a small way influenced the amount of effort I put into my preop research.